文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

As long as NHK continues to produce such works, it is unsuitable as a public broadcaster

2021年10月17日 13時47分34秒 | 全般

Suppose a person who should be in a position to curb rumors by expertly analyzing the safety of measures such as the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste and the release of treated water from nuclear power plants appeals to the emotions and incessantly amplifies rumors. In that case, he is not qualified to be a public broadcaster.
October 16, 2021
On August 31, 2019, public broadcasting required "reporting" and "commentary" of facts, and the creator's arbitrary "interpretation" and "directing" In 2019, public broadcasting requires "reporting" and "commentary" of facts. The creator's arbitrary "interpretation" and "directing" of music emotions that lead to general guidance are harmful to the public. 
The chapter I sent out with the title is being re-sent with some corrections to paragraphs and typos.
The following is a unique feature in this month's issue of Sound Argument, which was released yesterday. This month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument, entitled "Destroying NHK Logically," was released yesterday.
Anyone with an eye for detail will know that she has a brilliant mind and is truly something else.
This month's issue of Sound Argument is also a must-read for all Japanese and people around the world.
This work is a genuine article that proves that I have hit the nail on the head in my criticism of Mr. Arima and Ms. Kuwako in watch9.
Preamble omitted. The emphasis in the text is mine.
Biased Documentaries 
Now that I have discussed the structural problems of NHK, I would like to examine in detail whether NHK's news content is appropriate and in line with the requirements of public broadcasting: autonomy, fairness, and unbiasedness. 
Among NHK's news content, documentaries are often called into question.
While many of NHK's documentaries are excellent and make us realize the importance of public broadcasting, some programs dealing with modern and contemporary history show a bias toward a one-sided view of history.
ETV's unique feature, "Wartime sexual violence questioned," features Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery, who sentenced Emperor Showa to rape without being based on the legal system.
And information that is convenient for the creators' ideas The NHK particular "JAPAN debut Asia's premier country," which uses the method of [cherry picking] abundantly to conclude side by side, is a typical example. Many criticisms have arisen from all sides.
A common feature of these documentaries on modern and contemporary history is the endlessly blaring background music that elicits negative emotions and stimulates the viewer.
The viewers are induced to have negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, and unhappiness by this "musical emotion."
Even in the age of Reiwa, this kind of biased reporting is still going on, and the NHK special "So Freedom Dies," aired on August 12, 2019, was incoherent and lacked a valid inductive principle.
This work developed an unverifiable "plausible just-so story" in which the claims of a weak media outlet, the Nihon Shinbun, manipulated the Government to deprive Japan of its freedom and fell into the "post hocergo propter hoc" fallacy in which events occurring before and after are uncritically identified as cause and effect.
What is needed in public broadcasting is "reporting" and "commentary" of the facts, and the self-serving "interpretation" of the producer that leads to mass inducement and "staging" of music and emotion are harmful to the people.
As long as NHK continues to produce such works, it is unsuitable as a public broadcaster.
Inappropriate news and comments 
NHK's news is excellent because it straightforwardly reports the main points of fact and clarifies the issues.
The announcing skills of the anchors are also excellent, and there is almost no sensational accent, as is often the case with commercial broadcasting.
However, this does not necessarily mean that the requirements of public broadcasting, such as autonomy, fairness, and unbiasedness, are fully met.
In-studio talk, the anchor often lacks the awareness of public broadcasting, such as when they express personal values (actually the values of the "program" since they are reading the script) or make emotional comments.
Let's examine this using News Watch 9 as an example. 
Government to tighten export restrictions unusually for South Korea
Announcer Arima: It's really disappointing. It's really frustrating that this situation has come to this.  (July 1, 2019) 
Unusual tightening of export controls for South Korea.
Announcer Kuwako: It's not good for either Japan or Korea, isn't it?
Announcer Arima: I hope that we can avoid a situation where political strife extends to economic activities.  (July 2, 2019) 
Where are we going with Japan-Korea relations?
Announcer Kuwako: It's worrisome that the friendly relationship we've built with the people of South Korea is now being undermined.
Arima: That's the point, isn't it? I don't want to think of the current Moon administration and the Korean people as a whole in the same sentence. (July 16, 2019) 
The role of public broadcasting is not to express to viewers the specific values, feelings, and desires of the program but to logically check the country's three powers and foreign powers.
It is a violation of the role of public broadcasting to suddenly express regret or make demands without explaining the rational basis. 
The public needs 20 million yen to live on in old age.
Announcer Kuwako: So the time has come for the Government to admit that we can no longer leave our retirement to the Government alone. It's tough. (June 7, 2019)
Announcer Arima: I would like the Government to explain how safe the pension system has been for 100 years. (June 12, 2019) 
In the first place, the "100-year security" of the pension system indicates that the pension system is secure for 100 years and does not mean that the Government will guarantee the people's entire life in their old age.
If such ignorant statements amplify the people's confusion, they have no right to be public broadcasters. 
Where is the nuclear waste going?
Announcer Kuwako: It doesn't seem realistic to hear that it will take 30 years from the investigation to the construction of the repository when the candidate site has not been decided yet.
Announcer Arima: I can't help but feel anxious that we're going to drift away.  (April 18, 2019) 
Processed water in the tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Announcer KUWAKO: In Fukushima, the one remaining fishing port finally reopened two weeks ago, right?  I think it's only natural that they don't want the water from the tanks to be released into the sea or the atmosphere. (August 9, 2019) 
An entity that should be in a position to suppress rumors by expertly analyzing the safety of measures such as the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste and the release of treated water from nuclear power plants is not qualified to be a public broadcaster if it solely amplifies rumors by appealing to emotions. 
In this paper, I have analyzed NHK's structure and broadcasting content and pointed out its problems.
Public broadcasting should be governed by the people, not by the three powers or broadcasters. It is essential to logically destroy the current system based on this principle and build a public broadcasting system acceptable to all citizens.



