文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Top 10 real-time searches 2022/4/19, 18:15

2022年04月19日 18時15分58秒 | 全般


Electric vehicles are more waste of energy than solar and wind power generation.


China's Unrestricted Warfare does not allow Japan to prepare a deterrent to prevent war


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/4/19, 11:59


MHI develops ultra-compact nuclear power plants that can be transported by truck


Solar panels will be a pile of trash within 10 or 20 years, destroying the land




Until then, can electric cars, like the energy-wasting sample, remain popular?




I was horrified when she vehemently insisted that President Xi Jinping is a great leader and


In Giappone, la Chiesa cattolica di Tokyo e l'Asahi Shimbun hanno diffuso le bugie di Clare,


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The People Who Really Move the Post-Trump World That the Japanese Don't Know

2022年04月19日 17時22分43秒 | 全般
The following is from a book that a friend, one of the best readers, recommended I subscribe to as a "must-read," The People Who Really Move the Post-Trump World That the Japanese Don't Know.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and for people worldwide.
The author's biography is as follows.
He was born in Tokyo in 1949 and graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Economics. D. in history and economics from Johns Hopkins University. After working as an assistant professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, he returned to Japan. He worked as an analyst in construction, housing, and real estate at HSBC Securities, JP Morgan, and other foreign securities firms before turning his attention to writing. He is an economic analyst and civilization critic.
The emphasis in the text except in the headline is mine.
The "Mask" Wearing Controversy Exposes the Western Mental Climate that Turns Science into Religion
The "global warming" debate has more meaning than environmental and energy issues, and the conflict regarding measures against the new coronavirus has more meaning than epidemiological and public health issues.
I noticed this because most people in the West who are fighting over the "pros and cons" of wearing masks are trying to pull the entire nation to one side or the other.
Those in favor of wearing them said, "If you wear a mask when you go out, it will prevent or slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore, the government should require people to wear masks," they argued.
On the other hand, the opponents said, "Masks are not only useless but also harmful because they moisten the area around the respiratory tract and probably cover it with air that also harbors various bacteria and viruses. Therefore, the government should ban the wearing of masks," they advocate.
It is a curious sight to those of us from East Asian "hay fever" cultures, who are accustomed to seeing hay fever sufferers walking around wearing masks every early spring.
Rarely does anyone believe that a single mask has the power to stop the transfer of bacteria and viruses from one person to another?
Those who wear masks are simply making a social gesture, saying, "Even if I am infected without symptoms, I take precautions to avoid transferring the pathogen to others.
Those who think such a gesture is meaningful can do it, and those who don't believe it is very meaningful can not do it.
In East Asian countries where the right or wrong of wearing masks has been left up to the individual, hardly anyone would think that the national or local government should decide which is right and let everyone take the right direction.
More and more countries are not, such as China, North Korea, and Singapore, which is nicknamed "Bright North Korea."
No, has the number of people in Japan saying "control by power, great support" increased recently?
In both the United States and Europe, most people who participated in the dispute insisted on either "mandatory" or "prohibited" and blamed or abused the other party.
Very few people said, "Either way, we should leave it up to the individual."
The idea that came to mind is that the issue is now completely beyond the boundaries of epidemic control and public health policy and is like a sectarian religious debate that pushes what you think is correct to the opposition. It means that it is a religion.
In a country like Japan, where society, politics, and economics have long been basically separated from religion, the right or wrong of wearing masks is clearly a matter of pragmatism.
Those who think that the benefits of being seen by the public as "a safe person with a moderate viewpoint" outweigh the costs of the time and effort required to wear and remove masks and to have clean masks available at all times will wear them, while those who do not think so will simply not.
However, in the West, an overwhelming majority of people insist that one or the other must be decided. The national and local governments must make the people and residents of the municipality carry out their decisions as determined by law or regulation.
I was stunned to find that among those who appealed for a "ban on masks" from defending freedom, equality, and democracy, many proudly stated the deep-rooted Western white Christian theory of the superiority of civilization.
I was surprised to see so many people proudly stating their views on the superiority of Christian civilization.
Let me give you an example.
"In advanced civilizations, people do not need to hide their identities when asserting their beliefs. It is why, in the Christian world, it has long been considered rude to cover one's face in public. However, in Islam, women have been obliged to hide their faces, especially in public. This precept is why free speech is not fostered in the Muslim world even today. If Western society were to allow people to hide their faces in public, free speech would be suppressed, and the West, as the First World, would give up its right to teach and guide the Second World, which is a socialist circle, and the Third World, which is made up of underdeveloped countries." 
Yes, most Western whites use the term "third world" in the same way that "poor people who can't afford a first or second class ride in a third-class car."
Therefore, it is honest to call them "underdeveloped countries" instead of "developing countries," which is a diplomatic phrase full of "if you work hard, someday you can develop into a rich country like us."
It is too blatant an argument for the superiority of white Christian civilization.
However, it is a world where such discussions are posted openly on sites that have been relatively conscientiously criticizing the overreaction of governments against coronavirus.
At first, I thought that Western countries have a "religious spring" every time they face a social crisis because they are, after all, lagging countries that have not yet achieved separation of church and state.
For example, a person who wants to become president in the U.S., even if he wins the presidential election, cannot become president unless he puts one hand on the Bible and makes an oath or statement to the one and only Almighty God.
In other words, there is a high hurdle for non-Christians to become president without lying.
Or, even today, public elementary education in France entrusts the education of children to Catholic clergy on Wednesdays during the week.
Since these countries are all like this, I thought that social and political issues would be a clash of confessions of faith and confessions of faith.
This article continues.

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2022年04月19日 16時54分04秒 | 全般

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I was horrified when she vehemently insisted that President Xi Jinping is a great leader and

2022年04月19日 16時47分50秒 | 全般
The following is from a tweet by Fifi that we just discovered.
I met and talked to a Chinese acquaintance who has lived in Japan for almost 30 years and even acquired Japanese citizenship after a long time.
I was horrified when she vehemently insisted that President Xi Jinping is a great leader and that the Uyghurs have every reason to be cracked down on strictly.
She is married to a Japanese and has a child.
Japan is being undermined from the inside steadily.
Japan is being gnawed at from within steadily.

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2022年04月19日 16時34分25秒 | 全般

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2022年04月19日 16時29分34秒 | 全般







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2022年04月19日 16時15分20秒 | 全般
以下内容来自于高山雅之的最新著作《Henken Jizai:Corona Tought Us About the Big Bad》,出版于 2021 年 1 月 15 日。
烟尘、废气和可怕的 PM2.5 都混入其中。
因此,中国人“与加拿大骗子莫里斯·斯特朗(Maurice Strong)联手”,渡边宗基(Souki Watanabe)前几天在产经新闻上写道。
*当一位名叫桑子和有马的女性分析师主持 NHK 的 watch9 时,NHK 的报道很糟糕。
1990 年代还发生了另一起此类国际骗局。
最大的捐助者是日本,它捐赠了 1 万亿美元。
值得赞扬的是,在医学等专业领域,捆绑援助仅占总额的 10% 左右。
这只是一个指控,但英国支持的非政府组织 Jubilee 2000 传播了它。
最终,日本放弃了总计 6 万亿日元的有偿援助和其他自 2003 年起 10 年到期的援助,同时决定取消所谓的捆绑援助。
另一方面,英国利用日本免除的债务在该地区建造医院,扮演一个接近弱者的前主权国家。d 防止医疗难民。
此外,在 COP25 上,气候变化非政府组织用化石奖侮辱了我们。

