文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Biden has even inherited the Chinese tradition of 'Corrupt in the whole family'

2020年12月22日 17時42分36秒 | 全般
The following is from Mr. Seki Hei's serial column that brings this month's Hanada magazine issue to a successful beginning.
It can say that this paper is extremely humorous.
It is because many people will laugh in many places.
The Heterogeneity of Chinese Morality in the Light of "Corrupt in the Whole Family  
In this column's previous issue, I introduced the reality of "Corrupt in the whole family" in China.
Since most of the Communist Party officials are corrupt, not only the officials themselves but also the whole family, "Corrupt in the whole family" has even become one of the three-letter idioms.
It may be a unique phenomenon in China, but why do Chinese people commit corruption without shame and question, and why do whole families do it?
One of the keys to understanding this lies in the ancient Chinese family system called "Chinese kin. 
In pre-modern China, the "Chinese kin" was a powerful organization that united people in local communities, mostly rural communities.
For example, in the Seki family, one of the ancestors came to a specific Sichuan place several hundred years ago. His descendants prospered there, forming several villages with hundreds of Seki families.
These "Seki families" did not exist separately but formed single Chinese kin with a common ancestor and lived a collective social life. 
Each Chinese kin has a governing body, the "clan council," and the clan leader or elder reigns as the "clan chief.
The tribe has its own set of laws and rules, called the "tribal code," and the tribal council and the tribal leader lead the clansmen based on this code and maintain order within the tribe.
The center of the clan's collective life is the "shrine" where the ancestors are enshrined, and the shrine is also the clan's meeting place and court.
The clan also has a shared property, the "clan field," and uses the field's income to open cram schools for the clansmen's children and help the sick and orphans among the clansmen.
On the other hand, the clan's healthy young men formed a kind of "self-defense group" to protect the line from outside forces. 
In this way, the Chinese clan is, in effect, a small "nation."
In pre-modern China, the country's vast rural areas were forested with large and small sects, and tens of thousands of denominations, "mini-states," formed the country's shape. 
The question is, why should people create "mini-states" called sects to live in?
The answer is simple: the emperor and the imperial court, who rule the whole of China, do not do anything for the whole nation.
That is why people formed blood groups called sects to maintain order, protect the clan's safety, help the weak in the line, and educate their children by themselves. 
In the past, the imperial court, emperor, and state were distant and meaningless to the Chinese, and everything in their social life depended on the clan.
The social consciousness of the Chinese people is "clan-centeredness."
There is no sense of "nation" and no purpose of "public," People's loyalty, attachment, and sense of belonging are all focused on the clan to which they belong. 
This "clan-centeredness" has somehow become a "clan ego" and has grown abnormally.
Ordinary Chinese make value judgments centering on their own "sect." They come to think that they are willing to undermine the public interest and the nation's interests for the sake of the sect. At the end of the phrase, a kind of perverted value that undermines the clan's public and national interests are rather "good" and "virtue" for the sect has taken root in Chinese society. A kind of perversion of values has taken root in the Chinese community. 
In this context, corruption and corruption of the bureaucracy also took root as a kind of culture.
The bureaucrats who have risen to power in Chinese society have their clans to which they belong.
Therefore, it is a natural duty for them to use their power to accumulate wealth and enrich their clan, and it is a "good deed" that they should willingly do.
In this way, corruption, which should be a social evil, became the highest "good" for the sect's people, an honorable act that should be highly praised. 
Corrupt in the whole family in modern China is also derived from this kind of perverted, sectarian-centered moral concept.
In today's China, the traditional clan society is gradually disappearing as urbanization progresses, but the core value of "clan-centeredness" persists.
Therefore, from the perspective of a corrupt executive family, it is neither wrong nor bad to use the executive's power to "corrupt the whole family.
Instead, it is the family's best "good deed" and something to be proud of.
As long as they don't get caught, what's wrong with "Corrupt in the whole family," they sincerely believe. 
Of course, folks are generally very frustrated and upset with Corrupt in the whole family.
But that's only when they want to be corrupt but can't.
Ordinary people and intellectuals alike, once they get some authority and are in a position to corrupt, will jump on the Corrupt in the whole family bandwagon.
It is because taking something from society, the public or the state for the sake of one's family or clan is the highest "virtue" for the great Chinese people.

*Biden, who was bought off by Xi Jinping for billions of dollars, has even inherited the Chinese tradition of 'Corrupt in the whole family.'*
