文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Asahi newspaper uses its pages for personal grudges. It is no longer a newspaper.

2022年10月05日 12時09分10秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, published on 9/1/2022 under the title "Japanese! Wake Up!" printed on 9/1/2022.
This book also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Chapter 1: Who Will Help the  China "Intellectual Property Thief"?
The Asahi Shimbun's low-life intuition run amok is directed by Nemoto, the chief editorial writer.
Targeting Constitutional Revision Following Morikake, but Circulation Still Declining
Posing as remorse, but it's only a formality. 
The Asahi Shimbun's current circulation is declining at a pleasing rate. The decline is said to be "one copy every two minutes.
But the Japanese character is not so bad that they call the distributors in the middle of the night and say, "You don't have to carry Asahi from tomorrow.
If we consider that we decline at 9:00 and 5:00, the phone rings at a rate of almost one every 30 seconds.
I wouldn't be so surprised if there were suicides among the dealers.
If they are so hated, it would be nice if Asahi Shimbun could reflect a little and make an effort to write a decent article for the store owners, but I don't see any sign of such an effort on their part so far. 
It was 2014 when Tadakazu Kimura, the president of Asahi Shimbun, was fired for spreading lies about comfort women and distorting the Yoshida Report.
Masataka Watanabe, who succeeded him, declared that he would write the truth and maintain neutrality and fairness.
Many years have passed since then, but he has not followed this policy. Watanabe is from the Osaka local news section.
It means that he is the junior of Haruhito Kiyota, who spread the lies of Seiji Yoshida.
He is the senior of Takashi Uemura, who lied about Kim Hak-sun, who was sold by a Korean peddler, saying that Japanese soldiers forcibly took her.
The Osaka local news section is now known for its role in sparking the furor over the sale of state-owned land to Moritomo Gakuen.
The Osaka local news section has been ignoring the facts and writing about how the government officials surmised that the land was illegally discounted at the word of Prime Minister Abe's wife.
Kake Gakuen is also the work of the Osaka local news section.
They made a fuss about the suspicion that the prime minister was a friend of the government and that he must have facilitated the deal. 

"Terrorist Threats" Against Abe, but Ruling Party Wins 
The suspicious behavior of Kiyomi Tsujimoto of the former Democratic Party of Japan came out of the commotion.
To ordinary people's eyes, she appeared to be black.
In the Kake Gakuen fiasco, Yuichiro Tamaki, who the Veterinary Medical Association paid to call for a blank check on the Kake approval, looked like he could have been arrested.
But the Osaka city desk refused to touch that side of the story.
It seemed too immoral to be a newspaper reporter.
Watanabe also came from the same city desk, so it is easy to assume that he was also a member of the immoral group and that "I will be decent" was just a pretext, but he was unusually free from lies.
That is why he was sent to the sales bureau.
After Tadakazu Kimura was fired for his role in the company's wrongdoing, Asahi installed Watanabe, who had nothing to do with lying, as president of Asahi to make a token gesture of remorse.
However, they had no intention of following his leadership.
Someone from the sales bureau would not sway the editorial staff.
So, the Osaka Social Affairs Department and the Tokyo Editorial Bureau all rushed forward with the "Kimura Tadakazu's Revenge, Topple Abe." 
Editorial director Seiki Nemoto led the outburst.
During the recent general election, Asahi had Jiro Yamaguchi and other failed university students stand on stage and call out terror threats, saying that Abe was not a human being and that they would "beat him to death."
As a result, Abe's ruling party took two-thirds of the votes. 

"Terrorist Threats" Against Abe, but Ruling Party Wins 
The suspicious behavior of Kiyomi Tsujimoto of the former Democratic Party of Japan came out of the commotion.
To ordinary people's eyes, she appeared to be black.
In the Kake Gakuen fiasco, Yuichiro Tamaki, who the Veterinary Medical Association paid to call for a blank check on the Kake approval, looked like he could have been arrested.
But the Osaka city desk refused to touch that side of the story.
It seemed too immoral to be a newspaper reporter.
Watanabe also came from the same city desk, so it is easy to assume that he was also a member of the immoral group and that "I will be decent" was just a pretext, but he was unusually free from lies.
That is why he was sent to the sales bureau.
After Tadakazu Kimura was fired for his role in the company's wrongdoing, Asahi installed Watanabe, who had nothing to do with lying, as president of Asahi to make a token gesture of remorse.
However, they had no intention of following his leadership.
Someone from the sales bureau would not sway the editorial staff.
So, the Osaka Social Affairs Department and the Tokyo Editorial Bureau rushed to "avenge Kimura Tadakazu's death and bring down Abe." 
So, the Osaka Social Affairs Department and the Tokyo Editorial Bureau all rushed forward with the "Kimura Tadakazu's Revenge, Topple Abe. 
Editorial director Seiki Nemoto led the outburst.
During the recent general election, Asahi had Jiro Yamaguchi and other failed university students stand on stage and call out terror threats, saying that Abe was not a human being and that they would "beat him to death."
As a result, Abe's ruling party took two-thirds of the votes. 

