文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Beijing government, which is violating the spirit of the Olympics in an even worse way

2021年11月08日 16時04分39秒 | 全般

The following is from the following book published on May 31, 2021, of which I recently introduced only the introduction by Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Japanese citizens who can read print must subscribe to it at their nearest bookstore.
I will do my best to let the rest of the world know about it.

Chapter 1: No to China's Arrogance! The Ongoing Uyghur "Genocide" in Xinjiang
Japan should raise its voice for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics
Former Secretary of State Pompeo said that the Chinese government's actions are "out of line with the spirit of the Olympic Games" and that  we should propose to the International Olympic Committee (10C) to change the host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate have proposed a similar resolution. 
However, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has vehemently opposed the U.S. and E.U. moves.
He is saying, "The testimony is a total lie, the actors were set up to testify," and "The evidence that human rights are not being violated is that the population is growing."
Yang Haiying 
The horrific suppression of the Uighurs has indeed become a global problem. 
Yet, Japan's response has been slow.
It is because Japan has a strong desire not to make enemies of China and to get along well with China.
However, we should not overlook this situation and make a statement condemning the genocide.
The Uyghurs and Tibet, Mongolia, and Hong Kong are all victims of China.
What will happen if Japan, a significant power in Asia, does not speak out?
We will lose the trust of the international community.
Not only that, but it may also encourage China's arrogance.
Yang Yi 
During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the world virtually turned a blind eye to the Chinese Communist Party's oppression of Tibet.
Japan did not speak out either.
During the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, Japan should have imposed sanctions on the Chinese government for massacring the citizens and students who stood up for "democracy." Still, Japan was very reluctant to do so. It is sad.
At that time, the Japanese Foreign Ministry decided on two things.
The first was never to provoke China. Even if we criticize the crackdown at Tiananmen Square, we must do so in a way that does not damage China's reputation. Second, since China promotes Deng Xiaoping's policy of reform and opening up, Japan should move to help it. Otherwise, China will be in turmoil, and this will spread to the whole of Asia.
The Chinese language training group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the so-called "China School Group," led this effort.
Yang Yi 
With such naive talk, the Chinese government must have thought it could do anything it wanted, which led to the all-out suppression of ethnic groups. 
It might be fair to say that it was the China School group of the Japanese Foreign Ministry at the time that helped China become the devilish one-party dictatorship it is today. 
The same tendency of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to lean toward China is also evident in political circles, business circles, and the world of speech.
It is why Japan sometimes has outrageous "unbalanced discussions."
One such example is the reaction to the comments of Yoshiro Mori, Chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 
The statement that "when women enter the meeting, the discussion becomes longer" is not appropriate when taken by itself. Still, when you look at the statement as a whole, it is not discriminatory against women.
Nevertheless, it was met with a great deal of criticism.        
Chairman Mori has resigned, and things have settled down, but considering the Olympics issue, I think it would be strange if it should not severely criticize the Chinese government's business if it hits Mr. Mori.
What the Beijing government is doing is a big problem that has a different dimension than disrespecting women.
They are raping and killing Uyghur women en masse, taking away their religion and language, and erasing their ethnic identity.
It is the Chinese government that is carrying out ethnic cleansing operations, even sterilizing many of them.
Is it a good idea to hold the Olympics in Beijing, the home of the Chinese government?
The world should have a serious discussion.
If we are going to severely criticize Ms. Mori for "speaking out against the spirit of the Olympics," it is only logical that we should be more severe in our condemnation of the Beijing government, which is violating the spirit of the Olympics in an even worse way.
I want to send out a clear message about that.
Yang Yi 
We have to examine how much damage has been done in Mongolia, Uyghur, and Tibet, and at the same time, we have to stop the ongoing violence.
If this is left unchecked, the world will be rewritten according to the values of the Chinese Communist Party.
There is a looming danger that the people of the world will be enslaved, deprived of their freedom, and deprived of their thoughts and beliefs for the continuation of the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship.
We must do something to stop this.
In fact, we Han Chinese may be the ones who are suffering the most. The Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square: 
The Chinese Communist Party administration continues to "repress blood" for both Han and ethnic minorities to expand and protect their interests in a one-party dictatorship.
The purge caused by the Cultural Revolution is by no means over, and it is continuing profoundly and silently. 
Japan and the rest of the world have turned a blind eye to the harmful effects of the Communist dictatorship, disillusioned by the enormous size of the Chinese market that lies behind it.
As a result, we allow the Communist Party to continue being brutal, undemocratic and ignoring the international order with impunity.
It is we who are allowing this to happen. 
Half of the responsibility lies with us.
This article continues.