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일본에서는 동경천주교와 아사히신문이 클레어의 거짓말을 퍼뜨리고,

2022年04月19日 16時12分24秒 | 全般
다음은 2021년 1월 15일에 출판된 Masayuki Takayama의 최신 저서인 Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About Big Bad에서 발췌한 것입니다.
이 책 역시 그의 전작들과 마찬가지로 세계 최고의 책 중 하나이다.
일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계인이 꼭 읽어야 할 필독서입니다.
모든 일본 시민은 가장 가까운 서점에 가서 사야 합니다.
세계에 알리기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
이 장은 지구 온난화가 중국이 설정한 함정이며 세계가 어리석게도 그것에 빠지고 있다고 언급한 이 칼럼의 정확성에 대한 100% 증거입니다.
일본 정부와 국민, 아사히, NHK 등의 언론, 세계 각국의 정부와 언론, 유엔에서 생계를 이어가는 국민 모두가 마음으로 읽어야 합니다.
그들은 모두 구멍 속으로 기어 들어가고 싶을 정도로 참을 수 없는 수치심을 느껴야 합니다.
헤드라인을 제외한 텍스트의 강조는 필자의 것입니다.
고이즈미 신지로가 밝힌 중국 ODA의 현실
중국의 공기는 더럽습니다.
그을음과 연기, 배기 가스, 무시무시한 PM2.5가 모두 섞여 있습니다.
그러나 중국인에 대한 놀라운 점은 그들이 그런 흙을 사용하여 돈을 벌 수 있다고 생각했다는 것입니다.
그래서 중국인들이 "캐나다 사기꾼 모리스 스트롱과 손을 잡았다"고 와타나베 소우키가 일전 산케이 신문에 썼습니다.
그들은 최근 더운 겨울을 포함한 기후 변화가 "너무 많은 C02.
"일본과 다른 선진국들이 오랫동안 그것을 배출해왔기" 때문에 밀도가 높아졌고 그들은 우리가 배출을 줄이기를 원했습니다.
배출량을 줄일 수 없다면 저개발 국가에서 C02 배출권을 구입하십시오.
다만, 현재 C02를 가장 많이 배출하는 중국은 '후진국'이기 때문에 책임을 지지 않는다.
스트롱은 리우 지구정상회의 사무총장이 되었고 중국의 지원을 받아 유엔의 이름으로 사기를 퍼뜨렸다.
중국 NGO가 그의 손과 발이 되었습니다.
유엔에 취약한 일본은 속아 배출권이라는 명목으로 매년 1000억엔을 중국에 지불하고 있다.
스트롱의 정체가 최근 폭로되었고, 생물계에서는 C02가 더 감소하면 영양분에 의존하는 식물이 죽을 것이라고 조언했습니다.
확률은 반대입니다. 중국이 기후변화 소녀 그레타 툰베리를 데려왔다. 효과는 무엇입니까?
*NHK의 보도는 여성 애널리스트 쿠와코와 아리마가 NHK의 시계를 진행했을 때 심오한 것이었다9.
나는 Kuwako가 Greta가 상황을 전혀 모르고 있다는 것을 깨닫지 못한 채 사이비도덕적인 방식으로 Greta를 칭찬했던 많은 경우를 생각하면 전율합니다.
노벨 평화상 발표에 앞서 그녀는 아리마의 얼굴에 그녀가 받을 것이라는 희망의 표정으로 말했다.
즉, 그들은 철저히 중국의 졸로 일하고 있었던 것입니다.
세계의 대중매체도 마찬가지일 것이다.
전후 세계 유일의 저널리스트인 다카야마 역시 당시 그레타가 누구인지 알고 있던 트럼프가 올바른 통찰력을 갖고 있다는 것을 증명했다.
왜 세상과 세계의 매스컴과 그들을 따르는 이른바 문화인들이 이토록 어리석은가?
제가 여러 번 말씀드린 것처럼 사이비도덕과 정치적 올바름에 사로잡혀 있기 때문입니다.
중국은 이것을 이용하여 당신을 이기고 있습니다.*
1990년대에 이런 종류의 국제 사기가 또 있었습니다.
사기꾼은 영국 국제개발청(British Agency for International Development) 사무총장인 클레어 쇼트(Clare Short)였습니다.
피해자는 일본에도 있었다.
당시 HIV가 유행하던 사하라 사막 이남의 나라에서 일어난 일입니다.
환자들은 적절한 의료를 찾기 위해 영국, 프랑스와 같은 과거 주권 국가로 왔습니다.
영국과 프랑스의 사회 및 의료 비용은 어마어마했습니다.
그들은 HIV 난민을 없애고 싶지만 그렇게 되면 배은망덕해 보일 것입니다.
클레어는 생각했습니다.
산업화된 국가들이 사하라 사막 이남 국가들의 유급 지원 청구를 용서한다면 어떻게 될까요?
개발 도상국은 그 돈을 지역 병원을 짓는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
더 이상 영국 여행이 아닙니다.
아름다운 이야기지만 영국의 원조액은 0입니다.
가장 큰 공여국은 일본으로 1조 달러를 기부했다.
빚을 탕감해 준다면 일본에 절을 하겠지만 그녀는 반대로 '일본은 공동 원조다. 그녀는 '최빈국을 잡아먹는 무자비한 공룡들이다.
일본의 신용에 따르면, 연계 원조는 의학과 같은 전문 분야에서 전체의 약 10%에 불과합니다.
고발에 불과했지만 영국이 후원하는 NGO인 Jubilee 2000이 이를 퍼뜨렸습니다.
일본에서는 도쿄 천주교와 아사히 신문이 "약자에게 기대라" 등의 클레어의 거짓말을 퍼뜨렸다.
결국 일본은 2003년부터 10년 안에 만료될 예정인 유상원조 등 총 6조엔을 포기함과 동시에 이른바 공동원조를 폐지하기로 했다.
반면 영국은 일본의 탕감받은 부채를 이용해 역내 병원을 짓는 등 약자에 가까운 구주권 국가를 연기했다.d 의료 난민 예방.
약자에 가깝다고 하면 일본에는 고이즈미 신지로가 있다.
환경부 장관이 되자마자 후쿠시마 어민들에게 맞선 그는 “무해하더라도 삼중수소는 방출하지 않을 것”이라고 말했다.
어부들은 정부로부터 어업 권리를 얻습니다.
종료하거나 구매하는 방법이 있습니다.
그러나 그는 문제를 일으킬만한 행동을 하지 않습니다.
게다가, COP25에서 기후변화 NGO들은 화석상으로 우리를 모욕했습니다.
그는 그들의 고용주인 중국이 더 많은 것을 받을 자격이 있다고 말할 수 없었습니까?
요전날, 아무것도 할 수 없는 신지로는 베트남의 화력발전소 건설 지원에 대해 이례적으로 큰 소리로 하소연했다.
C02를 배출하는 화력발전소의 수출을 절대 허용하지 않겠다는 착한 아이였으나 “이런 화력발전소 건설 발주처는 왜 다 중국에서 오는 겁니까?
일본이 공동 원조를 중단한 후 매년 거의 1조 엔의 ODA가 중국에 지원되었습니다.
우리는 중국에 수조 엔의 ODA를 제공했으며 C02 배출권도 구입했습니다.
게다가 중국인들은 일본 돈으로 해외에 나가 원조를 하고 있었다.
중국의 번영은 일본의 어리석음에 꽃을 피웠다.
나는 중국을 충분히 즐겼다.
우리가 신지로가 밝혀낸 사실을 받아들이고, 공동 구호를 복원하고, C02를 배출하지 않는 원자력 발전소를 부활시킬 수 있다면 더 이상 아무도 우리를 바보라고 부를 수 없을 것입니다.
(2020년 2월 20일호)

