文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China has shown no respect or genuine friendship to Japan in the last 40 years.

2023年12月21日 23時53分26秒 | 全般

China has shown no respect or genuine friendship to Japan in the last 40 years.
The following is from an article by Mineo Nakajima, President of Akita International University, which appeared in the Hanada Selection, a monthly magazine entitled 'The Normalization of Diplomatic Relations Between Japan and China,' which was a mistake. [WiLL] (edited by Hanada Kazuyoshi) October 2012]
It is a must-read for Japan and the rest of the world.

The severe cost of rough-and-ready diplomacy
Exactly 40 years ago, on September 29, 1972, Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, who had successfully concluded diplomatic relations between Japan and China in a single stroke, returned to Japan in high spirits with Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira. 
In the afternoon of the next day, September 30, then Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Hogen Shinsaku welcomed Mr. Ohira at Haneda Airport when he arrived in the room where we, the Advisory Committee on International Relations (a private advisory body of the Chief Cabinet Secretary), was waiting for him, he was the first to praise himself, saying, 'I would give the Sino-Japanese negotiations this time not just a perfect score on a scale of 100, but a score of 120.'
As I listened to Vice-Minister Hogen's remarks, I recall being stunned by the stark difference between my views and impressions as if it were just the other day. 
Meanwhile, on the Chinese side, Chairman Mao Zedong handed a copy of 'Verses of Chu' to the Japanese leader, who had allowed them to visit his apartment as a souvenir, and Prime Minister Tanaka reverently accepted it. 
He has unilaterally discarded Taiwan (the Republic of China). 
Regarding Chinese classical second-to-none great scholar, as the late Master Yasuhiro Masahiro lamented in his presentation of 'Verses of Chu,' a book about the late Qu Yuan who threw himself into the Miluo River was the natural equivalent of forcing a national ruin drama on the other side, Prime Minister Tanaka and the then head of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who were in China gasping for breath, could not possibly know to see such implications, China has manipulated Japan to approve the 'Three Principles of Japan-China Diplomatic Relations' in the Japan-China Joint Statement, and is now in the process of implementing them, it has unilaterally discarded Taiwan (the Republic of China).
Japan is still paying a high price for this hasty diplomacy, but for the amount it has settled, China has shown no respect or genuine friendship to Japan in the last 40 years.

Was the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and China the right choice? 
As is well known, the Senkaku Islands issue has been in the spotlight in recent Sino-Japanese relations. Ten years ago, in May, there was the 'Shenyang Incident,' in which refugees who had escaped from North Korea rushed to the Japanese Consulate-General in Shenyang, only to be forcibly brought back by Chinese officials. 
The truth of the 'Shenyang Incident' was discovered precisely because it happened to be broadcast on Japanese television. Still, without it, this incident might have been covered up and buried in the context of "Sino-Japanese friendship" diplomacy.
However, through the clear images of the Shenyang Incident, many Japanese people have seen the accurate picture of the Communist Party's dictatorship and China's 'Sino-Japanese friendship' diplomacy on the ground.
They have also learned that Japan-China friendship diplomacy is 'losing to China' diplomacy, and 'atonement' diplomacy is nothing more than 'Japan-China collusion'. 
Moreover, even though 'friendly Japan-China' diplomacy has continued for the past 40 years, none of the pending issues between Japan and China, including the Yasukuni issue, the textbook issue, the issue of historical recognition, and the issue of the Senkaku Islands, have been settled, including the issue of the violation of sovereignty by the Consulate-General of Japan in Shenyang. 
Therefore, although on the 30th anniversary of Japan-China diplomatic relations, a delegation of 13,000 people visited China to praise the 'friendship between Japan and China,' the Japanese public's feelings had already cooled off.
The combination of reports of the dangers of Chinese food and Chinese medicine, as seen in the poisoned dumpling incident in China, and the increase in crime among Chinese nationals living in Japan were probably the leading causes. 
Even the single issue of the Senkaku Islands is completely baseless on the Chinese side's claims.
This year is the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, so how will they celebrate the 40th anniversary?
Here, too, the cost of hasty diplomacy remains.
This article continues.

2023/12/17 in Kyoto

I would be happy if this book could show even a part. Maybe we'll find out who killed Abe.   

2023年12月21日 18時59分53秒 | 全般

The following is from the Introduction to Masayuki Takayama's latest book, "Henkenjizai: Who Buried Shinzo Abe?"
This book is the latest in a series of bound editions of his famous columns in Weekly Shincho, and the original text has been polished to make it even easier to read.
He deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature for this one book alone.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

