文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

And the world is now facing the question of how to deal with this terrible country

2020年06月12日 14時56分40秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
China that it wants to keep in doubt
On May 1, the day after President Trump's "evidence remarks," Shi Zhengli, a senior researcher at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, applied for asylum at the U.S. Embassy in France with a secret document related to the research. It flowed.
However, on the 2nd day of the next day, Researcher Shi himself contacted a friend and denied the asylum.
The foreign affairs person mentioned above speaks. ‥
'It's a reminder of the email the author wrote to the U.S. newspaper about the withdrawal of the paper. It seems that researchers are also under the strong influence of China.'
They are skeptical of Chinese intelligence work. 
On May 3, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo said, as did President Trump, that there is "numerous evidence" and tried to bring in an international investigation team for the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, but China refused to do so.
Furthermore, on May 11, the New York Times reported that the FBI and others would issue a warning that Chinese hackers and spies are targeting information on the new coronavirus vaccine.
The document in the alert stated that "(China) is trying to obtain the data by illicit means; however, China was quick to deny this as well. 
Although the two countries have endless conflicts, doubts about the "Wuhan Virus Research Institute" will only increase due to investigations by U.S. diplomats, papers by Chinese professors, and the Chinese government's own response.
China is being hunted down by such 'side evidence.'
However, there is no sign of responding to the investigation and verification by a third party, which is indispensable to resolve the doubt.
There is no attempt to go any further than that, except to contradict it. 
What we can see from there is the real intention of China.
As long as it remains skeptical, that is all that matters.
They are trying to push their way through this world-wide crisis with 'deception.'
What a terrible country it is! 
And the world is now facing the question of how to deal with this terrible country.