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В Японии Токийская католическая церковь и Асахи Симбун распространяют

2022年04月19日 16時08分49秒 | 全般
Нижеследующее взято из последней книги Масаюки Такаямы «Хенкен Дзидзай: Корона научила нас большому злу», опубликованной 15 января 2021 года.
Эта книга также является одной из лучших книг в мире, как и его предыдущие книги.
Это обязательное чтение не только для японцев, но и для людей во всем мире.
Каждый гражданин Японии должен пойти в ближайший книжный магазин и купить ее.
Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы остальной мир был в курсе.
Эта глава является 100% доказательством правоты этой колонки, в которой упоминается, что глобальное потепление — это ловушка, расставленная Китаем, и что мир по глупости попадается на нее.
Правительство Японии и народ, средства массовой информации, такие как Asahi и NHK, правительства и средства массовой информации стран по всему миру, а также люди, зарабатывающие на жизнь в Организации Объединенных Наций, должны прочитать ее всем сердцем.
Все они должны испытывать такой невыносимый стыд, что им хочется сползти в нору.
Акцент в тексте, кроме заголовка, мой.
Реальность ОПР в Китае, раскрытая Синдзиро Коидзуми
Воздух в Китае грязный.
Копоть и дым, выхлопные газы и ужасные PM2,5 — все это смешано.
Но самое удивительное в китайцах то, что они думали, что могут использовать эту грязь, чтобы делать деньги.
Итак, китайцы «объединились с канадским аферистом Морисом Стронгом», — написал на днях Соуки Ватанабэ в Sankei Shimbun.
Сначала они распространили теорию о том, что изменение климата, включая недавнюю жаркую зиму, вызвано «слишком большим количеством СО2.
Он стал таким плотным, потому что «Япония и другие промышленно развитые страны выбрасывают его на протяжении многих лет», и они хотят, чтобы мы сократили наши выбросы.
Если вы не можете сократить выбросы, покупайте кредиты на выбросы C02 в менее развитых странах.
Однако Китай, который в настоящее время выбрасывает больше всего CO2, не несет ответственности, поскольку является «отсталой страной».
Стронг стал генеральным секретарем саммита Земли в Рио и распространил аферу от имени Организации Объединенных Наций при поддержке Китая.
Китайские НПО стали его руками и ногами.
Япония, которая уязвима перед ООН, была обманута и платит Китаю 100 миллиардов иен каждый год во имя квот на выбросы.
Истинная личность Стронга недавно была раскрыта, и биологическое сообщество сообщило, что если CO2 будет уменьшаться еще больше, растения, которые зависят от него как источника питания, вымрут.
Шансы против этого; Китай привез Грету Тунберг, девушку, изменившую климат. Каков эффект?
*Репортажи NHK были ужасны, когда женщина-аналитик по имени Кувако и Арима вели часы NHK9.
Я содрогаюсь при мысли о многих случаях, когда Кувако хвалила Грету в псевдоморалистической манере, не понимая, что она совершенно не знала о ситуации.
Перед объявлением Нобелевской премии мира она с выражением надежды на лице Аримы сказала, что она ее получит.
Другими словами, они полностью работали пешками Китая.
То же самое должно быть верно и для мировых средств массовой информации.
Такаяма, единственный журналист в послевоенном мире, также доказал, что Трамп, который знал, кто такая Грета в то время, имел правильное представление.
Почему мир и мировые средства массовой информации и так называемые культурные люди, которые следуют за ними, такие глупые?
Как я уже неоднократно говорил, это потому, что они попали в ловушку псевдоморализма и политкорректности.
Китай использует это в своих интересах, чтобы завоевать ваше расположение.*
В 1990-х годах была еще одна международная афера такого рода.
Мошенницей оказалась Клэр Шорт, генеральный директор Британского агентства международного развития.
Пострадавший также находился в Японии.
Это произошло в стране к югу от Сахары, где в то время свирепствовал ВИЧ.
Пациенты приезжали в бывшие суверенные страны, такие как Великобритания и Франция, в поисках адекватной медицинской помощи.
Стоимость социального и медицинского обслуживания в Великобритании и Франции была сокрушительной.
Они хотят избавиться от ВИЧ-беженцев, но это выставит их неблагодарными.
Клэр задумалась.
Что, если бы промышленно развитые страны простили страны к югу от Сахары за их требования платной помощи?
Развивающиеся страны могли бы использовать эти деньги для строительства местных больниц.
Больше никаких поездок в Великобританию.
Это красивая история, но сумма помощи из Великобритании равна нулю.
Крупнейшим донором стала Япония, давшая триллион долларов.
Если бы мы простили долг, она бы раскланялась с Японией, но она сказала обратное: «Япония связана с помощью». Она сказала: «Это безжалостные динозавры, которые охотятся на беднейшие страны».
К чести Японии, связанная помощь составляет лишь около 10% от общего объема в специализированных областях, таких как медицина.
Это было всего лишь обвинение, но его распространила поддерживаемая Великобританией неправительственная организация Jubilee 2000.
В Японии Токийская католическая церковь и Асахи Симбун распространяют ложь Клэр, говоря такие вещи, как «опирайтесь на слабых».
В конце концов, Япония отказалась от платной помощи и другой помощи на сумму 6 триллионов иен, срок действия которых истекал через 10 лет с 2003 года, и в то же время решила отменить так называемую связанную помощь.
С другой стороны, Великобритания использовала прощенный долг Японии для строительства больниц в регионе, играя роль бывшей суверенной нации, близкой к слабой и слабой.d предотвращение медицинских беженцев.
Говоря о близости к слабым, у Японии есть Синдзиро Коидзуми.
Как только он стал министром окружающей среды, он выступил против рыбаков Фукусимы и сказал: «Мы не будем выпускать тритий, даже если он безвреден.
Рыбаки получают право на рыбную ловлю бесплатно от государства.
Есть способ прекратить их или выкупить.
Но он не делает ничего, что могло бы вызвать проблемы.
Кроме того, на COP25 неправительственные организации, занимающиеся вопросами изменения климата, оскорбили нас наградами за ископаемые.
Разве он не мог сказать, что Китай, их работодатель, заслуживает большего?
На днях Синдзиро, который ничего не может поделать, непривычно громко пожаловался на помощь Вьетнаму в строительстве тепловых электростанций.
Он просто был хорошим мальчиком, сказал, что не разрешит экспорт тепловых электростанций, выбрасывающих СО2, но потом задал простой вопрос: «Почему все заказы на строительство этих теплоэлектростанций идут из Китая?
После того, как Япония прекратила оказание помощи Tied, Китаю ежегодно предоставлялась почти 1 триллион иен ОПР.
Мы предоставили Китаю триллионы иен в виде официальной помощи в целях развития, а также купили квоты на выбросы CO2.
Кроме того, китайцы использовали японские деньги, чтобы выезжать за границу и оказывать помощь.
Процветание Китая расцвело на глупости Японии.
Мне хватило Китая.
Если мы научимся принимать факты, выявленные Синдзиро, восстановим помощь Tied и возродим атомные электростанции, не выбрасывающие CO2, никто больше не сможет назвать нас глупцами.
(выпуск от 20 февраля 2020 г.)

