文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If they can't do that, I will sue Google.

2021年10月20日 22時18分11秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Since March of this year, criminals, as you well know (using a rented server under a false name), have launched the following search blocking attacks on all chapters I have sent out since July 16, 2010.

They are directing the search robots to completely unrelated chapters.
It is what they are doing to all the chapters.

I did a google search for "attacks that make the index refer to unrelated pages.

It seems that they are using Path Traversal attacks, or perhaps they are using scraped content to cloak their sites, to commit this criminal act.

Google, Inc.
Your company is one of the most profitable companies in the world.
I'm sure all your employees are proud of being a top-notch company.
Then you can't keep letting this kind of criminal behavior go unchecked.
If you don't cut it off immediately, you have no right to call yourselves a first-class company.
The time has come for you to realize that there is no such thing as a first-class organization breeding ground for criminals.
All of these criminal activities are done illegally by renting or leasing servers under false names.
There is no reason why Google can't do something as simple as tracking down such rental servers and blocking them.

If they can't do that, I will sue Google.
Readers of this column, please donate through my official website, https://turntable-civilization.com/en/.
If I want to sue Google and win, I need to pay at least one million yen to a law firm.
If I file a lawsuit, I will win.
After all, my lawsuit is to shut down the evil mentioned above forever, and the damages I will get from Google will be even 100 yen.
I will win the case and pay back all of your money, which is the cost of filing a lawsuit, to a famous law firm.
This article continues.