In his book "Embracing Defeat," the modern American historian John Dower describes the behavior of the Japanese army as "They looted occupied territory, attacked women, threw babies up and stabbed them with bayonets while laughing" and many other unbelievable stories. 
We have all heard these stories.
During World War I, German troops occupying Belgium raided homes and committed all manner of atrocities.
Children who would become future members of the resistance had their wrists cut off so that they could not carry guns.
Maternity hospitals were attacked, nurses were raped, and babies in incubators were thrown up and stabbed with bayonets.
It is the same story of "Japanese military brutality." 
The American public was outraged by the brutality. 
Woodrow Wilson decided to enter the war, and the war was over. 
After the war, wealthy American families sought to take in the children without wrists but could not find them. 
Such "verification of wartime reports revealed no raped nurses or murdered babies" (Arthur Ponsonby, "Wartime Lies"). 
It has also come to light that behind the lies was the Committee for Public Information (CPI) of the United States.
The CPI was created by Wilson and consisted of the U.S. Secretary of State, the Army and Navy Secretaries, and newspaper industry representatives.
Its role was to spread stories of German military brutality through newspaper reports, movies, radio programs, and other media to turn U.S. public opinion toward participation in the war, and they succeeded in doing so. 
They told the same atrocity stories about the Japanese army.
What is strange, however, is that they did not tell the stories during the war but afterward, as if to keep pace with the postwar promotion of the Tokyo Trial Historical View by GHQ. 
Hiroshi Hayashi of Kanto Gakuin University said, "Japanese troops threw up a baby in Malaya and stabbed it.
Kenichi Goto of Waseda University wrote, "Japanese troops pushed 3,000 Sumatran villagers into a bottomless pit.
Akira Fujiwara, a professor at Hitotsubashi University, called the smoke screen of the Japanese army a poison gas.
These stories could have been found to be lies without relying on Ponsonby, but Dower had a different perspective.
He asserts that "the atrocities committed by the Japanese military are so obvious that they need no verification" and that the Japanese are more brutal than wild beasts. 
In the same vein, Dower asserts that both the "Nanking Massacre" and the "Manila Massacre of 100,000" are facts. 
At this time, he had not even heard from anyone involved in the Battle of Nanking who was still alive.
The Manila Massacre is even more of a joke.
Before the Battle of Manila, the Japanese military handed over 3,800 Western civilians interned at Sand Thomas University to the U.S. military side.
It was a humanitarian measure to prevent them from being caught in the crossfire of war.
Both testimonies and video footage remain. 
However, the next day, as soon as the city was reduced to just Filipinos and Japanese troops, the U.S. military bombarded Manila with thousands of tons of artillery, reducing the city to ruins and killing many civilians. 
Then, after the war, GHQ claimed that the Japanese massacred 100,000 Manila citizens.
They blamed the Japanese military for their atrocities.
When the Asahi Shimbun newspaper responded, "Don't play dumb" or "Verify it," GHQ threatened to scrap the paper and silenced them. 
Dower's book is a book that disregards all such inconveniences in the U.S. and is a book that is full of contempt for the Showa Emperor and condescending depictions of the Japanese people. 
The New York Times, however, praised the book as soon as it was published, and as a result, it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Bancroft Prize for history, and the School Book Award for its suitability as a school textbook. 
The historical view that runs through the book is found in its Introduction.
"The rise of Japan as a modern nation surprised witnesses. It was more rapid, daring, and steady than anyone had expected, and in the end, it became insane, brutal, and self-destructive in a way that no one had expected." 
I have no wonder the Japanese worked hard to modernize "with one mind up and down" from the country's opening, but beyond that.
One day, he says, the Japanese went insane, stormed out like a village of eight graves, and destroyed themselves. 
He says that China and the U.S. were just bystanders and that Japan rubbed them the wrong way by wrestling alone.
The Tokyo Tribunal's view of history is also based on the same view of history, and it has bound Japan since the end of World War II.
The same is true of Tomiichi Murayama's statement.
In the not-too-distant past, Japan made a mistake in its national policy and took the road to war, invading and inflicting suffering on those around it. 
He reflects on his actions while still in the octopus pot. 
They do not even look outside.
Shinzo Abe pointed out in his statement that the nation would lose sight of its place in the world if it did so. 
The discourse in "In the World Over 100 Years Ago'' depicts "Western countries'' with "overwhelming technological superiority'' colonizing the Third World by force.
Japan, rising out of a sense of crisis, defeated Russia and "encouraged many Asian and African people who were under colonial rule," he continued.
He says that history is not made by one country individually but by many countries intertwined, and various dynamics are at work. 
From then on, world history entered a phase in which the West, adhering to colonial imperialism, eliminated the different Japan.
Abe suggests that it continues even after Japan's defeat in the war.
The U.S. obsession with white supremacy has been the driving force behind this, and Abe's statement overlooks this actual history and speaks of it with a touch of irony. 
It was a fresh perspective for the Japanese, who have no clear view of postwar history, and the U.S. may or may not have been horrified by Mr. Abe's words, but they may have thought they saw a dignified Japanese man of the past. 
Mr. Abe was assassinated.
Although Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers steeped in postwar historical views continue to deny Mr. Abe, many people have become convinced of Abe's historical views after the incident.
What kind of view is that?
I would be happy if this book could show even a part.
Maybe we'll find out who killed Abe.                                    
Masayuki Takayama


2023年12月21日 18時22分36秒 | 全般

以下は2023/12/15に出版された高山正之の最新刊「変見自在 安倍晋三を葬ったのは誰か」の序章からである。



2023年12月21日 17時47分31秒 | 全般


清朝に戦争を吹っ掛けてベトナムを手に入れると、まず「阿片専売公社(レジ・オピオム)を建て、阿片を配給して中毒患者を増やして」 (アンドレ・ヴィオリス『インドシナSOS』)大儲けした。 


É dever dos japoneses modernos esclarecer tais mal-entendidos.

2023年12月21日 17時37分44秒 | 全般

O texto a seguir é da coluna serial de Masayuki Takayama que traz a revista Weekly Shincho, lançada hoje, a uma conclusão bem-sucedida.
Este artigo também prova que ele é o único jornalista no mundo do pós-guerra.
É uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para os cidadãos japoneses, mas também para pessoas de todo o mundo.

