文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! But now I am convinced. It is gratitude. Especially since August 2014.

2024年06月21日 21時19分36秒 | 全般

Last night, I had a suggestive dream.
Without hesitation, I had a dream worthy of a genius.
I dreamed of winning a gold medal at the Paris Olympics, almost like a Nobel Prize.
And I was sure that I was going to win the gold medal.
What kind of gold medal was it? It was a gold medal for taste.

I had been thinking of writing a paper about genius for a while.
However, since some personal matters were involved, I thought of writing it as a paid article for the first time on "note."
As I recall, it was the night before last.
I opened "note" to see what I had to do to make it a paid article.
When I tried to submit the article, I was told, "You are temporarily unable to submit the article. It will be a while..." The message appeared.
I tried again, and to my surprise, all the chapters I had been writing almost every day since 9/9/2023 had been suspended.

I have already explained how I had no choice but to appear on the Internet on 7/16/2010 to tell the Japanese and the rest of the world the truth about the situation.
At first, I kept sending out the same article from three different sites: goo, Ameba, and FC2.
I wanted as many people as possible to know about it, and I wanted it to be conveyed to as many people as possible.
It took a lot of work to publish the same article on three websites if not two.
When I heard that FC2 had a lousy reputation for posting pornography, I decided to discontinue using FC2.
I was relieved to have one less thing to do.
From then until 8/8 last year, we continued to post over 200,000 articles to the two companies almost daily.
Then, on 8/8, when I posted an article on Ameba, I got a message saying, "It is under maintenance...
I was suspicious because I had not received any such notice from the management office, so I searched this way and that.
It was strange when the login screen appeared, so I typed in my ID and password.
The situation was not resolved, and the entire chapter, which amounted to over 200,000 entries, had been deleted.
The subsequent circumstances have already been described.
I want to file a lawsuit against CyberAgent, the operating company...in this case, including psychological damages...to convert the time and effort required to create these over 200,000 articles into a monetary amount, and demand not only strict punishment for criminal acts such as copyright infringement but also claim huge damages. I thought about filing a lawsuit to claim huge damages.
However, I had already experienced that starting a lawsuit would cost at least several million yen, the length of Japanese courts, and the fact that individual damages, unlike in the U.S., usually do not amount to a large sum of money.
If something happened, for example, I became very ill and had very little time left to live, I would never forgive this company.
I would never forgive this company because it is a mere money-making company with no concept of free speech itself, even though it has become a publicly traded company that has grown large by operating a website in the field of speech.
The way they use speech as bait to make money is the lowest form of human behavior.
The managers and employees of this company may think they are successful people and are enjoying the springtime of their lives.
Even if there is no condemnation in this life, King Yama in hell will judge them.

Now, let's take a look at NOTE.
I knew the name but did not know what kind of company it was, so I searched for it.
As I am always in a hurry at times like this, I looked at it obliquely and realized that I had made a severe mistake in this case.
As I may have written somewhere, I had mistakenly thought until the day before yesterday that this company's manager (founder) was a person who entered and graduated from Osaka University.

I knew that one of my close classmates had entered and graduated from Osaka University and was working for a major trading company.
As I have already mentioned, it was at the Yodoyabashi subway station that I happened to meet him again during my days at Haseko, where I had joined the company as a mid-career recruiter and worked for Haseko, having been forced to turn my life sideways at the time.
He happened to live in a condominium in Ryokuchi Park that Haseko had constructed and sold, and the night I was invited to his house for dinner was one of the most unforgettable memories of my life.
I had already heard that he had married a student when I was in Sendai.
At that time, my classmates in Sendai used to say, "Is there such a thing as a beautiful woman at Osaka University?

When I saw his wife, I immediately understood.
I understood at a glance why he, a man of great character and good looks, had married while still a student.
She was not only beautiful but a wonderful woman.
In the middle of our endless chats, looking over the balcony at the occasional airplane heading for Itami Airport, his loving wife would bring out exquisite dishes at just the right time.
He told me that he had gained weight since he got married... but it was no wonder; she was a wonderful woman, the ideal woman for a man.
It was no wonder they got married when they were students.

When he was transferred to the New York branch, we decided, at his request, to rent his house as company housing to a prestigious company representing Japan.
It was also a good match.
When he did not return to Japan anytime soon, I was surprised when I inquired about it.
He had left the company and now works as a lawyer at a well-known law firm in New York.
He was the top student in the humanities at my alma mater.
I would have considered him my only rival if I had not had the aforementioned family misfortune.
After all, his English was outstanding.
I taught a unit in my world history class twice for two hours, with the teacher saying, "Kisara knows this part better than me..." 
His English ability was also equal to that of the teacher.

There is a scene that I still vividly remember from my time at my alma mater.
There was a time when he asked me, "What's wrong?"
When he heard my story, he said, "I had no idea that you were in such a situation; I didn't realize it..." 
There was no way he could comfort me, he muttered.
By the time we were feasting at his home, though, he had already forgotten about it.
After all, he was sailing smoothly, living the best life with the best companion.