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No Japão, a Igreja Católica de Tóquio e o Asahi Shimbun espalharam as mentiras de Clare,

2022年04月19日 16時05分51秒 | 全般
O seguinte é do último livro de Masayuki Takayama, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, publicado em 15/01/2021.
Este livro também é um dos melhores livros do mundo, assim como seus livros anteriores.
É uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para o povo japonês, mas também para pessoas em todo o mundo.
Todo cidadão japonês deve ir à livraria mais próxima e comprá-lo.
Farei o meu melhor para conscientizar o resto do mundo.
Este capítulo é 100% prova do acerto desta coluna, que mencionou que o aquecimento global é uma armadilha armada pela China e que o mundo está estupidamente caindo nela.
O governo do Japão e o povo, a mídia como Asahi e a NHK, os governos e a mídia de países ao redor do mundo e as pessoas que ganham a vida nas Nações Unidas devem lê-lo com seus corações.
Todos devem sentir uma vergonha tão insuportável que querem rastejar para dentro de um buraco.
A ênfase no texto, exceto no título, é minha.
A realidade da ODA na China revelada por Shinjiro Koizumi
O ar na China é sujo.
Fuligem e fumaça, gases de escape e o temido PM2.5 estão todos misturados.
Mas o incrível sobre os chineses é que eles pensaram que poderiam usar essa sujeira para ganhar dinheiro.
Assim, os chineses “se uniram a um vigarista canadense, Maurice Strong”, escreveu Souki Watanabe no Sankei Shimbun outro dia.
Eles primeiro espalharam a teoria de que as mudanças climáticas, incluindo o recente inverno quente, são causadas por "muito C02.
Tornou-se tão denso porque "o Japão e outros países industrializados o emitem há muitos anos" e querem que reduzamos nossas emissões.
Se você não pode reduzir as emissões, compre créditos de emissão de C02 de países menos desenvolvidos.
No entanto, a China, que atualmente emite mais C02, não é responsável por ser um "país atrasado".
Strong tornou-se o secretário-geral da Cúpula da Terra do Rio e espalhou o golpe em nome das Nações Unidas com o apoio da China.
As ONGs chinesas tornaram-se suas mãos e pés.
O Japão, que é vulnerável à ONU, foi enganado e paga 100 bilhões de ienes à China todos os anos em nome de créditos de emissão.
A verdadeira identidade de Strong foi exposta recentemente, e a comunidade biológica avisou que se o C02 for reduzido ainda mais, as plantas que dependem dele para se alimentar morrerão.
As probabilidades são contra; A China trouxe Greta Thunberg, a garota das mudanças climáticas. Qual é o efeito?
*A reportagem da NHK foi péssima quando uma analista chamada Kuwako e Arima estavam hospedando o relógio da NHK9.
Estremeço ao pensar nas muitas ocasiões em que Kuwako elogiou Greta de maneira pseudo-moralista sem perceber que ela ignorava totalmente a situação.
Antes do anúncio do Prêmio Nobel da Paz, ela comentou com um olhar de esperança no rosto de Arima de que conseguiria.
Em outras palavras, eles estavam trabalhando totalmente como peões da China.
O mesmo deve ser verdade para os meios de comunicação de massa do mundo.
Takayama, o único jornalista no mundo do pós-guerra, também provou como Trump, que sabia quem era Greta naquela época, tinha a visão adequada.
Por que o mundo e os meios de comunicação de massa do mundo e as chamadas pessoas culturais que os seguem são tão tolos?
Como já mencionei muitas vezes, é porque eles estão presos no pseudo-moralismo e no politicamente correto.
A China tem usado isso a seu favor para conquistá-lo.*
Houve outro golpe internacional desse tipo na década de 1990.
O golpista foi Clare Short, diretora geral da Agência Britânica para o Desenvolvimento Internacional.
A vítima também estava no Japão.
Aconteceu em um país subsaariano onde o HIV estava em fúria na época.
Os pacientes vieram para antigos países soberanos, como Grã-Bretanha e França, em busca de assistência médica adequada.
O custo da assistência social e médica na Grã-Bretanha e na França era esmagador.
Eles querem se livrar dos refugiados do HIV, mas isso os faria parecer ingratos.
Claire pensou sobre isso.
E se os países industrializados perdoassem os países subsaarianos por seus pedidos de ajuda paga?
Os países em desenvolvimento poderiam usar o dinheiro para construir hospitais locais.
Não há mais viagens para o Reino Unido.
É uma história bonita, mas a quantidade de ajuda do Reino Unido é zero.
O maior doador foi o Japão, que doou um trilhão de dólares.
Se perdoássemos a dívida, ela estaria se curvando ao Japão, mas disse o contrário: 'O Japão é ajuda vinculada. Ela disse, 'eles são dinossauros implacáveis que atacam os países mais pobres.
Para crédito do Japão, a ajuda vinculada é apenas cerca de 10% do total em áreas especializadas, como medicina.
Foi apenas uma acusação, mas a ONG apoiada pelo Reino Unido, Jubilee 2000, a divulgou.
No Japão, a Igreja Católica de Tóquio e o Asahi Shimbun espalharam as mentiras de Clare, dizendo coisas como "apoiar-se nos fracos.
No final, o Japão abandonou um total de 6 trilhões de ienes em ajuda paga e outras ajudas que deveriam expirar em 10 anos a partir de 2003 e, ao mesmo tempo, decidiu abolir a chamada ajuda vinculada.
Por outro lado, o Reino Unido usou a dívida perdoada do Japão para construir hospitais na região, jogando uma antiga nação soberana perto dos fracos ed prevenção de refugiados médicos.
Falando em estar perto dos fracos, o Japão tem Shinjiro Koizumi.
Assim que se tornou ministro do Meio Ambiente, ele enfrentou os pescadores de Fukushima e disse: "Não vamos liberar trítio mesmo que seja inofensivo.
Os pescadores obtêm seus direitos de pesca gratuitamente do governo.
Existe uma maneira de rescindi-los ou comprá-los.
Mas ele não faz nada que possa causar um problema.
Além disso, na COP25, as ONGs de mudanças climáticas nos insultaram com prêmios fósseis.
Ele não poderia ter dito que a China, seu empregador, merecia mais?
No outro dia, Shinjiro, que não pode fazer nada sobre nada, reclamou em voz alta sobre a ajuda ao Vietnã para construir usinas termelétricas.
Ele era apenas um bom menino, dizendo que não permitiria a exportação de termelétricas que emitem C02, mas então ele fez uma pergunta simples: "Por que todos os pedidos para a construção dessas termelétricas vêm da China?
Depois que o Japão parou de fornecer ajuda vinculada, quase 1 trilhão de ienes de APD foram concedidos à China todos os anos.
Demos trilhões de ienes em AOD para a China e também compramos créditos de emissão de C02.
Além disso, os chineses estavam usando dinheiro japonês para ir ao exterior e fornecer ajuda.
A prosperidade da China floresceu na estupidez do Japão.
Estou farto da China.
Se pudermos aprender a aceitar os fatos que Shinjiro trouxe à luz, restaurar a ajuda vinculada e reviver usinas nucleares que não emitem CO2, ninguém mais poderá nos chamar de estúpidos.
(edição de 20 de fevereiro de 2020)