Quem é o revendedor?
Hupatia, a bela astrônoma, contou sobre os milagres de Jesus: “Não ensine a superstição como verdade.
Então, uma congregação furiosa a atacou e a matou, raspando sua carne com cascas de ostras.
Os japoneses levaram até o reinado de Iemitsu para expulsar a religião tacanha e brutal, mas os brancos da Europa trouxeram o ópio.
Primeiro, os holandeses trouxeram-no para Taiwan.
Os chineses em Taiwan foram imediatamente cativados por ela, e ela se espalhou através do estreito até os chineses no continente.
Naquela época, a Dinastia Manchu Qing foi estabelecida como o novo governante dos chineses.
Quando viram o povo chinês fumando ópio, emitiram a primeira proibição do ópio (pelo imperador Yongzheng), acreditando que o povo inicialmente preguiçoso se tornaria ainda mais letárgico.
No entanto, os chineses não parariam.
Vendo isto, os britânicos trouxeram o ópio diretamente para a China e obtiveram um lucro considerável.
A Dinastia Qing ficou furiosa e em 1840 começou a Guerra do Ópio.
Os britânicos, que venceram a guerra, usaram Hong Kong como base para o seu negócio de ópio e construíram uma rede de vendas de ópio não apenas na China continental, mas também no Sudeste Asiático, na Austrália e nos Estados Unidos, utilizando o povo chinês no Delta do Rio das Pérolas. .
Havia muitos coolies em cada um desses lugares.
No século XX, a Gangue Verde monopolizou o mercado chinês, controlando tudo, desde o cultivo de papoula até o refino de heroína.
No entanto, os britânicos continuaram a lucrar com a sua esmagadora fatia do mercado do Sudeste Asiático.
Lee Kun Choi, antigo embaixador de Singapura no Japão, que conheci em Penang, contou-me as suas memórias de infância com um olhar distante: "Lembro-me do fumo e do cheiro do ópio ardendo ao sol da tarde enquanto os cules terminavam o seu trabalho. ."
Naquela área, o número de pessoas que fumavam e bebiam ópio continuou a aumentar porque se dizia que era eficaz contra a malária.
Tanto na China como na Ásia, aqueles que comercializavam ópio ganhavam tanto dinheiro que não conseguiam parar de rir.
A França invejou isso.
Depois de invocar a guerra contra a Dinastia Qing e tomar posse do Vietname, eles primeiro "construíram uma empresa monopolista do ópio (Regis Opiom), distribuíram ópio e aumentaram o número de viciados". muito dinheiro.
Durante este período, o Japão venceu a Guerra Sino-Japonesa e conquistou Taiwan.
Era uma terra de pestes, cobras venenosas e viciados em ópio.
Shinpei Goto, nomeado Secretário de Assuntos Civis, emitia cartões de identificação para viciados em ópio e vendia ópio apenas para eles.
Todos os rendimentos foram para o tratamento do ópio.
Como resultado, o número de pacientes caiu de 160 mil para 60 mil em 20 anos e para zero no final da guerra.
Na Malásia britânica, onde o pai de Lee Kun Choi e outros chineses vendiam ópio, havia várias centenas de milhares de pacientes na época da independência.
Mahathir pretende atingir zero pacientes, condenando à morte todos aqueles que usam ópio, mas há um longo caminho a percorrer.
Manchukuo, que foi fundada 30 anos depois de Taiwan, também era um local de doenças graves, com pessoas sofrendo de sífilis, doenças oculares, hemorróidas e ópio.
O governo forneceu sistemas de água e esgoto, incentivou as pessoas a tomar banho e exigiu que os viciados em ópio tivessem etiquetas de identificação, tal como em Taiwan.
Ao mesmo tempo, o governo interveio na epidemia do ópio na China continental.
Du Yuesheng, da Gangue Verde, e Chiang Kai-shek se uniram para controlar a produção de ópio e o refino e distribuição de heroína, obtendo lucro.
Os japoneses perseguiram Chiang, suprimiram a Gangue Verde e criaram o Hsing-a-in para impedir o fluxo ilícito de ópio para a Manchúria.
No entanto, este método de erradicação das drogas “foi deliberadamente pervertido pelos EUA e por Chiang Kai-shek, que propagandearam que o Japão estava a poluir a China com ópio e a fazer matança” (F. Williams, “The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda”).
Williams continua: "Os japoneses eram maus propagandistas e, em vez de contra-atacar, ficaram de mau humor e calaram-se".
É dever dos japoneses modernos esclarecer tais mal-entendidos.
Shigetada Kishii do Mainichi Shimbun, antes de sua morte, deixou escapar a mentira de que "Manchukuo foi financiado por narcóticos" com grande pretensão.
Outro dia, o Asahi Shimbun também fez o estudioso Motohiro Kobayashi dizer que o Exército Kwantung vendia ópio por dinheiro e que o Japão administrava o comércio de ópio na China em nome dos britânicos.
E o Asahi o fez falar sobre a teoria “foi tudo culpa do Japão”, a mesma que afirmam os EUA.
Se os netos não acreditassem nas boas intenções do avô, quem acreditaria?


Il est du devoir des Japonais modernes de dissiper de tels malentendus.

2023年12月21日 17時36分11秒 | 全般

Ce qui suit est extrait de la chronique en série de Masayuki Takayama qui conclut avec succès le magazine Weekly Shincho, publié aujourd'hui.
Cet article prouve également qu’il est le seul et unique journaliste du monde d’après-guerre.
C'est une lecture incontournable non seulement pour les citoyens japonais mais aussi pour les citoyens du monde entier.

