文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

How many times more than Fukushima? Their brazenness and unscrupulousness are appalling.

2023年06月23日 11時49分57秒 | 全般

Ryusho Kadota

China and South Korea criticize Japan for hiding the amount of tritium released from their nuclear power plants to discredit Japan.
Korea's Wolseong nuclear power plant is well-known for its tritium release,
The Yomiuri reports that China's nuclear power plants release up to 6.5 times more tritium than the amount of treated water released at Fukushima, using Qinshan, Yangjiang, and Ningde as examples.
How many times more than Fukushima?
Their brazenness and unscrupulousness are appalling.


Tritium release from multiple Chinese nuclear power plants, up to 6.5 times more than Fukushima "treated water"...no explanation given to neighboring countries?
Several nuclear power plants operated by China have been discharging up to 6.5 times as much tritium, a radioactive substance, into the sea as the annual amount of "treated water" from TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which is scheduled to begin this summer, according to a report released by the Chinese government.
It was revealed from materials prepared by the Japanese government for explanations to foreign countries.
The Chinese government strongly opposes TEPCO's release of treated water. 
It has mobilized the official media in a campaign against it, while its nuclear power plants are releasing more tritium.

The Japanese government prepared data based on an annual report on nuclear energy in China and reports from nuclear power plant operators.
According to the report, the Qinshan No. 3 nuclear power plant in Zhejiang province released about 143 trillion becquerels of tritium in 2020, the Yangjiang nuclear power plant in Guangdong province released about 112 trillion becquerels in 2009, the Ningde nuclear power plant in Fujian province released about 102 trillion becquerels, and the Honglihe nuclear power plant in Liaoning province released about 90 trillion becquerels.
TEPCO plans to keep the total annual release from the Fukushima Daiichi plant below 22 trillion becquerels, and the concentration of tritium after the release will be far below the World Health Organization (WHO) and other standards.

The Chinese government has protested that "China is unilaterally trying to force" the release of "treated water" from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman). 
The official media have been claiming daily that "Japan has no regard for the global marine environment or public health" (People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party).
However, according to Japanese officials, China has not agreed with neighboring countries on releasing tritium from its nuclear power plants, nor has it provided any explanation.




