文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japanese people should not forget what an amazing person he was. 

2022年12月20日 10時39分26秒 | 全般

A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, who prima ballerinas around the world highly respect, visited Japan.
She spoke at that time about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world, but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, many of those who call themselves artists, such as Oe, Murakami, and Hirano, do not even deserve the artist's name.
They have only expressed the lies created by the Asahi Shimbun and others rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan, but is the same in other countries around the world.
In other words, only a minimal number of actual artists exist.
This book is also painful proof that I am right when I say that there is no one in the world today who deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.

The "Murayama Danwa" promoted the Japanese people's slave mentality

So Mr. Abe could teach "correct history" to Trump.
He has a balanced worldview. 
It is symbolized by his response to the "Murayama Danwa.
When Mr. Abe made his political debut, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper published a false report that comfort women had been forcibly taken to Seoul and that the Japanese military was involved in the comfort women.
To play to the crowd, Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said, "In the not-so-distant past, Japan suddenly went mad, invaded and colonized Asian countries, and inflicted terrible suffering on them. Japan was to blame," he apologized.
Sakutaro Tanino of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote this. 
It is the exact same context as the preface to John Dower's "Embracing Defeat," which he says describes the postwar Japanese.
Japan had modernized with a speed and daring that surprised the world and was on its way to becoming a superpower when suddenly, in a fit of madness that no one could have predicted, it turned brutal, began to invade its neighbors, and destroyed itself.
A foolish one-person story is being told as if a Japanese person got rabies and bit people around him, and as a result, he was shot dead.
However, Mr. Abe's story is quite the opposite. 
At the time of Japan's debut, the world was being invaded by Western Europe, the so-called "European Whale and American Tiger," plaguing and colonizing Asia and Africa.
Japan saw this and, through hard work, achieved modernization and defeated the conquerors, Russia, in the Russo-Japanese War.
He said it encouraged the colonizers of Asia and Africa at that time. 
However, after the Russo-Japanese War, the world framework decided by the West brought about the block economic system, which locked Japan out of the market.
The West colonized Asia and created a system where only they could enrich themselves with the profits they extracted from the colonies.
Japan recklessly challenged the order created by the West to find a way out of the predicament and tried to break it but was ultimately defeated.
However, it is a historical fact that this Japanese challenge liberated Asia from colonialism. 
The E.U., the primary postwar framework, can be described as a mutual aid organization of European countries that lost their colonies and came together.
It is a product of the idea that they should link their own industrialization to the market and enrich themselves alone.
The origin of this idea is the common denominator that they lost their colonies to Japan.
That is why the U.K. is included.
The West knows the origin of such EU-like ideas, so they should understand the meaning of Abe's words.
So it is not just on the surface but leads to the evaluation, "This person properly understands world history."
In other words, "There is no other country we should be so proud of."
Until then, Japan had been dominated by the demeaning and self-deprecating image symbolized by the Murayama Danwa, but now Japan is 180 degrees different, and the appearance of Japan that can be proud of itself is being promoted. 

Achievements of former Prime Minister Abe, who created a "siege net for China."
Gradually, Mr. Abe began to play a leading role in the G7 Summit, didn't he?
At the last G7 summit in which Mr. Abe himself participated, he took up the human rights issue and the Taiwan issue by name to check China.
From this point on, Mr. Abe created a structure in which the G7 advanced nations would come together to deal with the China issue.
Then, in 2021, after Mr. Abe left office, the same work he had done took full shape, and QUAD (U.S.-Australia-India Strategic Dialogue) was established. The AUKUS (trilateral military alliance of the U.S., U.K., and Australia) partnership was born.
The joint statement at the NATO summit held in the U.K. in June 2021 criticized China by name for the first time, creating a significant trend to position China as a threat.
It is another outstanding achievement of Mr. Abe.
From Xi Jinping's point of view, Mr. Abe keeps getting beaten.
Now that there is a gaping hole, he must think that an opportunity has arrived.
Even though the siege net for China has been completed so far, Mr. Abe has disappeared.
Just before that, the NATO summit was held in Spain.
The Japanese prime minister and the leader of Australia were invited there for the first time. Together with the common understanding that Russia is a threat, they reiterated their wariness toward China.
The concept Mr. Abe had brought up since the first administration has blossomed dramatically over the past eight years of his efforts.
Former Prime Minister Abe is the first person in Japan's history to demonstrate the power to change the world.
He was a leading figure in the liberal camp siege net for China, and he will be remembered in posterity as a paramount leader who made history.
Japanese people should not forget what an amazing person he was. 
