文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the wisdom that human society has learned through years of experience and failure.

2021年05月01日 22時51分39秒 | 全般

The following is from today's Sankei Shou.
U.S. President Joe Biden, who at a March 25 news conference described the current state of the world as "a battle between democratic and autocrat forces," called Chinese President Xi Jinping by name in his April 28 policy speech.
The "autocrat. The autocrat is the ruler who does as he pleases, unrestrained by law or popular opinion.
"The autocrats believe that Democracy cannot compete with the autocrat state because it takes too long to reach a consensus."
Biden also said, but this perception is correct.
China's top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, a member of the Communist Party's Political Bureau, asserted in March that "many Americans have lost faith in Democracy."
It is true that Democracy is a complicated procedure and takes a lot of time and effort because it respects the freedom and diverse needs of the people.
It is ironic that the corona disaster in Wuhan, China, an autocrat country, has made the fragility of democracies even more apparent.
But there is no point in flinching here and being disappointed in Democracy.
The word of Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, is famous.
 "Democracy is the worst kind of politics. Except for all political systems other than Democracy, that is."
It is the wisdom that human society has learned through years of experience and failure.
No matter how troublesome and time-consuming it may be, we should not succumb to the intimidation and temptation of autocrats and totalitarians.
However, it is entirely different from taking steps and deliberating, giving up what to do, and prolonging the discussion.
How is the world situation reflected in the political parties that argue that the Constitutional Reform debate is unnecessary and urgent at the National Assembly's Constitutional Review Board and that they oppose the National Assembly's resolution condemning the suppression of ethnic minorities by arguing with China, which is closely related to them? Is it?
The people cannot stand it when they abuse the freedom that democracy respects and exercise their freedom not to confront the autocrat at will.