Osaka University is him and Nobuyuki Kaji, who graduated from Kyoto University and is now a professor emeritus at Osaka University.
So, as soon as I saw the name of Osaka University in the article about the founder of Note, I immediately jumped to a conclusion.
I thought, "This will be all right."
However, the day before yesterday, I thought, "This is not something a graduate of Osaka University would do," so I searched again and realized I was careless.
He was not a graduate of Osaka University.
He had graduated from Yokohama City University.
He had studied some subjects at Osaka University as a graduate student.

In extreme cases, there is a world of difference between Yokohama City University and Osaka University.
There is no way he has as deep an understanding of freedom of speech, the importance of speech, the nature of speech, or the nature of things as my good friend or Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji.
It is no exaggeration to say that they think of speech as a means of making money or using it as a means of making money, but they are ignorant about freedom of speech and the nature of speech.

It is better than Ameba, which suddenly deleted over 200,000 chapters = of all of my work and is still doing so with impunity.
The vicious thing about Ameba is that they can do unbelievable things without a care, yet they still say, "Thanks for all your great posts," or "I'm glad you're following us.
The maliciousness of Ameba is evident in the fact that they do unbelievable things and then send me emails every day saying, "Thank you for your great posts," or "The new post by XXX you are following is here..." and so on.

Just before this incident occurred, strange people who were different from those following me until then started following me on Note.
There was a blog that seemed aimed at selling products and a blog by a man who had recently started an erotic novel about three women under the guise of a plausible story.
Then, some blogs talk about asset building with virtual currency.
Likes" from such people suddenly started arriving.

In X, a foreign woman of unknown nationality, dressed in a pornographic outfit, sent countless "Likes" with an ID that attempted to lead recipients to dangerous websites.
I reported and blocked them each time, but one day, the number of likes reached more than 20.
Then, the night before last, there was an incident.

This column, which I have been continuing since July 16, 2010, is a genuine website operated by a major Japanese company.
Last year, on 8/8/2023, at the same time as the Ameba incident occurred, I received a notice in the "Notification" column stating that four articles had been suspended from the site.
Huh? I clicked on them to see what chapters they were. 
I found that all chapters attempted to introduce readers to articles posted on the Internet (all of which were obviously true) about Kiyomi Tsujimoto.
In other words, it was not too much to say that it was a chapter that had nothing to do with the essence of my "Turntable of Civilization," so I left it alone.
But then, I thought, after deleting one of those chapters, that I should delete it.
Let's leave the other three.
I don't know if it was Kiyomi Tsujimoto or someone related to her, but why not leave them as examples of how they do this? 
How do they suppress speech in this way?

The night before last, I suddenly thought about it and looked at the notification column, and to my surprise, the number of notifications had increased to 12! The number of notifications had risen to 12 at once.
I clicked on them and found that they were articles on the Internet about Kiyomi Tsujimoto or chapters in which I had added my short commentary.
The Tokyo gubernatorial election has just started.
Kiyomi Tsujimoto is a senior member of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and a strong supporter of Renho.
I see, so this is the cause.
Still, what an outrage to suspend the publication of all the chapters I have been writing almost every day since I opened the site on 9/9 last year!
As note users know, the reward marks for achieving milestone posting achievements became a significant number on my blog.

The most important reason I found NOTE helpful was that it allowed me to post photos at the top of my posts.
I have taken over 200,000 photos, mainly in Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, and Osaka.
I am proud to say that I am the best amateur photographer in the world, especially in Kyoto.
If I were to add up the fees paid to shrines, temples, and shrines, and the cost of transportation, I would also be the world's most prominent individual photographer.

My photos live on.
Just storing my photos on my PC is equivalent to storing them in a dead space.
With this, my photos will finally come to life.
I will be able to share the beauty of my photos with people worldwide.
After all, it can be published like a title at the top of the chapter.
I have been placing my photos at the end of the articles in this column, sandwiching them between the top and bottom.

I went out to take pictures on a sunny day, and on the same day or the next day, I put the photos at the top of the chapter that I had posted in my Note the day before.
At the same time, I also looked at the quality of the photos I took.
Since many chapters need to be sent to the world, this alone is a pretty tiring and arduous task.
Continuing to post these photos at the top of the page was causing me to have an upset stomach.
It was such a difficult task.
More significant was the joy of seeing the quality of the photos I had taken on the top page of the paper, of which I am very proud.
That is why I was able to continue working on it.

I can't extend my lunch any further, so I'll stop here.
I'll stop here, but I'd like to write one thing.
The day before yesterday, coinciding with the incident at night, the tampering with the search analysis of this column, this criminal act, has stopped since June 6.
It is the second time this year.
This time, it was in the second week.
My acquaintance had guessed that he must have made money in the stock market and was on an overseas trip.
That is when the criminal activities started resuming following this incident.

Why do I continue to write in the world of the Internet, where such evil spirits abound while continuing to receive so much interference?
Moreover, it is entirely free of charge.
As already mentioned, Kukai's teachings are the best example of this.
But now I am convinced.
It is gratitude.
Especially since August 2014.
I used to subscribe to Asahi and Nikkei and watch NHK and commercial news programs.
After breaking those bad habits, Masayuki Takayama appeared.
My gratitude for the work of the world's best intellect and the world-class intelligence that Japan boasts, led by him, will allow me to continue writing this column for another 170 years.
I will continue to write this column for another 170 years to let the people of Japan and the rest of the world know that Japan has an intellect worthy of living in the 21st century.
This article continues.


2023/6/10 in Osaka

