文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Is there really enough discrimination in this country right now to make it necessary?

2023年03月02日 15時34分38秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by @himasoraakane that I just discovered.
It doesn't explain anything.
A traitor in the Diet is now suddenly trying to pass a law banning discrimination against LGBT people.

It is a squishy, squat, squishy defense that sounds like a female version of intimidation and trying to force your demands through.

Why do we need an LGBT discrimination law?
Is there really enough discrimination in this country right now to make it necessary?
In the face of so many other issues, is it something that needs to do now?

Quoted tweets
Tomomi Inada.
Tomomi Inada explains "gender identity" in simple terms.
Please take a look.
#Tomomi Inada
#same-sex marriage
#sexual minorities
#gender identity