Asahi also made a foolish argument for the Abe administration's constitutional reform work. 
The will of the people gave up on Asahi.
So the circulation began to plummet, yet Seiki Nemoto wrote, "CDP's breakthrough is the finger of public opinion to the arrogant Abe regime, the sole winner," or he wrote many bylined articles asking why this was the case.
Seiki Nemoto, a man who goes out of control, is currently focusing on the Constitution.
The other day, he wrote an editorial denying Abe's constitutional revision, saying, "The foundation for the Abe administration to revise the Constitution has collapsed.
Constitutional reform means fixing what is wrong or adding what is missing.
No matter how bizarre the Constitution is, there are provisions for constitutional change.
Why do we need a foundation for a natural constitutional change?
The foolish argument goes on.
The Constitution is the supreme law by which the people bind state power," he says.
Therefore, the prime minister, who the Constitution binds, "waving the flag of constitutional change is not in line with constitutionalism," he continues.
The basis for this is Article 99 of the Constitution, which stipulates that public officials "including the emperor, ministers of state, members of the Diet, and judges" are obligated to "respect and honor this Constitution. 
But there are no "the people."
Those who talk about constitutionalism argue that the Constitution binds state power and protects the rights of the people. Hence, it is only natural that the people are not included in the Constitution. 
It is called quibbling.
Generally speaking, Japanese people have never had the concept of "state power," and the Constitution reminds Japanese people of Prince Shotoku, not to mention Renho and Tetsuro Fukuyama.
Where is the conflict between the state and the people in Article 17, "Harmony is Precious? 

The newspaper industry should also call for a BPO to verify the atrocities. 

There is no such thing as a constitution that the people do not have to follow.
Then why is "the people" not included in Article 99? 
It is simple; MacArthur forgot to write it. 
Therefore, they should have asked the American who wrote it, but neither the constitutional scholars who talk about constitutionalism nor the Asahi did any research.
Therefore, they blindly followed MacArthur's words that "the new constitution was made in Japan'' and that "no armed forces'' and "renunciation of the right to belligerence'' were "offered by Kijuro Shidehara.''
Mark Gain's "Nippon Diary," says, "GHQ had Shidehara draft a new U.S.-made constitution for the Cabinet on February 22, the birthday of George Washington, the man who chopped down the cherry tree.
Is that a lie? 
MacArthur prosecuted Class A war criminals on the birthday of Emperor Showa and executed them on the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor.
He also had the new Constitution, which made Japan unarmed, promulgated on November 3.
That day was known as Meiji Setsu, the birthday of Emperor Meiji, who raised Japan into a great power.
Was this also a coincidence? 
Recently, Vice President Biden said without pedantry that the Constitution was made in the U.S.A.
The very foundation of the constitutional issue has been turned upside down, but Seiki pretends not to hear it.
But if it is good on the inside, it is a good constitution," he tells his hired constitutional scholar, Yasuo Hasebe.
He has not changed his policy, and now he is trying to stop Abe from changing the Constitution.
In this editorial, he continues, "Constitutional amendments are no good," "because there are scandals in the Abe administration," and he picks up on the Morikake issue "because the prime minister is suspected of having facilitated them."
It refers to the phantom allegations created by Asahi's low-life intuition.
It is bizarre that they would fabricate their own allegations and then claim that a government under suspicion should not be allowed to change the Constitution.
The Asahi newspaper uses its pages for personal grudges.
It is no longer a newspaper.
Must the newspaper industry create a body to condemn this kind of outrage, just as there is a BPO in the TV industry?
What a sad time we live in. 
It was a sad time.                                
(June 2018 issue)




