文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We must do such ordinary things as a matter of course.

2022年04月23日 21時00分35秒 | 全般
The following is from the book Liberal Totalitarianism Destroys Japan, published on 3/31.
A must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text other than the headline is mine.
Japanese Consciousness Has Not Caught Up with the Drastic Changes in the Security Environment
Interestingly, Natsuo Yamaguchi and Taro Kono said the same thing on the issue of extending the range of missiles.
They said that an enemy base attack capability is an old Showa-era idea. If you say it is an old idea, there is no counterproposal for what to do about it.
It is the same to the point where there is no counterproposal.
That enemy base attack capability is obviously partly for "peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait," but China is the target of that capability.
It is also a U.S. demand to build long-range missiles.
The public is concerned because they see newspaper articles about where the Chinese ships are coming from and what the Senkaku Islands are like.
The Russian fleet passed through the Tsugaru Strait.
That is an international strait, so there should be no problem as long as the passage is harmless.
The northernmost strait, Soya Strait, is internationally known as La Perouse Strait.
The Soya Straits, Tsugaru Straits, Kanmon Straits, and Miyako Straits are all areas that Japan must control and have done so in the past.
Stalin said during World War II, "We must seize the Tsugaru Straits, the Soya Straits, and the Tsushima Straits."
It meant invading and territorializing Hokkaido and then taking control of the Sea of Japan.
In other words, such a crisis has been inherent in the country for a long time.
And now it is about to emerge.
And yet, the fact that the opposition party's propaganda is "separate surnames for married couples" proves that it is no longer a party that can discuss politics or be entrusted with power.
The opposition says that there is a disparity and that distribution is necessary.
However, while distribution is a good idea, there is no other country where the welfare recipients are richer than ordinary working people as in Japan.
We even give welfare to foreigners, Koreans.
We should stop that as soon as possible.
I believe that an administrative order can make the welfare payments to South Koreans residing in Japan from the section chief level.
Next time, we should stop it in the name of the minister.
Japanese politics today has been reduced to a welfare issue, neglecting national security.  
The housewife demographic who only watch T.V. wide shows haven't been able to get out of that mindset.
Basically speaking, I think that the Japanese people's awareness has not caught up with the drastic changes in the security environment.
The political discourse has not caught up either.
The truth is that security issues are the top priority in politics. Still, politicians are always talking about enriching people's lives and correcting inequalities, and other things that cater to the Japanese people are evidence of this.
Politicians are too inward-looking in their thinking and are complacent in their inward-looking politics.
The most important thing in Japan's current political situation, as I mentioned earlier, is how much Japan can act amid a significant change in the security environment, where China is about to emerge and may cause something to happen in the Taiwan Strait.
The U.S. is clearly asking us to contribute.
The Joe Biden administration says, "I'm not going to do it, so Japan should do it.
In extreme terms, the same thing that happened when the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan will occur in East Asia, won't it?
When Trump was president, he told European NATO countries to reduce their military spending to 2% but said nothing to Japan.
I wondered why Trump did not say this to Japan, and then Biden became president and clearly said more than 2%.
This figure came out in the open, but the Japanese did not make such a big deal about it.
I want to think that this is the Takaichi effect or that people are gradually waking up.
In any case, we must start a major reform in Japan now, no matter what the degree.
That is what the LDP needs to do: reorganize its factions and seriously work on constitutional reform.
They should cut off all aid to Japan, which has been self-defeating so far and cut off relations with China and South Korea.
Incidentally, ODA to China finally ended this year.
I want to think about why on earth we served such a country.
Shintaro Ishihara, who passed away recently, said, "Don't think of going to China to make money."
We must do such ordinary things as a matter of course.
That is why economic security is also an issue.
For example, if we could no longer import Corona masks from China, Japan would not have enough at all.
Economic security is to rebuild the supply chain to prevent such a situation from happening.
It may be too late, but it is much better than not doing so.
We finally realized and started to do it.
It's just getting started. So now that we are on the right track, we must try to get all the other problems started.
This article continues.
