文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The U.S. postwar process was extensive in its attempt to destroy the Japanese as a people

2024年07月01日 16時09分20秒 | 全般

The U.S. postwar process was extensive in its attempt to destroy the Japanese as a people from the ground up..
February 17, 2019

Masayuki Takayama and Rui Abiru's "Crimes and Punishments of the Mass Media," first published on February 10, 2019, is a must-read for all Japanese citizens who can read print.
In the form of a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, and Rui Abiru, the best newspaper reporter working today, senior and junior members of the Sankei Shimbun, this book is friendly to the presbyopic.
The book is also friendly to the presbyopic, and those who are presbyopic should head to their nearest bookstore to subscribe.
Older people have limited access to information, and most of them subscribe to Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo, Chunichi, and other newspapers, watch news programs on their subsidiary T.V. stations, and listen to NHK.
Readers should recommend this book to older adults and ladies who use T.V. as their source of information.

Anti-Japanese tendencies that pervade the entire society
The Asahi Shimbun and NHK were infused with Cordell Hull's words that Japan should not be a hero who liberated Asian countries suffering from colonial rule and that "Japan should not be a martyr for the liberation of Asia and let people think that it has been defeated.
We were asked to rewrite history to say that it was not the whites who bullied and exploited Asia but the invaders, Japan.
This article continues.

2024/6/29 in Osaka