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In Japan verbreiteten die Katholische Kirche von Tokio und die Asahi Shimbun Clares Lügen,

2022年04月19日 16時01分25秒 | 全般
Das Folgende stammt aus Masayuki Takayamas neuestem Buch, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, veröffentlicht am 15.01.2021.
Dieses Buch ist auch eines der besten Bücher der Welt, genau wie seine vorherigen Bücher.
Es ist ein Muss, nicht nur für die Japaner, sondern für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
Jeder japanische Bürger sollte zum nächsten Buchladen gehen und es kaufen.
Ich werde mein Bestes tun, um den Rest der Welt darauf aufmerksam zu machen.
Dieses Kapitel ist ein hundertprozentiger Beweis für die Richtigkeit dieser Kolumne, in der erwähnt wird, dass die globale Erwärmung eine von China gestellte Falle ist und dass die Welt dummerweise darauf hereinfällt.
Die japanische Regierung und das Volk, die Medien wie Asahi und NHK, die Regierungen und Medien von Ländern auf der ganzen Welt und die Menschen, die bei den Vereinten Nationen ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen, müssen es alle mit ihrem Herzen lesen.
Sie sollten sich alle so unerträglich schämen, dass sie in ein Loch kriechen wollen.
Die Hervorhebung im Text, mit Ausnahme der Überschrift, stammt von mir.
Die Realität der ODA in China, wie sie von Shinjiro Koizumi aufgedeckt wurde
Die Luft in China ist schmutzig.
Ruß und Rauch, Abgase und der gefürchtete PM2.5 mischen sich ein.
Aber das Erstaunliche an den Chinesen ist, dass sie dachten, sie könnten mit solchem Dreck Geld verdienen.
Also haben sich die Chinesen „mit einem kanadischen Betrüger, Maurice Strong, zusammengetan“, schrieb Souki Watanabe neulich im Sankei Shimbun.
Sie verbreiteten zunächst die Theorie, dass der Klimawandel, einschließlich des jüngsten heißen Winters, durch „zu viel CO2“ verursacht wird.
Es ist so dicht geworden, weil "Japan und andere Industrieländer es seit vielen Jahren ausstoßen" und sie wollen, dass wir unsere Emissionen reduzieren.
Wenn Sie die Emissionen nicht reduzieren können, kaufen Sie C02-Emissionsgutschriften aus weniger entwickelten Ländern.
China, das derzeit das meiste C02 ausstößt, ist jedoch nicht verantwortlich, da es ein „rückständiges Land“ ist.
Strong wurde Generalsekretär des Erdgipfels von Rio und verbreitete den Betrug im Namen der Vereinten Nationen mit Chinas Unterstützung.
Chinesische NGOs wurden zu seinen Händen und Füßen.
Japan, das gegenüber den Vereinten Nationen anfällig ist, wurde getäuscht und zahlt jedes Jahr 100 Milliarden Yen im Namen von Emissionsgutschriften an China.
Die wahre Identität von Strong wurde kürzlich aufgedeckt, und die biologische Gemeinschaft hat darauf hingewiesen, dass bei einer weiteren Reduzierung von CO2 Pflanzen aussterben werden, die für ihre Ernährung darauf angewiesen sind.
Die Chancen stehen dagegen; China hat Greta Thunberg, das Klimawandel-Mädchen, ins Boot geholt. Was ist die Wirkung?
*Die Berichterstattung von NHK war miserabel, als eine Analystin namens Kuwako und Arima die NHK-Überwachung moderierten9.
Ich schaudere, wenn ich an die vielen Gelegenheiten denke, bei denen Kuwako Greta auf pseudomoralistische Weise lobte, ohne zu merken, dass sie die Situation völlig ignorierte.
Vor der Bekanntgabe des Friedensnobelpreises kommentierte sie mit einem hoffnungsvollen Ausdruck auf Arimas Gesicht, dass sie ihn bekommen würde.
Mit anderen Worten, sie arbeiteten vollständig als Schachfiguren Chinas.
Dasselbe muss für die Massenmedien der Welt gelten.
Takayama, der einzige Journalist in der Nachkriegswelt, bewies auch, wie Trump, der damals wusste, wer Greta war, den richtigen Einblick hatte.
Warum sind die Welt und die Massenmedien der Welt und die sogenannten Kulturmenschen, die ihnen folgen, so dumm?
Wie ich schon oft erwähnt habe, liegt es daran, dass sie in Pseudomoralismus und politischer Korrektheit gefangen sind.
China hat dies zu seinem Vorteil genutzt, um Sie für sich zu gewinnen.*
In den 1990er Jahren gab es einen weiteren internationalen Betrug dieser Art.
Die Betrügerin war Clare Short, Generaldirektorin der British Agency for International Development.
Das Opfer befand sich ebenfalls in Japan.
Es fand in einem Land südlich der Sahara statt, in dem damals HIV wütete.
Patienten kamen auf der Suche nach angemessener medizinischer Versorgung in ehemals souveräne Länder wie Großbritannien und Frankreich.
Die Kosten für soziale und medizinische Versorgung in Großbritannien und Frankreich waren erdrückend.
Sie wollen die HIV-Flüchtlinge loswerden, aber das würde sie undankbar aussehen lassen.
Claire dachte darüber nach.
Was wäre, wenn die Industrieländer den Subsahara-Staaten ihre gezahlten Hilfsforderungen verzeihen würden?
Die Entwicklungsländer könnten mit dem Geld lokale Krankenhäuser bauen.
Es gibt keine Reisen mehr nach Großbritannien.
Es ist eine schöne Geschichte, aber die Hilfe aus Großbritannien ist gleich null.
Größter Geber war Japan mit einer Billion Dollar.
Wenn wir die Schulden erlassen würden, würde sie sich vor Japan beugen, aber sie sagte das Gegenteil: „Japan ist gebundene Hilfe. Sie sagte: „Das sind rücksichtslose Dinosaurier, die Jagd auf die ärmsten Länder machen.
Man muss Japan zugutehalten, dass die gebundene Hilfe in spezialisierten Bereichen wie der Medizin nur etwa 10 % der Gesamtausgaben ausmacht.
Es war nur eine Anschuldigung, aber die von Großbritannien unterstützte NGO Jubilee 2000 verbreitete sie.
In Japan verbreiteten die Katholische Kirche von Tokio und die Asahi Shimbun Clares Lügen und sagten Dinge wie „Stütze dich auf die Schwachen.
Am Ende gab Japan insgesamt 6 Billionen Yen an gezahlter Hilfe und anderer Hilfe auf, die in 10 Jahren ab 2003 auslaufen sollte, und beschloss gleichzeitig, die sogenannte gebundene Hilfe abzuschaffen.
Auf der anderen Seite nutzte das Vereinigte Königreich Japans erlassene Schulden, um Krankenhäuser in der Region zu bauen, und spielte eine ehemalige souveräne Nation, die den Schwachen nahe d Verhinderung medizinischer Flüchtlinge.
Apropos Nähe zu den Schwachen: Japan hat Shinjiro Koizumi.
Als er Umweltminister wurde, stellte er sich den Fischern von Fukushima entgegen und sagte: „Wir werden Tritium nicht freisetzen, auch wenn es harmlos ist.
Die Fischer bekommen ihre Fischereirechte kostenlos von der Regierung.
Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, sie zu kündigen oder sie aufzukaufen.
Aber er tut nichts, was ein Problem verursachen würde.
Außerdem haben uns Klima-NGOs auf der COP25 mit fossilen Preisen beleidigt.
Hätte er nicht sagen können, dass China, ihr Arbeitgeber, es mehr verdient hätte?
Neulich beschwerte sich Shinjiro, der nichts dafür kann, ungewöhnlich laut über die Hilfe für Vietnam beim Bau von Wärmekraftwerken.
Er war nur ein guter Junge und sagte, dass er den Export von Wärmekraftwerken, die CO2 ausstoßen, nicht zulassen würde, aber dann stellte er eine einfache Frage: „Warum kommen alle Aufträge für den Bau dieser Wärmekraftwerke aus China?
Nachdem Japan die gebundene Hilfe eingestellt hatte, wurden China jedes Jahr fast 1 Billion Yen ODA zugesprochen.
Wir haben China ODA in Billionen Yen gegeben und wir haben auch CO2-Emissionsgutschriften gekauft.
Darüber hinaus nutzten die Chinesen japanisches Geld, um ins Ausland zu gehen und Hilfe zu leisten.
Chinas Wohlstand erblühte auf Japans Dummheit.
Ich habe genug von China.
Wenn wir lernen können, die Tatsachen zu akzeptieren, die Shinjiro ans Licht gebracht hat, die gebundene Hilfe wiederherstellen und Atomkraftwerke wiederbeleben können, die kein CO2 ausstoßen, wird uns niemand mehr als dumm bezeichnen können.
(Ausgabe vom 20. Februar 2020)