Qui est le revendeur ?
Hupatia, la belle astronome, a parlé des miracles de Jésus : « N'enseignez pas la superstition comme étant la vérité.
Ensuite, une congrégation en colère l’a attaquée et l’a tuée en lui grattant la chair avec des coquilles d’huîtres.
Il a fallu aux Japonais jusqu'au règne d'Iemitsu pour chasser cette religion étroite et brutale, mais les Blancs d'Europe ont apporté à la place l'opium.
Premièrement, les Néerlandais l’ont introduit à Taiwan.
Les Chinois de Taiwan en furent immédiatement captivés et le virus se répandit à travers le détroit jusqu'aux Chinois du continent.
À cette époque, la dynastie Mandchoue Qing fut établie comme nouveau dirigeant des Chinois.
Lorsqu'ils ont vu les Chinois fumer de l'opium, ils ont émis la première interdiction de l'opium (par l'empereur Yongzheng), croyant que les gens initialement paresseux deviendraient encore plus léthargiques.
Cependant, les Chinois ne s’arrêteront pas.
Voyant cela, les Britanniques amenèrent l’opium directement en Chine et en firent un profit considérable.
La dynastie Qing était furieuse et en 1840 commença la guerre de l’opium.
Les Britanniques, qui ont gagné la guerre, ont utilisé Hong Kong comme base pour leur commerce d'opium et ont construit un réseau de vente d'opium non seulement en Chine continentale, mais également en Asie du Sud-Est, en Australie et aux États-Unis, en utilisant des Chinois dans le delta de la rivière des Perles. .
Il y avait beaucoup de coolies dans chacun de ces endroits.
Au XXe siècle, la bande verte a monopolisé le marché chinois en contrôlant tout, de la culture du pavot au raffinage de l'héroïne.
Néanmoins, les Britanniques ont continué à profiter de leur part écrasante du marché de l’Asie du Sud-Est.
Lee Kun Choi, ancien ambassadeur de Singapour au Japon, que j'ai rencontré à Penang, m'a raconté ses souvenirs d'enfance avec un regard lointain : « Je me souviens de la fumée et de l'odeur de l'opium qui couvait au soleil du soir alors que les coolies terminaient leur travail. ".
Dans cette région, le nombre de personnes qui fument et boivent de l'opium continue d'augmenter parce que l'opium est réputé efficace contre le paludisme.
En Chine comme en Asie, ceux qui faisaient le commerce de l'opium gagnaient tellement d'argent qu'ils ne pouvaient s'empêcher de rire.
La France l'enviait.
Après avoir invoqué la guerre contre la dynastie Qing et pris possession du Vietnam, ils ont d'abord « construit une société monopolistique de l'opium (Regis Opiom), distribué de l'opium et augmenté le nombre de toxicomanes. » (André Violis, « Indochina SOS »). beaucoup d'argent.
Durant cette période, le Japon a gagné la guerre sino-japonaise et conquis Taïwan.
C’était une terre de peste, de serpents venimeux et d’opiumistes.
Shinpei Goto, qui a été nommé secrétaire aux Affaires civiles, délivrait des cartes d'identité aux opiomanes et ne vendait de l'opium qu'à eux.
Tous les bénéfices ont été consacrés au traitement à l'opium.
En conséquence, le nombre de patients est passé de 160 000 à 60 000 en 20 ans et à zéro à la fin de la guerre.
En Malaisie britannique, où le père de Lee Kun Choi et d'autres Chinois vendaient de l'opium, il y avait plusieurs centaines de milliers de patients au moment de l'indépendance.
Mahathir vise zéro patient en mettant à mort tous ceux qui possèdent de l’opium, mais il reste un long chemin à parcourir.
Le Mandchoukouo, qui a été fondé 30 ans plus tard que Taiwan, était également un lieu de maladie grave, avec des personnes souffrant de syphilis, de maladies oculaires, d'hémorroïdes et d'opium.
Le gouvernement a fourni des systèmes d'eau et d'égouts, encouragé les gens à se baigner et exigé que les opiomanes portent des étiquettes d'identification, tout comme à Taiwan.
Dans le même temps, le gouvernement est intervenu dans l’épidémie d’opium en Chine continentale.
Du Yuesheng du Green Gang et Chiang Kai-shek s'étaient associés pour contrôler la production d'opium ainsi que le raffinage et la distribution de l'héroïne, réalisant ainsi des bénéfices.
Les Japonais ont poursuivi Chiang, supprimé le Gang Vert et créé le Hsing-a-in pour empêcher l'afflux d'opium illicite en Mandchourie.
Cependant, cette méthode d’éradication de la drogue « a été délibérément pervertie par les États-Unis et Chiang Kai-shek, qui ont fait de la propagande selon laquelle le Japon polluait la Chine avec de l’opium et faisait des massacres » (F. Williams, « The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda »).
Williams poursuit : « Les Japonais étaient de piètres propagandistes et, au lieu de riposter, ils boudaient et se taisaient. »
Il est du devoir des Japonais modernes de dissiper de tels malentendus.
Shigetada Kishii du Mainichi Shimbun, avant sa mort, a laissé échapper le mensonge selon lequel « le Mandchoukouo était financé par les stupéfiants » avec beaucoup de prétention.
L'autre jour, l'Asahi Shimbun a également fait dire au chercheur Motohiro Kobayashi que l'armée du Guandong vendait de l'opium pour de l'argent et que le Japon gérait le commerce de l'opium en Chine pour le compte des Britanniques.
Et les Asahi l’ont fait parler de la théorie « tout était de la faute du Japon », la même que celle des États-Unis.
Si les petits-enfants ne croyaient pas aux bonnes intentions de leur grand-père, qui le ferait ?


Es ist die Pflicht des modernen Japaners, solche Missverständnisse aufzuklären.

