文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

they are easily fragmented in domestic public opinion by maneuvering in a country like China

2021年12月26日 10時15分11秒 | 全般

The following is from a serial column by Yoshiko Sakurai, who brings the weekly Shincho, released on December 23, to a successful conclusion. 
This paper also proves that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure defined by Saicho.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.

First of all, I would like to talk about making this column.
In order to send out a genuine article that not only the Japanese people but also people all over the world need to know about, it must first scan the original text.  
Proofread for scanning errors. Change the numbers for vertical writing to horizontal writing, change the paragraphs, etc.
It is how we send out our work to Japan and the world.
When I was working on changing the paragraphs in this chapter, I felt wailing.
I realized that Shoin's spirit was still in me.

Shoin grew up in a genuinely enviable family.
He was executed and lived an early life, but it was delightful.

I grew up in an unhappy family, but my heart is no different from Shouin's.
Many times, people around me must have heard me say, "I am eternally 19 years old.
My sworn friends all agreed, "You are indeed...".

I ran away from home when I was 19 years old.
Since then, I have been listed as "missing" in the alumni directory of my alma mater.
In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that my life has stopped at the age of 19.

A person who is ordered to stand on the shoulders of Kyoto University has led a completely different life.
It was a dazzling life, as different as heaven and earth in some respects.

One of the best articles of the 21st century was written by Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji, in which he warned against the common belief that there is a labor shortage.
My family had the misfortune of not sending me to Kyoto University and letting me stand on the shoulders of this university.
However, I have no regrets about that.
On the contrary, I am proving the correctness of Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji's theory.
The truth is that a university education is not essential to life at all.
On the contrary, he pointed out the stupidity and ridiculousness of the current education system that forces people with a score of 5 to enter high school and college.
He pointed out the foolishness of the educational system that discourages people who were born to live in the soil, cultivate the fields, and grow crops.
He pointed out the foolishness of educational administration that makes people born to live in the sea and love fish and the sea spend their whole lives in idleness.
He pointed out the foolishness of the educational system that allows people who were born to live in the forest and live with trees all their lives to spend their time in idleness.
He pointed out the foolishness of the educational system that allows people who live and live in a world of crafts created by the Japanese habit of seeking perfection to spend idle time.
He pointed out the foolishness of the educational system that allows people who inherit the skills of a lathe operator, which no one else in the world can imitate, to spend their lives in idleness.
He pointed this out from his own experience because he is a genuine intellect.
I will continue this article later.

What about the U.S. society where a college degree is all that matters?
That's because the United States, with its short history, actually has only a thug-like philosophy.
The evidence is that they are easily fragmented in domestic public opinion by maneuvering in a country like China.
This column proves that the intelligence of Japan is far superior to that of the United States.
The Asahi Shimbun and other so-called cultural figures who sympathize with them are proof of the shallowness of the U.S. intellect.

I was in the midst of a difficult period as a businessman due to the mismanagement that brought about deflation in Japan.
A friend who worked for a large company asked me to entertain his boss.
I responded with a feast to my heart's content and went to the after-party.
At the after-party, the boss said to me, "Your life is like walking a tightrope."
Perhaps he was right, but I was momentarily taken aback as the host.

I did not have a family like Shoin's, but I still love my parents.
I am infinitely grateful to them for bringing me up.
I am unconditionally grateful to them for nurturing one of the greatest minds of the postwar era into a strong body.

I am genuinely grateful to have been born and raised in Yuriage, a place that I will love forever.
I am grateful to all my elementary and junior high school classmates who still love me beyond measure.

That is why I have been able to do the work that has been described as the best in Japan for an unknown small business owner, even if I am only one person.
Since July 2010, I have been working for free every day to make sure Japan and the world are correct, even if I am alone.
The "turntable of civilization" is my life, and my life is the "turntable of civilization" because I have the spirit of Shoin in me.
This article continues.


