文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was the MacArthur Constitution that made them believe so.

2024年06月25日 10時05分35秒 | 全般

In fact, Japan's islands have been taken by the likes of China and South Korea, and nothing can be done about it. We cannot even take back the four northern islands. We are beginning to perish and haven't even realized it yet.
June 17, 2022

The following is from an article in the Sankei Shimbun distributed online last night.
The editorial below the note mark is mine.
Prime Minister Cautious about Sharing Nuclear Weapons: "It could be a catalyst for proliferation
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP), appeared on TV Asahi on the evening of November 16 and spoke about "nuclear sharing," in which U.S. nuclear weapons would be deployed and jointly operated in the territory of Japan, saying, "Given the overwhelming destructive power of atomic weapons, this could be a trigger that would spur nuclear proliferation. We must be cautious when discussing atomic sharing.

*It is an obvious fact that it is only a matter of time before China increases its arsenal to at least 800 nuclear warheads.
Fumio Kishida is, in fact, not the caliber of Prime Minister of Japan.
He is merely a useful vessel for the media and the Ministry of Finance, including the Asahi Shimbun.
He is not a politician who can save Japan from an attack by China, the worst nation in history.
He is a politician, not a statesman.* 

The following is a column by Masayuki Takayama, which appeared in yesterday's issue of weekly Shincho.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
He is now 79 years old.
All those with discerning eyes must lament his recent editorial.

We are ruined.
Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) began to think about tomorrow for the people of Asia when Japan's defeat was in sight.
He consulted with Aleš Hrdlička, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution. 
He proposed the idea of "interbreeding superior Caucasians with Asians.
This method was modeled after the Spanish, who once raped Indio women in the New World and made them give birth to mestizos.
The Asian men would then be out of the way, but they could not be killed off in the Spanish way.
Anthropologists proposed making them walk down a passageway where powerful magnetic waves flowed.
It would "sterilize them in just 20 seconds without pain," he said.
But the Japanese can't be improved, he says, because "their skulls are 2,000 years too late.
He recommends that the Japanese be eliminated because "their skulls are 2,000 years behind the rest of us.
According to his anthropology, whites are a distinct species with a different origin, unlike blacks and yellows born in Africa.
But in just five days, Shibasaburo Kitazato found out the identity of the Black Death, which such a fine white man had not been able to solve for five centuries.
Adrenaline, atomic structure, and radar were all solved by the Japanese.
He hated and feared the Japanese, who did not conform to his theories.
FDR shared this fear.
So he thought of "confining the Japanese to four islands and destroying them" (Christopher Thorne, The Pacific War for the U.S. and Britain).
He died before he could give that order, and GHQ was given control of the postwar process, which was strangely in line with FDR's wishes.
First, the Japanese abroad were ordered to repatriate their nationals.
There is no precedent in history for using the defeat of a war as an excuse to send all of its citizens back to their homeland.
The only reason for this was to "quarantine them to the four islands," as FDR put it.
Thus, 2.8 million people, including Japanese generals, were repatriated from mainland China, 630,000 from Taiwan, and 700,000 from Korea.
Including the others, the total number of people repatriated amounted to 6.3 million. Even Germanic people were surprised.
Meanwhile, 2.4 million Koreans in Japan were also repatriated. The quarantine meant only the Japanese.
Naturally, the Japanese were prohibited from leaving the four islands.
FDR said, "Segregate and destroy."
GHQ put its beak on population growth. Using Sizue Kato, they legalized abortion and promoted the nuclear family. 
It was the beginning of the current birthrate decline.
The industrial power that had been able to fight against the West for four years was also targeted for extinction.
Edwin Pauley planned to dismantle Japan's heavy industry and transport it to Manchuria in the name of "reparations in kind" to raise China to the level of a human nation.
However, when he visited Manchuria, he found that the Shina people had completely destroyed the cities and infrastructure.
The plan was abandoned, and on top of that, war broke out in Korea.
Japan's heavy industry survived, thanks in part to particular war demand.
It could be said that it was thanks to Shina and Korea, but it was a great miscalculation for GHQ.
Nevertheless, GHQ remained undeterred and proceeded to decimate Japan.
When Swiss Minister Gorgier asked MacArthur to destroy the Japanese watch industry, MacArthur immediately ordered the Japanese government to pass a labor union law.
At the same time, he legalized the Communist Party and put it in charge of guiding the unions in an attempt to destroy the industry.
Kantaro Ogura, who infiltrated Japan Airlines, was one of them.
GHQ forced Japan's energy resources and coal industry to curb production, accusing them of "slave labor."
Nevertheless, when Japan began to recover, the U.S. forced Japan to make amends to its colony, the Philippines.
Britain, France, and the Netherlands followed suit, and Japan continued to pay reparations to their colonies.
It was too ruthless and greedy, but they believed in the annihilation of Japan.
It was the MacArthur Constitution that made them believe so.
According to MacArthur's memoirs, when Shidehara said that Japan would give up its war power and become unarmed, Shidehara and  MacArthur were moved to tears, saying, "After a hundred years, people will understand.
However, an unarmed nation is not a nation.
In fact, countries like China and Korea have taken Japan's islands, and we cannot do anything about it. 
The four northern islands are also unrecoverable.
Japan is beginning to perish but has not even realized it yet.


2023/6/8 in Osaka
