文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Do you want to be a part of a country that is a communist dictatorship and

2022年05月07日 09時41分12秒 | 全般
Italy, do you want to be a vassal state of the greatest human rights abuser in human history, a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" with the added evil of a communist one-party dictatorship? I sent out this chapter on October 17, 2019, titled.
In other words, this man is no doubt a Chinese spy, precisely like the Ozaki Hotsumi of old, the chapter sent out on 2019-03-11 titled.
Each of these has been subjected to the criminal act of persistent search blocking, so I'm re-sending them with revised paragraphs, etc.
Readers know that I love Italy.
The EU has finally realized the reality of China and has taken measures to curb China.
I was disappointed and dismayed by the reports that Italy would turn against it.
Italy, do you want to become a vassal state of a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies"?
Do you want to be a part of a country that is a communist dictatorship and the most prominent human rights abuser in the history of humankind?
If your finances are so tight, why don't you try stopping the three-hour lunch break siestas for once?
If you love your country, why don't all of you work for it for 10 or 20 years?
I was trying to write such a thing.
Like the U.S. before the war, many Soviet spies infiltrated the Roosevelt administration and turned U.S. policy toward a pro-Soviet, pro-Chinese, and anti-Japanese line.
Isn't Italy in a state where many spies from China have infiltrated?
When Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai won the lawsuit that Takashi Uemura brought against her for writing the truth, the Italian who blamed Sakurai-san at the Foreign Correspondents' Club was a man who had graduated from the University of Rome Faculty of Law and studied at Keio University.
I am convinced that this man is one of the people who led the Italian government to its pro-China intentions this time.
In other words, this man is probably the same as the former Hotsumi Ozaki.
In this man's case, I am sure he is a Chinese spy.
He has the same deep pockets in the Italian government that Hotsumi Ozaki had in the Japanese government.
To begin with, Italians are a nation that lives in love even more than the French.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are the number one nation susceptible to Chinese honey traps.
If you have time to let such Chinese spies despise Japan in Japan or move your home government as China intended, why not stop the siesta three-hour habit?
I'm not sure if it's true, but according to one theory, Italian men will get divorced if they don't make love to their wives three times a day, morning, noon, and night.
For the next ten years, why don't all the people in Italy work earnestly for the country's sake and make love three times a day (or only at night)?
That way, Italy will be back on its feet in no time.
And one more thing (similar to China in this respect?), suppose the underground economy was stopped, and all the people paid their taxes correctly, as in other developed countries (especially Japan and the U.S.). So wouldn't the Italian economy be back tomorrow?
Have the pride befitting a country at the beginning of the turntable of civilization.
What has your culture accumulated so far?
Was your culture complicit in the most significant human rights violation in the history of humankind, where abysmal evil and plausible lies are combined with the sin of a communist dictatorship?
Were your culture and civilization so flimsy that you could so quickly sell them to the Chinese for money?


