文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! the dictator's pride is seriously hurt by the fact that he makes speeches in Japanese.

2024年09月05日 06時14分53秒 | 全般
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, shows his full potential in his column in the latter part of the Shukan Shincho series.
It is truly a masterful piece.
Xi Jinping's Desire for Conquest
It is thought that the Japanese came to know Chinese characters in the 1st century A.D., at the latest, around the time of the crucifixion of Jesus on the hill of Golgotha. 
At that time, the Japanese received a gold seal from China that read "King of the Han Chinese." 
No, no.
It was 400 years later that the Japanese first learned Chinese characters as letters.
Some idiotic scholars say that it was when the thousand-character letter arrived from Baekje. 
Until then, they say, the Japanese thought Kanji was a pattern.
It is because they want to say that "all culture came from Korea.
There was no culture there (Korea) until modern times. 
Those who first came into contact with the culture of Chinese characters must have been dazzled.
In fact, the Koreans and Vietnamese were so fascinated by the Chinese characters that they became captivated by them. 
The Koreans even abandoned their language and turned to Chinese characters and the Chinese language.
Professor Hiroshi Furuta of Tsukuba University says, "There are now fewer than 80 words left in the Korean archaic language. 
The Vietnamese were also fascinated by the Korean language.
They loved Chinese characters and created a Chinese language that was more difficult than the original Chinese, resulting in an increase in illiteracy and social stagnation.
Deng Xiaoping later said, "Chinese characters are poisonous," he was right. 
Vietnam was fortunate, or at least lucky, to be colonized by France, where it was forced to abandon its unsightly Chinese characters.
The French gave them the Roman alphabet instead.
Instantly, the Vietnamese people's vigor was revived.
They defeated the suzerain French at Dien Bien Phu; the U.S. fought to drive them out for ten years.
Vietnam also defeated China, which had made Vietnam addicted to Chinese characters, in the Sino-Vietnamese Conflict.
What about Korea?
The northern half of the Korean peninsula has switched from Chinese characters to Hangeul, which the Japanese taught.
As a result, they started doing an excellent job of making missiles, nuclear weapons, and forgeries. 
The old-fashioned southern half of the peninsula falls when bridges are built, collapses when buildings are erected, and overturns ships, each time lighting a candle and chanting, "Hold a grudge."
It made a big difference from the north. 
The Japanese were different from them.
When we saw that gold seal, we intuited the poison of Chinese characters.
They left it alone for 500 years until they invented Manyogana, which did not harm the Japanese language and culture. 
With this confidence, they created a new character, "soma," for example.
When trees are cut down for firewood and charcoal, saplings are planted.
It is a word with an environmentally friendly philosophy. 
With this approach, they were able to respond immediately to the arrival of new concepts, such as democracy from the West. 
After the Sino-Japanese War, many Chinese came to Japan to learn Japanese and brought it back to Japan. 
Wang Binbin, a scholar of the Chinese language, says, "More than 70% of modern Chinese words are imported from Japan."
The Japanese mostly created the concepts we use to discuss the East and the West, meditate and think, and debate the fine arguments we have every day. 
I get goosebumps when I think about it. 
Huntington referred to Japan as an independent cultural sphere separate from the Chinese one.
Junko Miyawaki goes one step further, saying, "Shina is now part of the Japanese cultural sphere. 
Foreign dynasties have almost entirely made the history of Shina.
Shina is now reeling from their fertility.
It has annexed the Mongols, who founded the Yuan dynasty and seized their territory, destroyed the Manchu tribes, who founded the Qing dynasty, and fraudulently called their culture the Shina culture. 
The Manchu clothes are now called "Chinese dress." 
However, one country among those who ruled China has not yet been swallowed up.
It is Japan. 
Although the Japanese are not aware of it, "Hoover's Memoirs" says that "Japan invaded North and Central China from 1937" and gave the people a comfort they had not known for a thousand years. 
Japan is considered a conquering dynasty that should be swallowed up. 
In addition, there is the lament of Wang Binbin.
Their language is almost entirely Japanese; without it, the Chinese cannot even think.
I can understand why it gives me goosebumps. 
They want to defeat Japan as soon as possible, and they want to be able to proudly call the current Japanese-laden Chinese language "Shina language," just as they call Manchu clothes "China dress. 
Dictator Xi Jinping is obsessed with the Senkaku Islands.
Some fools say we should make it a sea of friendship, but Xi intends to take not only the Senkaku Islands but also Japan itself.
The reason is that the dictator's pride is seriously hurt by the fact that he makes speeches in Japanese.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi


