文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Alexis Dudden, who is not only ignorant in the 21st century but also the meanest fellow

2019年06月18日 12時16分06秒 | 全般

Alexis Dudden, who is not only ignorant in the 21st century but also the meanest fellow human beings, of all things, such as acting as agents of the Korean Peninsula while teaching at a US university ... She must read this chapter more wisely than anyone else.
So she must immediately stop the slander against Japan, which is the country where 'The Turntable of Civilization' is turning as a divine presenter.
If you are not repentant, if you are a Christian, it is needless to say that you have no gate of heaven, only a gateway to hell waiting.
Even if Christianity gave forgiveness to people like you,
A Japanese citizen who lived in the century of war, fought for the nation as a soldier, more bravery than anyone else.
And a Japanese citizen who was killed indiscriminately bombarded by incendiary bombardment against the whole of Japan by your fathers.
You must know that Hiroshima, Nagasaki's old people and women and children who killed in the atomic bomb will never forgive you.
Mayan's tragedy
For example, it is Maya.
Their culture was alive with advanced architecture and astronomy.
However, even now, that part has not survived.
Maya is now in the jungle of the Guatemalan border and is engaged in slash-and-burn farming, but has recently created several villages with its settlement policy.
In such a village near Chiapas, I have interviewed a girl who can hardly see only Japanese people.
In the 16th century, Spanish invaded, many Mayans were killed, and women were raped.
Her ancestors ran into the jungle, and for five hundred years, protected the Mayan blood.
It was pure Mayan.
She says, 'I hate' such an ancestor.
If he did not escape and the Spanish raped his ancestors, he became a Mestizo (mixed-blood child) with white blood.
"If so, I went down to the city of confidently and went to a hard rock cafe in Mexico City."
I'm ending my life in such a place because I kept pure blood of imperfect Indio.
When it may be yellow, I comforted her, but it seems that it didn't become a comfort to her.
The interpreter at this time was entirely white blood stronger Mestizo, but after this interview, he said gravely 'We are the high-rent Mestizo too.'
'I am anxious when a baby is born.'
'High-rent Mestizo' is also mixed with some percentage of Mayan blood.
It comes out like throwback by some chance.
'With Indio's bloody face, it can not go to a good school. It will lose a good position.'
The hard rock cafe she mentions early arrival is 'it doesn't accept when seeing Indio even a little.'
Maya, who has that bright culture dies out, and the descendant of those people shows even the hate to be Maya.
I had heard a story similar to this during the Tehran correspondent period.
The taxi driver's sister, who was in and out of the branch gave birth.
My assistant Masswood immediately said, 'Well, what color it was.'
The driver said happily, 'it's white.'
The assistant asked again whether it was a boy or a girl.
When I examine it to him, 'It is difficult for you to answer, but Iran is an Aryan tribe, and the country name comes from there, but dark Arabs ruled the defeat of Sassanid Persia in Nefapent's battle.'
It means that the blood of a despised Arab has entered a little.
And in the 13th century, Kublai Khan's younger brother Hulagu Khan attacked and made Il Hank.
The reign lasted for more than a hundred years, but 'The Mongolians thoroughly stained the blood of the Persians at this time.'
Thought I had something in my mind a little to the expression 'staining blood', that is to say, Arya races mixed with Mongoloid blood.
It comes out occasionally.
A yellow child with chinky eyes is born.
Same as Mestizo's interpreter.
So if a baby is born, he will hear the color first.
I ask if there are such examples.
They are distinguished against a family, too, and it isn't possible to do the marriage that should have a proper position, either, also.
"The lowest occupation in Iran is the baker. The baker bakes with jar fired by charcoal. He is known for his hot, hot and low pay. Most of the cooks know at first glance the descendants of Hulagu Khan."
Disgust and discrimination arise over the blood of conquerors, even among the same Iranians.
In the case of a small number, it ends with a little prejudice, but if that degree is large, it can easily be imagined that it might cause problems in unity and coercivity as a nation.

Haiti is a good example.
France put black slaves and made sugar and coffee plantations here.
However, in the age of Napoleon, it will be unprofitable and abandoned. It became independent as the first black nation.
If it is thought that it is proud of a strong unity in the spring with the brutal situation of being slave-born, the incredible brutal killings between Haitians continue from the establishment until the present.
The reason is that about 30% of the population is white mixed race, so-called mulatto, they are proud of white blood, worship native France, and adopted French as the national language.
The French also gave them the convenience of education and so on.
Although they look the same, they look down on pure blacks and are confronted under it.
It protests, uniting to the selfishness of a white, and a move to make the history of a slave colony compensate to them isn't born so that it will be taken, either.
Rape is not something to do with plundering.
Rape deprives the ethnicity of purebreds and thus has the destructive power to perish like Mayan or to bring about constant turmoil like Haiti.
This manuscript continues.