2023年12月21日 17時35分04秒 | 全般

Das Folgende stammt aus der Serienkolumne von Masayuki Takayama, die das heute erschienene Magazin Weekly Shincho zu einem erfolgreichen Abschluss bringt.
Dieser Artikel beweist auch, dass er der einzige Journalist in der Nachkriegswelt ist.
Es ist nicht nur für japanische Bürger, sondern auch für Menschen weltweit eine Pflichtlektüre.

Wer ist der Händler?
Hupatia, die schöne Astronomin, erzählte von den Wundern Jesu: „Lehre Aberglauben nicht als Wahrheit.“
Dann griff eine wütende Gemeinde sie an und tötete sie, indem sie ihr Fleisch mit Austernschalen aufschabte.
Die Japaner brauchten bis zur Herrschaft von Iemitsu, um die engstirnige und brutale Religion zu vertreiben, doch die Weißen Europas brachten stattdessen Opium.
Zuerst brachten die Niederländer es nach Taiwan.
Die Chinesen in Taiwan waren sofort davon fasziniert und es verbreitete sich über die Meerenge bis zu den Chinesen auf dem Festland.
Zu dieser Zeit wurde die Mandschu-Qing-Dynastie als neuer Herrscher der Chinesen etabliert.
Als sie sahen, wie das chinesische Volk Opium rauchte, erließen sie das erste Opiumverbot (vom Yongzheng-Kaiser) und glaubten, dass die anfänglich faulen Menschen dadurch noch lethargischer werden würden.
Die Chinesen wollten jedoch nicht aufhören.
Als die Briten dies sahen, brachten sie Opium direkt nach China und machten einen beträchtlichen Gewinn.
Die Qing-Dynastie war wütend und 1840 begann der Opiumkrieg.
Die Briten, die den Krieg gewonnen hatten, nutzten Hongkong als Basis für ihr Opiumgeschäft und bauten mithilfe der Chinesen im Perlflussdelta ein Vertriebsnetz für Opium nicht nur auf dem chinesischen Festland, sondern auch in Südostasien, Australien und den Vereinigten Staaten auf .
An jedem dieser Orte gab es viele Kulis.
Im 20. Jahrhundert monopolisierte die Grüne Bande den chinesischen Markt, indem sie alles vom Mohnanbau bis zur Heroinraffinierung kontrollierte.
Dennoch profitierten die Briten weiterhin von ihrem überwältigenden Anteil am südostasiatischen Markt.
Lee Kun Choi, ehemaliger singapurischer Botschafter in Japan, den ich in Penang traf, erzählte mir mit distanziertem Blick von seinen Kindheitserinnerungen: „Ich erinnere mich an den Rauch und den Geruch von Opium, der in der Abendsonne schwelte, als die Kulis ihre Arbeit beendeten.“ ."
In dieser Gegend stieg die Zahl der Menschen, die Opium rauchten und tranken, immer weiter an, da Opium als wirksam gegen Malaria galt.
Sowohl in China als auch in Asien verdienten die Opiumhändler so viel Geld, dass sie nicht aufhören konnten zu lachen.
Frankreich beneidete es.
Nachdem sie den Krieg gegen die Qing-Dynastie ausgerufen und Vietnam in Besitz genommen hatten, „bauten sie zunächst eine Opiummonopolgesellschaft (Regis Opiom) auf, verteilten Opium und erhöhten die Zahl der Süchtigen“ (Andre Violis, „Indochina SOS“), hergestellt in Frankreich eine Menge Geld.
In dieser Zeit gewann Japan den Chinesisch-Japanischen Krieg und eroberte Taiwan.
Es war ein Land der Pest, giftiger Schlangen und Opiumsüchtiger.
Shinpei Goto, der zum Minister für zivile Angelegenheiten ernannt wurde, stellte Opiumsüchtigen Ausweise aus und verkaufte Opium nur an sie.
Der gesamte Erlös floss in die Opiumbehandlung.
Dadurch sank die Zahl der Patienten innerhalb von 20 Jahren von 160.000 auf 60.000 und bei Kriegsende auf Null.
In Britisch-Malaya, wo Lee Kun Chois Vater und andere Chinesen Opium verkauften, gab es zur Zeit der Unabhängigkeit mehrere hunderttausend Patienten.
Mahathir strebt null Patienten an, indem es alle Opiumkonsumenten tötet, aber es ist noch ein langer Weg.
Auch Mandschukuo, das 30 Jahre später als Taiwan gegründet wurde, war ein Ort schwerer Krankheiten: Die Menschen litten an Syphilis, Augenkrankheiten, Hämorrhoiden und Opium.
Die Regierung stellte Wasser- und Abwassersysteme zur Verfügung, ermutigte die Menschen zum Baden und verlangte von Opiumsüchtigen, genau wie in Taiwan, Erkennungsmarken.
Gleichzeitig intervenierte die Regierung in der Opiumepidemie auf dem chinesischen Festland.
Du Yuesheng von der Grünen Bande und Chiang Kai-shek hatten sich zusammengetan, um die Produktion von Opium sowie die Raffinierung und den Vertrieb von Heroin zu kontrollieren und damit Gewinn zu machen.
Die Japaner verfolgten Chiang, unterdrückten die Grüne Bande und gründeten die Hsing-a-in, um den illegalen Opiumfluss in die Mandschurei zu verhindern.
Allerdings wurde diese Methode der Drogenvernichtung „von den USA und Chiang Kai-shek absichtlich pervertiert, indem sie propagierten, dass Japan China mit Opium verunreinigte und einen Riesenerfolg beging“ (F. Williams, „The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda“).
Williams fährt fort: „Die Japaner waren schlechte Propagandisten, und anstatt zurückzuschlagen, schmollten sie und hielten den Mund.“
Es ist die Pflicht des modernen Japaners, solche Missverständnisse aufzuklären.
Shigetada Kishii vom Mainichi Shimbun platzte vor seinem Tod mit großer Anmaßung mit der Lüge heraus, dass „Mandschukuo durch Drogen finanziert wurde“.
Neulich ließ der Asahi Shimbun den Gelehrten Motohiro Kobayashi auch sagen, dass die Kwantung-Armee Opium gegen Geld verkaufte und dass Japan im Auftrag der Briten den Opiumhandel in China betrieb.“
Und die Asahi brachten ihn dazu, über die „Es war alles Japans Schuld“-Theorie zu sprechen, genau wie die USA behaupten.
Wenn die Enkel nicht an die guten Absichten ihres Großvaters glaubten, wer würde es dann tun?


