文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is a merely vaulting power, but it certainly feels like that.

2020年04月28日 22時22分14秒 | 全般

The following is a distinctive feature of the dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, which was published on April 24 in a monthly magazine that must be read by all Japanese people, titled 'Scarier than corona, People affected by the China virus.'
Lie to spoil the national interest
International journalism is willing to take a big lie for the national interest.
However, in Japan, they lie to detract from their national interest (all laughing).
Why is this the exact opposite?
I don't understand its psychology.
Otaka picks up the apologies, Yukio Hatoyama and Uichiro Niwa, and reports the strangeness.
I'm wondering if they are forced to perform an apology performance as they fall into a trap and hold their weakness.
Moreover, there may be.
Actually, in He Qinglian's 'propaganda war,' I draw a Chinese style of fast propaganda to foreign countries, how to slender and denigrate the opponent country, dispirit the national prestige, and make money, but the origin is Get to Spain.
As Spain invades Latin America, also a Spanish Dominican missionary, Las Casas accused the outrageous cruelness of fellow countrymen.
It is summarized as 'A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies' (Iwanami Bunko).
This report was published around 1542.
Las Casas had no intention of denigrating his country.
It accused according to 'conscience' as a missionary.
However, Las Casas himself also abuses the local people as slaves.
He is doing the same thing, but he defends himself like a little gentleman.
Perhaps there is such hypocrisy in the hearts of Yukio Hatoyama and Uichiro Niwa.
It's the hypocrisy of bad character.
During the Age of Discovery, Spain was leading the British Empire, conquering all parts of the world with Spanish Armada, building the Great Empire, which was said to be 'the empire on which the sun never sets.'
At that time, the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494 between Spain and Portugal, who conquered all the seas.
It was a system of dividing new territories outside Europe by the approval of Pope Alexander VI.
It was established that the new territory east of the meridian line belongs to Portugal and the west to Spain about 2,000 km west of the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Senegal in West Africa.
That's how the G2 of that era decided.
The fact that China called out the "First Island Line" and "Second Island Line" probably imitated the treaty agreement (laughs).
China is a merely vaulting power, but it certainly feels like that.
Returning to Tordesillas, Portugal dominated the East Indies, but most of it was dominated by Spain, mainly in Latin America.
After the division, Britain, the Netherlands, and France set out to acquire colonies, but Spain was standing there as a big wall. So how can they overthrow Spain?
So the Las Casas accusation book was used.
This article continues.
