文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

No wonder the world's merchants took advantage of this folly.

2024年07月13日 09時22分57秒 | 全般

Unusually high housing costs in Tokyo...Tokyo is home to a high concentration of media outlets, such as Asahi Shimbun and NHK,
July 11, 2018
A new book proving that Masayuki Takayama is the one and only journalist in the postwar world is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
I came across the book in the book review column of the Sankei Shimbun on July 7, and in the introduction, there was a section titled "Asahi Shimbun Slams Toshiba to the Extent It Deserves.
For a moment, I could not understand why Asahi was slamming Toshiba so hard.
The 7 o'clock news showed footage of a river suddenly overflowing today in Fuchu City, Hiroshima.
French satellite images were showing several landslides that had not yet been confirmed.
I was even angry.
The Asahi Shimbun was, through and through, a company destroying Japan.
Suddenly, I understood.
The Asahi Shimbun was unusually critical of Toshiba because Toshiba is one of the world's best nuclear technology companies.
The anti-nuclear movement, which may now even be manipulated by China and the Korean peninsula, is a significant blow to Japan's national strength in terms of industrial and military power. It is a well-known fact that China and South Korea have made a national decision to build more nuclear power plants, which is the opposite of Japan's.
Anyway, the Asahi Shimbun is an extraordinary company.
They are always ready to slam anyone who opposes their masochistic view of history, anti-Japanese ideology, and pseudo-moralism.
They are no longer a group of decent people.
Their polls showed that many people were sympathetic to this newspaper company's campaign against the restart of nuclear power plants and the abolition of nuclear power.
So, even now, the government has been unable to restore nuclear power to its original state.

As I have mentioned, the amount of electricity generated by a single nuclear power plant is enormous.
As I have mentioned, the Asahi Shimbun, the NHK, and other media and opposition politicians sympathetic to the Asahi Shimbun have shut down all 54 nuclear reactors, among the world's top three.
The decision to immediately shut down the core power source, which had always generated more than 30 million kW of electricity, was as foolish as a kindergartener's and was not the policy decision of a sane country.
No wonder the world's merchants took advantage of this folly.
They immediately sold fossil fuels to Japan at a considerable profit, calling it the Japan Premium.
That is true. 
If Japan does not buy them, no matter how expensive, its economy will collapse instantly...the supply of electricity, the minimum requirement for a civilized nation, will cease and become a dark society.
In just a few years, the Japanese nation's national wealth has lost 15 trillion yen due to such kindergartener-like foolishness.
The amount of national wealth (i.e., taxpayers' money) that the Asahi Shimbun and opposition politicians talk about in their attacks on the administration and their pseudo-moralism about correcting the disparity is 100% achievable, and it has disappeared while generating massive amounts of greenhouse gases.
I firmly believe that the torrential rains that hit the western part of Japan this time, which were nothing but an anomaly, were brought about by the absolute opposition movement against restarting nuclear power plants, which has been promoted by the media, including three people who can no longer be called villains: the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, which have been sympathetic to this movement.
There is only one thing that those who have had the misfortune of being struck by extreme weather should think about and insist on.
If you genuinely care about where you live now, where you live...if you truly care about your hometown until the day you die, then restart all nuclear power plants immediately! ...and immediately drastically reduce the use of fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases in the form of LNG, coal, and oil.......................back to the way it was before 2011!
You should know there is no other way to live where you are.
If you leave your beloved hometown for needlessly crowded and unusually expensive Tokyo...where the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and other media outlets are concentrated,
Unless you don't love your hometown much, are willing to abandon it at any time, and want to live in a city like Tokyo...,
If the status quo continues, not even allowing nuclear reactors to restart and moving forward with installing solar panels, then life in your hometown will no longer be possible.

Sometimes, I dream that I'm on the hill
Chasing the wild hares freely at will
Catching small fish as the brook murmurs by
Place of my birthright, for you, I sigh.

The above Japanese scene is one we have been humming since childhood.
Now, it can only be mountains of landslides and rivers of rising water and flooding,
It is time for you to realize that you have no choice but to continue to support the self-defeating, anti-Japanese ideology, pseudo-moralism, and the living dead, communism of the traitor media such as Asahi Shimbun and NHK, and the traitor politicians in the opposition parties, and lose your homeland.


2024/7/8 in Akashi