Es deber de los japoneses modernos aclarar tales malentendidos.

2023年12月21日 17時33分48秒 | 全般

Lo siguiente es de la columna serial de Masayuki Takayama que lleva la revista Weekly Shincho, publicada hoy, a una conclusión exitosa.
Este artículo también demuestra que es el único periodista en el mundo de la posguerra.
Es una lectura obligada no sólo para los ciudadanos japoneses sino también para personas de todo el mundo.

¿Quién es el distribuidor?
Hupatia, la bella astrónoma, habló de los milagros de Jesús: "No enseñéis la superstición como verdad.
Luego, una congregación enojada la atacó y la mató raspando su carne con conchas de ostras.
A los japoneses les tomó hasta el reinado de Iemitsu expulsar a la religión brutal y de mente estrecha, pero los blancos de Europa trajeron el opio.
Primero, los holandeses lo llevaron a Taiwán.
Los chinos de Taiwán quedaron inmediatamente cautivados por él y se extendió a través del estrecho hasta los chinos del continente.
En ese momento, la dinastía manchú Qing se estableció como el nuevo gobernante de los chinos.
Cuando vieron al pueblo chino fumando opio, emitieron la primera prohibición del opio (por el emperador Yongzheng), creyendo que la gente inicialmente perezosa se volvería aún más letárgica.
Sin embargo, los chinos no se detuvieron.
Al ver esto, los británicos llevaron el opio directamente a China y obtuvieron ganancias considerables.
La dinastía Qing estaba furiosa y en 1840 comenzó la Guerra del Opio.
Los británicos, que ganaron la guerra, utilizaron Hong Kong como base para su negocio de opio y construyeron una red de ventas de opio no sólo en China continental sino también en el sudeste asiático, Australia y Estados Unidos utilizando a los chinos en el delta del río Perla. .
Había muchos culis en cada uno de estos lugares.
En el siglo XX, la Banda Verde monopolizó el mercado chino controlando todo, desde el cultivo de amapola hasta el refinado de heroína.
Sin embargo, los británicos continuaron beneficiándose de su abrumadora participación en el mercado del Sudeste Asiático.
Lee Kun Choi, ex embajador de Singapur en Japón, a quien conocí en Penang, me contó sus recuerdos de infancia con una mirada distante: "Recuerdo el humo y el olor a opio ardiendo bajo el sol de la tarde mientras los culis terminaban su trabajo. ".
En esa zona, el número de personas que fumaban y bebían opio seguía aumentando porque se decía que era eficaz contra la malaria.
Tanto en China como en Asia, quienes comerciaban con opio ganaban tanto dinero que no podían dejar de reírse.
Francia lo envidiaba.
Después de invocar la guerra contra la dinastía Qing y tomar posesión de Vietnam, primero "construyeron una corporación monopólica del opio (Regis Opiom), distribuyeron opio y aumentaron el número de adictos". (Andre Violis, "Indochina SOS"). mucho dinero.
Durante este período, Japón ganó la guerra chino-japonesa y conquistó Taiwán.
Era una tierra de peste, serpientes venenosas y adictos al opio.
Shinpei Goto, quien fue nombrado Secretario de Asuntos Civiles, emitía tarjetas de identificación a los adictos al opio y sólo les vendía opio.
Todos los ingresos se destinaron al tratamiento del opio.
Como resultado, el número de pacientes cayó de 160.000 a 60.000 en 20 años y a cero al final de la guerra.
En la Malasia británica, donde el padre de Lee Kun Choi y otros chinos vendían opio, había varios cientos de miles de pacientes en el momento de la independencia.
Mahathir aspira a lograr cero pacientes condenando a muerte a todos los que consumen opio, pero aún queda un largo camino por recorrer.
Manchukuo, que fue fundada 30 años después que Taiwán, también era un lugar de enfermedades graves, con gente que padecía sífilis, enfermedades oculares, hemorroides y opio.
El gobierno proporcionó sistemas de agua y alcantarillado, alentó a la gente a bañarse y exigió a los adictos al opio que tuvieran etiquetas de identificación, tal como en Taiwán.
Al mismo tiempo, el gobierno intervino en la epidemia de opio en China continental.
Du Yuesheng de la Banda Verde y Chiang Kai-shek se habían unido para controlar la producción de opio y el refinado y distribución de heroína, obteniendo ganancias.
Los japoneses persiguieron a Chiang, reprimieron a la Banda Verde y crearon el Hsing-a-in para impedir el flujo de opio ilícito hacia Manchuria.
Sin embargo, este método de erradicación de las drogas "fue deliberadamente pervertido por Estados Unidos y Chiang Kai-shek, quienes hicieron propaganda de que Japón estaba contaminando a China con opio y ganando dinero" (F. Williams, "The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda").
Williams continúa: "Los japoneses eran malos propagandistas y, en lugar de contraatacar, se enfurruñaron y se callaron".
Es deber de los japoneses modernos aclarar tales malentendidos.
Shigetada Kishii del Mainichi Shimbun, antes de su muerte, soltó la mentira de que "Manchukuo estaba financiado por narcóticos" con gran pretensión.
El otro día, el Asahi Shimbun también hizo decir al académico Motohiro Kobayashi que el ejército de Kwantung vendía opio por dinero y que Japón dirigía el comercio de opio en China en nombre de los británicos.
Y el Asahi le hizo hablar de la teoría de que "todo fue culpa de Japón", la misma que afirma Estados Unidos.
Si los nietos no creían en las buenas intenciones de su abuelo, ¿quién lo haría?