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Until then, can electric cars, like the energy-wasting sample, remain popular?

2022年04月19日 15時56分48秒 | 全般
The following is from a book that a friend, one of the best readers, recommended I subscribe to as a "must-read," The People Who Really Move the Post-Trump World That the Japanese Don't Know.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The author's biography is as follows.
He was born in Tokyo in 1949 and graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Economics. D. in history and economics from Johns Hopkins University. After working as an assistant professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, he returned to Japan. He worked as an analyst in construction, housing, and real estate at HSBC Securities, JP Morgan, and other foreign securities firms before turning his attention to writing. He is an economic analyst and civilization critic.
The emphasis in the text except in the headline is mine.
Electric vehicles are more waste of energy than solar and wind power generation.
Converting primary energy sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power into electricity and then using it for transportation, manufacturing, heating/cooling, and other end-use purposes entails significant conversion losses compared to using primary energy.
Even in natural gas combined cycle power generation, which is currently the most energy-efficient, about one-third of the primary energy source is lost in the conversion process, leaving only two-thirds available for its intended use.
Other power generation methods can only effectively use a maximum of mid-40%.
The argument that "solar and wind are free, so no matter how low the conversion efficiency, as long as positive power is generated, it is a win-win situation" is incorrect.
The manufacturing and installation of power generation equipment and its land are high costs.
Therefore, electricity should be used for purposes that oil and gas cannot be used for no matter how hard we try, such as converting it into sound and light.
Suppose it is to be used as motive power. In that case, it should be used for applications such as trains and electric locomotives that can carry many people and compensate for the conversion loss through "economies of scale.
In this sense, it is a particularly poor policy to promote electric vehicles.
To transport one or two people, a car must drag a body that weighs 10 to 20 times its weight.
No matter how efficient the energy source, this dead weight is an obstacle to the efficient use of energy.

Using electricity, which is inefficiently converted from primary energy, as an energy source to carry heavy objects is inefficiency squared.
However, the stock price of Tesla, the leader among the specialized electric vehicle manufacturers, became a member of the S&P 500 stock index in December 2020, helping the company become the so-called The price of high-tech stocks has been rising sharply.
The table on the next page compares the market capitalization of Tesla stocks and popular stocks a week before Tesla was adopted for the S & P500.

Since the beginning of the year through mid-December, the stock price has increased approximately 7.5 times.
Tesla has yet to achieve a positive operating balance.
Tesla is a company that barely makes a positive ordinary income or net income by selling to other automakers the rights to sell internal combustion engine vehicles, which it receives for each electric vehicle it manufactures and sells.

In addition, since the number of earnings per share is deficient compared to the share price, the price/earnings ratio (PER, which indicates how many times the share price is the amount of net income per share) is 170 times. It has reached a high level.
If the amount of profit remains unchanged, even if all profits were used to return to shareholders, it would still be at a level where it would take 170 years for shareholders to regain the purchase price.
The 166-page table also shows how high Tesla's stock prices are more impressively.

The graph on the left compares the stock price trends of Tesla and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and shows that Tesla stock has finally eclipsed Berkshire's stock price.
On the right side, the chart shows that Tesla's most recent market capitalization is in line with the market capitalizations of the top seven companies in the automotive industry market capitalization, from Toyota to Ford.
How many years will it take for Tesla Inc. to generate sales profits commensurate with this stock price?
Until then, can electric cars, like the energy-wasting sample, remain popular?
Tesla is not a new company.
It was founded in 2003, which means that it has been in business for 17 years.
During this time, under Elon Musk's leadership, Tesla has made a lot of headlines but has made little effort to improve profitability.
That Tesla Inc. has become so popular that it has grown to the largest market capitalization in the automotive industry by far.
Throughout 2020, 6.6 percent of all money invested in the purchase of U.S. stocks was invested in Tesla.
This percentage is far ahead of second-place Apple's 5.0 percent and third-place Amazon's 4.5 percent.
What is the main reason for Tesla's popularity?
Are there many market participants who see the future of electric vehicles as high?
That may be one of the reasons.
However, the main reason is that the group, which dreams of restoring the manufacturing industry through over-investment, has decided that the market share of internal combustion engine vehicles is so widely dispersed among so many companies that it is impossible to restructure the market around one or two companies with overwhelmingly high market shares. It may be because the company has been unable to find a suitable product for its customers.

Suppose electric vehicles become widely popular and Tesla can maintain an overwhelmingly high market share among them. It may be possible for Tesla to become the leading company in the auto industry and hold pricing power.
The World Economic Forum and others may think so.
The stock market may also be hoping that Tesla can maintain its high market share in the electric vehicle market and that the electric vehicle market will grow to overtake the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.
Despite his many shortcomings, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was one of the few heads of state in the world who did not actively engage in the global warming crisis or the Corona plague theory.
Perhaps he was just afraid of President Trump.
Yoshihide Suga, who won the prime minister's office by "cutting off the lizard's tail" rather than "cutting off the lizard's tail," has swallowed the global warming crisis theory whole and is actively promoting the extremes of energy waste, such as electric cars and hydrogen-fueled cars.
He thinks this will make him unpopular. 
Hydrogen-fueled cars are even more energy inefficient than electric cars.
First, the alternating current from the power plant must be converted to direct current, and then water must be electrolyzed.
The hydrogen gas produced by electrolysis is placed in high-pressure cylinders and loaded into the car. If necessary, the power produced by the combustion (oxidation) of the hydrogen gas is used to rotate the axle. This mechanism is prone to lose during energy conversion many times over.
Japan's intellectual elite may finally be happy to be on par with the West.
However, the Japanese public, instinctively opposed to energy waste, will rebel against Kan's policy shift to actively support the development of electric and hydrogen vehicles.

