文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a masochistic view of history produce and broadcast programs that support anti-Japanese propaganda

2021年06月14日 18時34分21秒 | 全般

I've been watching the late-night sports news program, Going, on Nippon Television every week without fail.
Last night's coverage of Germany, featuring Hasebe, was truly extraordinary.
It was a blatant and foolish (not to mention that the producers do not think it was foolish) glorification of Germany (learn from Germany), i.e., it was a broadcast with an incredibly masochistic view of history that Japan is inferior to Germany.
It is not the only time that NTV produces and broadcasts strange programs late at night.
Such as a ridiculous program claiming that the Nanjing Massacre is a fact or a haphazard program about the Ainu people, which this column has pointed out each time.
They have employees who have a masochistic view of history produce and broadcast programs that support anti-Japanese propaganda.
It must be a regular event for NTV.
A TBS employee's accusation paper, exertion on the Internet, proved to be correct.
Masayuki Takayama taught me the reality of the situation: "Koreans living in Japan infiltrated broadcasters in the chaos immediately after the end of the war. NHK is a representative of them." It also proved the correctness of his theory.
Last night's program also provided the answer to why Germany is strangely using Hasebe so heavily.
Hasebe and Tamesue are probably the most valuable sports figures for them.
It rots my pen to point this out, but the program revealed that Germans are a bunch of pseudo-moralists.
Ever since the problem of ocean pollution caused by plastic waste became a problem, German stores do not use any packaging.
There are two pre-school mistakes in this.
First, the video clearly showed that the number of infected people in Germany is about five times higher than in Japan because of the lack of a hygienic environment.
Secondly, suppose the problem is ocean pollution caused by plastic waste. In that case, it is enough to criticize and correct China, which is the overwhelming cause of the ocean pollution, and South Korea, which is following suit as a small China.
But Germany, whose economy depends on selling German cars to China, has no business criticizing China. 
In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that the Germans are all a bunch of hypocrites.
This article continues.