È dovere del giapponese moderno chiarire tali malintesi.

2023年12月21日 17時32分53秒 | 全般

Quello che segue è tratto dalla rubrica seriale di Masayuki Takayama che porta la rivista Weekly Shincho, pubblicata oggi, a una conclusione positiva.
Questo articolo dimostra anche che è l'unico giornalista nel mondo del dopoguerra.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per i cittadini giapponesi ma anche per le persone di tutto il mondo.

Chi è il concessionario?
Hupatia, la bella astronoma, raccontò dei miracoli di Gesù: "Non insegnate la superstizione come verità.
Poi, una congregazione inferocita l'ha attaccata e uccisa raschiandole la carne con gusci di ostriche.
Ci vollero i giapponesi fino al regno di Iemitsu per scacciare la religione gretta e brutale, ma invece i bianchi d'Europa portarono l'oppio.
Innanzitutto gli olandesi lo portarono a Taiwan.
I cinesi di Taiwan ne furono immediatamente affascinati e si diffuse attraverso lo stretto fino ai cinesi della terraferma.
A quel tempo, la dinastia Manciù Qing fu istituita come nuovo sovrano dei cinesi.
Quando videro i cinesi fumare oppio, emanarono il primo divieto dell'oppio (da parte dell'imperatore Yongzheng), credendo che le persone inizialmente pigre sarebbero diventate ancora più letargiche.
I cinesi però non si fermeranno.
Vedendo ciò, gli inglesi portarono l'oppio direttamente in Cina e ne ricavarono un profitto considerevole.
La dinastia Qing era furiosa e nel 1840 iniziò la guerra dell'oppio.
Gli inglesi, che vinsero la guerra, usarono Hong Kong come base per il loro commercio di oppio e costruirono una rete di vendita di oppio non solo nella Cina continentale ma anche nel sud-est asiatico, in Australia e negli Stati Uniti, utilizzando i cinesi nel delta del fiume Pearl. .
C'erano molti coolies in ognuno di questi posti.
Nel 20° secolo, la Green Gang monopolizzò il mercato cinese controllando tutto, dalla coltivazione del papavero alla raffinazione dell’eroina.
Tuttavia, gli inglesi continuarono a trarre profitto dalla loro quota schiacciante del mercato del sud-est asiatico.
Lee Kun Choi, ex ambasciatore di Singapore in Giappone, che ho incontrato a Penang, mi ha raccontato i suoi ricordi d'infanzia con uno sguardo distante negli occhi: "Ricordo il fumo e l'odore dell'oppio fumante nel sole della sera mentre i coolies finivano il loro lavoro ."
In quella zona continuava ad aumentare il numero di persone che fumavano e bevevano oppio perché si diceva fosse efficace contro la malaria.
Sia in Cina che in Asia, coloro che commerciavano oppio guadagnavano così tanti soldi che non riuscivano a smettere di ridacchiare.
La Francia lo invidiava.
Dopo aver invocato la guerra contro la dinastia Qing e aver preso possesso del Vietnam, per prima cosa "costruirono una società per il monopolio dell'oppio (Regis Opiom), distribuirono l'oppio e aumentarono il numero dei tossicodipendenti". (André Violis, "Indochina SOS") La Francia fece molti soldi.
Durante questo periodo, il Giappone vinse la guerra sino-giapponese e conquistò Taiwan.
Era una terra di peste, serpenti velenosi e tossicodipendenti da oppio.
Shinpei Goto, nominato Segretario degli Affari Civili, rilasciava carte d'identità agli oppiomani e vendeva oppio solo a loro.
Tutto il ricavato è andato al trattamento dell'oppio.
Di conseguenza, il numero dei pazienti scese da 160.000 a 60.000 in 20 anni e a zero alla fine della guerra.
Nella Malesia britannica, dove il padre di Lee Kun Choi e altri cinesi vendevano oppio, al momento dell'indipendenza c'erano diverse centinaia di migliaia di pazienti.
Mahathir punta a zero pazienti mettendo a morte tutti coloro che fanno uso di oppio, ma c’è ancora molta strada da fare.
Manchukuo, fondato 30 anni dopo Taiwan, era anche un luogo di gravi malattie, con persone che soffrivano di sifilide, malattie agli occhi, emorroidi e oppio.
Il governo fornì sistemi idrici e fognari, incoraggiò le persone a fare il bagno e richiese ai tossicodipendenti da oppio di avere targhette identificative, proprio come a Taiwan.
Allo stesso tempo, il governo è intervenuto nell’epidemia di oppio nella Cina continentale.
Du Yuesheng della Green Gang e Chiang Kai-shek si erano uniti per controllare la produzione di oppio e la raffinazione e distribuzione dell'eroina, realizzando un profitto.
I giapponesi inseguirono Chiang, repressero la Banda Verde e istituirono lo Hsing-a-in per impedire il flusso di oppio illecito in Manciuria.
Tuttavia, questo metodo di sradicamento della droga "fu deliberatamente pervertito dagli Stati Uniti e da Chiang Kai-shek, che propagandarono che il Giappone stava inquinando la Cina con l'oppio e facendo una strage" (F. Williams, "The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda").
Williams continua: "I giapponesi erano poveri propagandisti e, invece di reagire, tenevano il broncio e tacevano".
È dovere del giapponese moderno chiarire tali malintesi.
Shigetada Kishii del Mainichi Shimbun, prima della sua morte, sbottò con grande pretesa la menzogna secondo cui "Manchukuo è stato finanziato dai narcotici".
L'altro giorno, l'Asahi Shimbun ha anche fatto dire allo studioso Motohiro Kobayashi che l'esercito del Kwantung vendeva oppio per denaro e che il Giappone gestiva il commercio dell'oppio in Cina per conto degli inglesi.
E gli Asahi gli hanno fatto parlare della teoria "è stata tutta colpa del Giappone", la stessa che sostengono gli Stati Uniti.
Se i nipoti non credessero nelle buone intenzioni del nonno, chi ci crederebbe?