To be continued.

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Electric vehicles are more waste of energy than solar and wind power generation.

2022年04月19日 15時51分38秒 | 全般
The following is from a book that a friend, one of the best readers, recommended I subscribe to as a "must-read," The People Who Really Move the Post-Trump World That the Japanese Don't Know.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The author's biography is as follows.
He was born in Tokyo in 1949 and graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Economics. D. in history and economics from Johns Hopkins University. After working as an assistant professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, he returned to Japan. He worked as an analyst in construction, housing, and real estate at HSBC Securities, JP Morgan, and other foreign securities firms before turning his attention to writing. He is an economic analyst and civilization critic.
The emphasis in the text except in the headline is mine.
Electric vehicles are more waste of energy than solar and wind power generation.
Converting primary energy sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power into electricity and then using it for transportation, manufacturing, heating/cooling, and other end-use purposes entails significant conversion losses compared to using primary energy.
Even in natural gas combined cycle power generation, which is currently the most energy-efficient, about one-third of the primary energy source is lost in the conversion process, leaving only two-thirds available for its intended use.
Other power generation methods can only effectively use a maximum of mid-40%.
The argument that "solar and wind are free, so no matter how low the conversion efficiency, as long as positive power is generated, it is a win-win situation" is incorrect.
The manufacturing and installation of power generation equipment and its land are high costs.
Therefore, electricity should be used for purposes that oil and gas cannot be used for no matter how hard we try, such as converting it into sound and light.
Suppose it is to be used as motive power. In that case, it should be used for applications such as trains and electric locomotives that can carry many people and compensate for the conversion loss through "economies of scale.
In this sense, it is a particularly poor policy to promote electric vehicles.
To transport one or two people, a car must drag a body that weighs 10 to 20 times its weight.
No matter how efficient the energy source, this dead weight is an obstacle to the efficient use of energy.

Using electricity, which is inefficiently converted from primary energy, as an energy source to carry heavy objects is inefficiency squared.
However, the stock price of Tesla, the leader among the specialized electric vehicle manufacturers, became a member of the S&P 500 stock index in December 2020, helping the company become the so-called The price of high-tech stocks has been rising sharply.
The table on the next page compares the market capitalization of Tesla stocks and popular stocks a week before Tesla was adopted for the S & P500.

Since the beginning of the year through mid-December, the stock price has increased approximately 7.5 times.
Tesla has yet to achieve a positive operating balance.
Tesla is a company that barely makes a positive ordinary income or net income by selling to other automakers the rights to sell internal combustion engine vehicles, which it receives for each electric vehicle it manufactures and sells.

In addition, since the number of earnings per share is deficient compared to the share price, the price/earnings ratio (PER, which indicates how many times the share price is the amount of net income per share) is 170 times. It has reached a high level.
If the amount of profit remains unchanged, even if all profits were used to return to shareholders, it would still be at a level where it would take 170 years for shareholders to regain the purchase price.
The 166-page table also shows how high Tesla's stock prices are more impressively.

The graph on the left compares the stock price trends of Tesla and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and shows that Tesla stock has finally eclipsed Berkshire's stock price.
On the right side, the chart shows that Tesla's most recent market capitalization is in line with the market capitalizations of the top seven companies in the automotive industry market capitalization, from Toyota to Ford.
How many years will it take for Tesla Inc. to generate sales profits commensurate with this stock price?
Until then, can electric cars, like the energy-wasting sample, remain popular?
Tesla is not a new company.
It was founded in 2003, which means that it has been in business for 17 years.
During this time, under Elon Musk's leadership, Tesla has made a lot of headlines but has made little effort to improve profitability.
That Tesla Inc. has become so popular that it has grown to the largest market capitalization in the automotive industry by far.
Throughout 2020, 6.6 percent of all money invested in the purchase of U.S. stocks was invested in Tesla.
This percentage is far ahead of second-place Apple's 5.0 percent and third-place Amazon's 4.5 percent.
What is the main reason for Tesla's popularity?
Are there many market participants who see the future of electric vehicles as high?
That may be one of the reasons.
However, the main reason is that the group, which dreams of restoring the manufacturing industry through over-investment, has decided that the market share of internal combustion engine vehicles is so widely dispersed among so many companies that it is impossible to restructure the market around one or two companies with overwhelmingly high market shares. It may be because the company has been unable to find a suitable product for its customers.

Suppose electric vehicles become widely popular and Tesla can maintain an overwhelmingly high market share among them. It may be possible for Tesla to become the leading company in the auto industry and hold pricing power.
The World Economic Forum and others may think so.
The stock market may also be hoping that Tesla can maintain its high market share in the electric vehicle market and that the electric vehicle market will grow to overtake the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.
Despite his many shortcomings, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was one of the few heads of state in the world who did not actively engage in the global warming crisis or the Corona plague theory.
Perhaps he was just afraid of President Trump.
Yoshihide Suga, who won the prime minister's office by "cutting off the lizard's tail" rather than "cutting off the lizard's tail," has swallowed the global warming crisis theory whole and is actively promoting the extremes of energy waste, such as electric cars and hydrogen-fueled cars.
He thinks this will make him unpopular. 
Hydrogen-fueled cars are even more energy inefficient than electric cars.
First, the alternating current from the power plant must be converted to direct current, and then water must be electrolyzed.
The hydrogen gas produced by electrolysis is placed in high-pressure cylinders and loaded into the car. If necessary, the power produced by the combustion (oxidation) of the hydrogen gas is used to rotate the axle. This mechanism is prone to lose during energy conversion many times over.
Japan's intellectual elite may finally be happy to be on par with the West.
However, the Japanese public, instinctively opposed to energy waste, will rebel against Kan's policy shift to actively support the development of electric and hydrogen vehicles.

To be continued.

