文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is using them to undermine the democratic camp.

2021年08月10日 11時52分43秒 | 全般

The following is in the style of a memorandum.
Those who watched the live broadcast of the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics until the end must have felt a strong sense of discomfort.
The reason was that in the final staging scene, first the Ainu dance, then the Okinawan dance, and then, as if as an excuse, the Gujo dance from Gifu were performed.
The list of real-time searches in the early morning of August 9 proved this point.
Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/9, 9:56
The number one search was "Recent DNA analysis results clearly show that this Emishi is not Ainu. 
I've read on the internet that Dentsu is the company behind the Tokyo Olympics.
It is no surprise that Dentsu is also involved in the anti-Japanese propaganda efforts of China and South Korea.
It is no exaggeration to describe opposition politicians such as the Rikken Democratic Party and the Communist Party as traitors.
They are the worst and most stupid group of people in the history of Japan, so they do not deserve any commentary.
The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has also been relatively lax in some respects, and there have been many unbelievable mishaps in the selection of people for various events.

Black Rain Lawsuit? Now? What kind of people with what kind of intentions?
Masayuki Takayama told me in a dialogue article in a monthly magazine that there were a surprisingly large number of Koreans in Hiroshima when it dropped the atomic bomb.
How many Koreans were living in Japan in that lawsuit team?
The Japanese media has never told us how many Koreans live in Japan.
In the terminology used by Nobuyuki Kaji, a professor emeritus at Osaka University and a great scholar of Chinese studies, the person who staged the beginning of the article is probably a "leftist."
I was even angered by the above lawsuit against Black Rain, saying, "What a bunch of misguided people they are."
If you are going to file a claim for damages (and why now?), it should be against none other than the United States, the country that dropped the atomic bomb.
And yet (as usual), it is being brought against the Japanese government.
They want to make it known to the world that Japan is to blame for the war that led to the dropping of the atomic bomb, and they want to humiliate Japan.
They want to make it known that Japan is to blame for the war that led to the dropping of the atomic bombs, and they want to humiliate Japan by doing so. The brains behind the editorials of the Asahi Shimbun, which ruled Japan until August 2014, are still active, or at least in their last gasp.
It is China and the Korean peninsula that is taking full advantage of them.
Their brains are not the brains of the authentic Japanese people.

The flattery, pseudo-moralism, and political correctness are invading the media of democracies not only in Japan but all over the world.
It is a significant problem that could be fatal to the democratic camp.
The media of the democratic camp and the so-called intellectuals and politicians who sympathize with them are the targets of propaganda operations by countries like China and South Korea.
China is using them to undermine the democratic camp.
South Korea has been training Nazis through Nazism in the Name of Anti-Japanese Education for over 70 years since Syngman Rhee.
It is because South Korea continues to use them to carry out incredibly relentless anti-Japanese propaganda worldwide.
This article continues.




