文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the new coronavirus from Wuhan was a 'biological attack by China on the world.'

2020年06月13日 12時40分37秒 | 全般

The following published in the Sankei Shimbun On June 11: 'Superstar Rebellion: A Shock to the Xi Regime'
It is from an article by Yaita Akio, the Taipei Bureau Chief of the Sankei Shimbun.
Chinese President Xi Jinping, a big soccer fan, has stressed on various occasions that 'soccer education starts from children.'
It has led to the establishment of many soccer schools in various parts of China.
When I stationed in Beijing as a correspondent, I visited several of them. I found that all of them were almost invariably decorated with pictures of the Chinese national team that participated in the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea.
It was the only time in history that a team had made it to the World Cup after making it through the Asian qualifiers.
That eleven became a legend for all Chinese football boys.
Among them, ace striker Hao Haidong, 49, who wears the number 10 on his back, is particularly popular.
He holds the record for most goals scored by a Chinese national team player with 7.7 million followers on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. 
On June 4, Hao posted a video on Twitter calling for the 'overthrow of the Communist Party,' which caused an uproar in China.
Mr. Hao's Weibo account was immediately shut down, and the vast amount of articles reporting on Hao were One after another, they were removed from the Internet. 
Mr. Hao wrote in the video, 'They have ignored human rights, trampled on democracy, and killed in Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party must be eradicated.' He stressed that.
He also claimed that the new coronavirus from Wuhan was a 'biological attack by China on the world.' 
Mr. Hao was once a member of the Chinese military football team, and his rank was Major.
When he was young, he was invited to join one of the best teams in the world, and he wanted to move from China, but the Chinese authorities refused to allow him to do so.
After retiring, he became a leader for a while, but it didn't last long. 
Since then, he has spoken freely on the Internet, sometimes criticizing the government's handling of social issues, and has been frequently warned by authorities.
He moved to Spain with his family earlier this year and has recently been in frequent contact with Mr. Bannon, who was U.S. President Trump's chief strategist, and Mr. Guo Wengui, a former Chinese businessman in exile in the United States.
He said in the video that he would work with the two men. 
Released to coincide with the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, in which the democracy movement was suppressed, Mr. Hao's Opinion speculates that the "Trump administration's intention" behind the video is to take a more confrontational stance with China was also seen. 
In a video posted by Mr. Hao, his wife Ye Zhaoying, 46, who supports her husband's idea of There was also a figure.
Ms. Ye is a famous badminton singles player who was once ranked number one in the world. I was an athlete.
At the 2000 Sydney Olympics, she faced the same Chinese player, Ms. Gong Zhichao, in the women's singles semi-finals. Still, China's upper echelon is more compatible with Ms. Gong against the Danish players who will play in the final. The team manager deliberately ordered Ms. Gong against the Danish players who will play in the final.
The team manager deliberately ordered Ms. Ye to lose, and Ms. Ye cried and consented, resulting in a bronze medal.
The whole thing was reported in the media, and Ms. Ye announced her retirement after the Olympics. 
Mr. and Mrs. Hao were sports elites who had been selected as a country since their childhood and have been educated for the sake of national prestige.
Because of their achievements on the world stage, they have been heavily promoted by China's official media for years. 
The announcement of the "Declaration of the Overthrow of the Communist Party" by these two high-profile and influential people is far more damaging to the Xi Jinping regime than previous declarations of a similar nature by dissident activists and human rights lawyers.   