It is the duty of the modern Japanese to clear up such misunderstandings.

2023年12月21日 17時29分59秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serial column that brings the magazine Weekly Shincho, released today, to a successful conclusion.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people worldwide.

Who is the dealer?
Hupatia, the beautiful astronomer, told of the miracles of Jesus, "Do not teach superstition as truth. 
Then, an angry congregation attacked her and killed her by scraping her flesh with oyster shells. 
It took the Japanese until the reign of Iemitsu to drive out the narrow-minded and brutal religion, but the whites of Europe brought opium instead. 
First, the Dutch brought it to Taiwan. 
The Chinese in Taiwan were immediately captivated by it, and it spread across the straits to the Chinese on the mainland. 
At that time, the Manchu Qing Dynasty was established as the new ruler of the Chinese.
When they saw the Chinese people smoking opium, they issued the first opium ban (by the Yongzheng Emperor), believing that the initially lazy people would become even more lethargic. 
However, the Chinese would not stop. 
Seeing this, the British brought opium directly to China and made a considerable profit. 
The Qing Dynasty was furious, and in 1840 the Opium War began. 
The British, who won the war, used Hong Kong as a base for their opium business and built a sales network of opium not only in mainland China but also in Southeast Asia, Australia, and the United States using Chinese people in the Pearl River Delta. 
There were many coolies in each of these places.  
In the 20th century, the Green Gang monopolized the Chinese market by controlling everything from poppy cultivation to heroin refining.
Nevertheless, the British continued to profit from their overwhelming share of the Southeast Asian market. 
Lee Kun Choi, former Singaporean ambassador to Japan, whom I met in Penang, told me of his childhood memories with a distant look in his eyes: "I remember the smoke and smell of opium smoldering in the evening sun as the coolies finished their work." 
In that area, the number of people who smoked and drank opium continued to increase because it was said to be effective against malarial fever. 
In both China and Asia, those who traded opium were making so much money that they couldn't stop chuckling.
France envied it.
After invoking war against the Qing Dynasty and taking possession of Vietnam, they first "built an opium monopoly corporation (Regis Opiom), distributed opium, and increased the number of addicts.'' (Andre Violis, "Indochina SOS'') France made a lot of money. 
During this period, Japan won the Sino-Japanese War and gained Taiwan. 
It was a land of plague, poisonous snakes, and opium addicts. 
Shinpei Goto, who was appointed Secretary of Civil Affairs, issued identification cards to opium addicts and sold opium only to them.
All proceeds went to opium treatment. 
As a result, the number of patients dropped from 160,000 to 60,000 in 20 years and to zero at the war's end. 
In British Malaya, where Lee Kun Choi's father and other Chinese sold opium, there were several hundred thousand patients at the time of independence. 
Mahathir is aiming for zero patients by putting to death all those with opium, but there is a long way to go. 
Manchukuo, which was founded 30 years later than Taiwan, was also a place of severe illness, with people suffering from syphilis, eye disease, hemorrhoids, and opium.
The government provided water and sewage systems, encouraged people to bathe, and required opium addicts to have identification tags, just as in Taiwan. 
At the same time, the government intervened in the opium epidemic in mainland China.
Du Yuesheng of the Green Gang and Chiang Kai-shek had teamed up to control the production of opium and the refining and distribution of heroin, making a profit. 
The Japanese pursued Chiang, suppressed the Green Gang, and set up the Hsing-a-in to prevent the flow of illicit opium into Manchuria. 
However, this method of drug eradication "was deliberately perverted by the U.S. and Chiang Kai-shek, who propagandized that Japan was polluting China with opium and making a killing" (F. Williams, "The Inside Story of Chinese War Propaganda"). 
Williams continues, "The Japanese were poor propagandists, and instead of striking back, they sulked and shut up." 
It is the duty of the modern Japanese to clear up such misunderstandings.
The Mainichi Shimbun's Shigetada Kishii, before his death, blurted out the lie that "Manchukuo was funded by narcotics" with great pretension. 
The other day, the Asahi Shimbun also made scholar Motohiro Kobayashi say that the Kwantung Army sold opium for money and that Japan ran the opium trade in China on behalf of the British."
And the Asahi made him talk about the "it was all Japan's fault" theory, the same as the U.S. claims. 
If the grandchildren did not believe in their grandfather's good intentions, who would?


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