文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but nobody had such an essential recognition. It's short of study.

2020年06月15日 21時32分26秒 | 全般

The chapter that sent out on 2015-09-21 is being re-disseminated with additions, corrections, etc.
The Asahi Shimbun is not at all the best players who represent Japan.
People who grew up reading the Asahi Shimbun, who had a slightly better record of studying for their exams, enter Waseda University and other schools.
It would be fine if they are just wielding a distorted ideology because they are childish.
They are making a false lie and reporting it to the world for the realization of that terrible idea.
Everyone who thinks about the situation and stop subscribing (including other weekly magazines of Asahi) and begin to subscribe to monthly magazines that were rarely read until then, should be wondering.
We have entirely misjudged the real scholar, Shoichi Watanabe.
For a long time, we thought he was a rightist, based on a preconceived notion that the Asahi brought to our attention.
I'm sure it's because Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are a-Changin'" itself, as I wrote before.
The following is from a 10-page article by Shoichi Watanabe, published in this month's issue of the monthly magazine 'Sound Argument.'
This article is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people all over the world.
It is a must-read, especially for those who make a living in the United Nations.
All those who have a keen eye for detail should be aware that my article is 100% vindicated here.
Except for the headline, the emphasis on the black is me.
The previous sentence omitted.
The phrase 'colonial rule' is ignorance and absolute idleness.
I'm also dismayed about the fact that the report of the experts' group says 'colonial rule.'
How on earth can they be so utterly ignorant is lamentable?
What was Korea when Japan and Korea were annexed?
It was the Korean Empire.
It was the annexation of Japan and Korea, which brought it together with Japan.
An empire does not make another realm a colony.
It was a merger of empires.
Look at the English documents of the time.
You won't find the word "colonization" used in any of them.
It is annexation.
The emperor's relatives were the imperial family, and the Lee family's relatives became a noble rank.
Underneath that, the common Kazoku was created in Japan and Korea.
Yangbang also took on the title of baron, viscount, or count.
It is proof that it was a merger of empires.
At the time of the merger, Korea was indeed a country of extreme poverty, so some of the nobles had a hard time keeping up appearances.
So Japan gave them a budget to support the nobility.
At one point in time, it was more money than the Japanese royal family was given.
Colonial rule is generally based on the exploitation and deprivation of the colonized population under slavery.
However, Japan is different.
They treated the Korean people as Japanese citizens.
They built infrastructure such as railroads, schools, dams, and spread practical literacy in education. 
The colonial policy of Western countries and Japanese rule is fundamentally different, and we have to understand that, and it is necessary to keep it in mind. 
It's not just the Korean peninsula.
There are places where the standard of living has improved significantly, and they still appreciate Japanese rule.
These are not things like a colonial rule.
Words such as colonization and colonial rule are sometimes found in the reports of the experts' roundtable conference, but nobody had such an essential recognition.
It's short of study.
On this point, the word "colonies" is used in the Prime Minister's speech, mainly about white nations. I respect the Prime Minister's insight.
This article continues.
