文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Only they, who are the "naked king" as well as the CCP, are unaware of it.

2023年10月10日 18時14分25秒 | 全般

I rarely watch NHK's 7 o'clock news.
Last night, I happened to watch it.
It is common knowledge that developing countries, especially Sri Lanka, have been willingly taken in by China's "One Belt, One Road" (synonymous with loan-sharking aid) and are in the process of going bankrupt and insolvent.
However, last night, NHK reported that Sri Lanka is in economic collapse due to the Corona disaster and dollar fluctuations, which makes my hands hate even writing this!
As for China, they only reported that China was against the debt cut.
The people who control NHK's news department were exposed to the world that they are under the control of China.
Only they, who are the "naked king" as well as the CCP, are unaware of it.
Somewhere, at the international meetings of the World Bank and the IMF, which are now being held with this issue of excessive debt of developing countries on the agenda, there must be such discussions under China's manipulation, right?
That shouldn't happen, Ms. Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF.
