文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is no such thing as an intellect that thinks that the state of your country is correct.

2022年01月05日 16時26分57秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft.
I casually watched Michael Sandel's heated discussion class on NHK Educational TV the day before yesterday.
It was billed as an online heated discussion class with several Harvard, Tokyo University, and Fudan University students.
To begin with, I have little appreciation for Michael Sandel.
I don't understand why the mass media is exciting him up.
I don't know what NHK was trying to do with this broadcast either.
Is it to show the stupidity of China?
I don't think that Michael and NHK are trying to do.
On the contrary, it would be more accurate to say that the program is a pseudo-moralistic one, a flattering China.
China has a branch of the Communist Party in its universities.
The woman who was talking to the students of Fudan University almost alone, as if she was the leader of the students, must be the secretary of the Fudan University Communist Party branch.
It was not a program that a person with a decent intellect could watch adequately.
Among other things, what I thought was terrible was how the above-mentioned female student did not apologize that China brought the Corona disaster to the world.
It was a scene that ridiculed, so to speak, the response of the western countries.
From Harvard and Tokyo University, the students there had been genuinely decent.
If Sandel's classroom were indeed a heated discussion classroom, someone would have immediately said, "What are you talking about? How dare you speak to me that way? Don't you feel responsible because your country is Xi Jinping's virus spread? Why are you so stubbornly blocking the international community from investigating the cause? Isn't it because they have something to hide?
What kind of intelligence do you think you have in a country that behaves like that?"
It was far from a heated discussion, and even if it had been said mildly, there should have been an immediate response like this.
Of course, if it were a genuinely heated discussion class, it would not have been such a meek rebuttal.
Isn't this the biological weapon that your country has been distributing?
If there were an outcry, I would admit that Sandel was a heated discussion class.
In the first place, the words that should say to the students of Fudan University are brief and straightforward.
There is no such thing as an intellect that thinks that the state of your country is correct.
There is no learning to be found in such a place.