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En Japón, la Iglesia Católica de Tokio y el Asahi Shimbun difunden las mentiras de Clare,

2022年04月19日 15時36分53秒 | 全般
Lo siguiente es del último libro de Masayuki Takayama, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, publicado el 15/01/2021.
Este libro es también uno de los mejores libros del mundo, al igual que sus libros anteriores.
Es una lectura obligada no solo para los japoneses, sino también para las personas de todo el mundo.
Todo ciudadano japonés debería ir a la librería más cercana y comprarlo.
Haré todo lo posible para que el resto del mundo sea consciente.
Este capítulo es 100% prueba de la corrección de esta columna, que ha mencionado que el calentamiento global es una trampa tendida por China y que el mundo está cayendo estúpidamente en ella.
El gobierno y el pueblo de Japón, los medios de comunicación como Asahi y NHK, los gobiernos y los medios de comunicación de países de todo el mundo y las personas que se ganan la vida en las Naciones Unidas deben leerlo con el corazón.
Todos deberían sentir una vergüenza tan insoportable que quisieran meterse en un agujero.
El énfasis en el texto, excepto el titular, es mío.
La realidad de la AOD en China revelada por Shinjiro Koizumi
El aire en China está sucio.
Se mezclan hollín y humo, gases de escape y el temido PM2.5.
Pero lo sorprendente de los chinos es que pensaron que podían usar esa basura para ganar dinero.
Entonces, los chinos "se han asociado con un estafador canadiense, Maurice Strong", escribió Souki Watanabe en el Sankei Shimbun el otro día.
Primero difundieron la teoría de que el cambio climático, incluido el reciente invierno caluroso, es causado por "demasiado CO2.
Se ha vuelto tan denso porque "Japón y otros países industrializados lo han estado emitiendo durante muchos años" y quieren que reduzcamos nuestras emisiones.
Si no puede reducir las emisiones, compre créditos de emisión de C02 de países menos desarrollados.
Sin embargo, China, que actualmente emite la mayor cantidad de C02, no es responsable porque es un "país atrasado".
Strong se convirtió en el Secretario General de la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río y difundió la estafa en nombre de las Naciones Unidas con el apoyo de China.
Las ONG chinas se convirtieron en sus manos y pies.
Japón, que es vulnerable a la ONU, fue engañado y paga 100 mil millones de yenes a China cada año en nombre de los créditos de emisión.
La verdadera identidad de Strong ha sido expuesta recientemente, y la comunidad biológica ha advertido que si se reduce aún más el CO2, las plantas que dependen de él para su alimentación se extinguirán.
Las probabilidades están en contra; China ha traído a Greta Thunberg, la chica del cambio climático. ¿Cuál es el efecto?
*Los reportajes de NHK fueron abismales cuando una analista llamada Kuwako y Arima presentaban el reloj de NHK9.
Me estremezco al pensar en las muchas ocasiones en que Kuwako elogió a Greta de una manera pseudomoralista sin darse cuenta de que ella ignoraba por completo la situación.
Antes del anuncio del Premio Nobel de la Paz, comentó con una mirada de esperanza en el rostro de Arima que lo conseguiría.
En otras palabras, estaban trabajando completamente como peones de China.
Lo mismo debe ser cierto para los medios de comunicación de masas del mundo.
Takayama, el único periodista en el mundo de la posguerra, también demostró cómo Trump, que sabía quién era Greta en ese momento, tenía la percepción adecuada.
¿Por qué el mundo y los medios de comunicación del mundo y la llamada gente cultural que los sigue son tan tontos?
Como he mencionado muchas veces, es porque están atrapados en el pseudomoralismo y la corrección política.
China ha estado usando esto a su favor para conquistarte.*
Hubo otra estafa internacional de este tipo en la década de 1990.
La estafadora fue Clare Short, directora general de la Agencia Británica para el Desarrollo Internacional.
La víctima también estaba en Japón.
Tuvo lugar en un país subsahariano donde el VIH estaba en su apogeo en ese momento.
Los pacientes llegaron a antiguos países soberanos, como Gran Bretaña y Francia, en busca de atención médica adecuada.
El costo de la atención social y médica en Gran Bretaña y Francia fue abrumador.
Quieren deshacerse de los refugiados con VIH, pero eso los haría parecer desagradecidos.
Clara lo pensó.
¿Qué pasaría si los países industrializados perdonaran a los países subsaharianos por sus reclamos de ayuda pagada?
Los países en desarrollo podrían utilizar el dinero para construir hospitales locales.
Se acabaron los viajes al Reino Unido.
Es una historia hermosa, pero la cantidad de ayuda del Reino Unido es cero.
El mayor donante fue Japón, que aportó un billón de dólares.
Si perdonáramos la deuda, ella se inclinaría ante Japón, pero dijo lo contrario: 'Japón está atado a la ayuda'. Ella dijo, 'son dinosaurios despiadados que se aprovechan de los países más pobres.
Para crédito de Japón, la ayuda vinculada es solo alrededor del 10% del total en campos especializados como la medicina.
Fue solo una acusación, pero la ONG respaldada por el Reino Unido, Jubilee 2000, la difundió.
En Japón, la Iglesia Católica de Tokio y Asahi Shimbun difunden las mentiras de Clare, diciendo cosas como "apoyarse en los débiles".
Al final, Japón abandonó un total de 6 billones de yenes en ayuda pagada y otras ayudas que expiraban en 10 años a partir de 2003 y, al mismo tiempo, decidió abolir la llamada ayuda vinculada.
Por otro lado, el Reino Unido usó la deuda perdonada de Japón para construir hospitales en la región, jugando una ex nación soberana cercana a los débiles yd prevención de refugiados médicos.
Hablando de estar cerca de los débiles, Japón tiene a Shinjiro Koizumi.
Tan pronto como se convirtió en ministro de Medio Ambiente, se enfrentó a los pescadores de Fukushima y dijo: "No liberaremos tritio, incluso si es inofensivo.
Los pescadores obtienen sus derechos de pesca de forma gratuita del gobierno.
Hay una manera de terminarlos o comprarlos.
Pero él no hace nada que pueda causar un problema.
Además, en la COP25, las ONG del cambio climático nos insultaron con premios fósiles.
¿No podría haber dicho que China, su patrón, lo merecía más?
El otro día, Shinjiro, que no puede hacer nada por nada, se quejó inusualmente en voz alta sobre la ayuda a Vietnam para construir plantas de energía térmica.
Solo fue un buen chico, dijo que no permitiría la exportación de centrales térmicas que emiten C02, pero luego hizo una pregunta simple: "¿Por qué todos los pedidos para la construcción de estas centrales térmicas provienen de China?
Después de que Japón dejó de proporcionar ayuda vinculada, se otorgó a China casi 1 billón de yenes de AOD cada año.
Hemos dado trillones de yenes en AOD a China y también hemos comprado créditos de emisión de CO2.
Además de eso, los chinos estaban usando dinero japonés para ir al extranjero y brindar ayuda.
La prosperidad de China floreció en la estupidez de Japón.
He tenido suficiente de China.
Si podemos aprender a aceptar los hechos que Shinjiro ha sacado a la luz, restaurar la ayuda de Tied y revivir las plantas de energía nuclear que no emiten CO2, nadie podrá volver a llamarnos estúpidos.
(edición del 20 de febrero de 2020)

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In Giappone, la Chiesa cattolica di Tokyo e l'Asahi Shimbun hanno diffuso le bugie di Clare,

2022年04月19日 15時35分56秒 | 全般
Quanto segue è tratto dall'ultimo libro di Masayuki Takayama, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, pubblicato il 15/01/2021.
Questo libro è anche uno dei migliori libri al mondo, proprio come i suoi libri precedenti.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per i giapponesi, ma anche per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Ogni cittadino giapponese dovrebbe andare alla libreria più vicina e comprarlo.
Farò del mio meglio per sensibilizzare il resto del mondo.
Questo capitolo è una prova al 100% della correttezza di questa colonna, che ha affermato che il riscaldamento globale è una trappola tesa dalla Cina e che il mondo ci sta stupidamente cadendo.
Il governo del Giappone e il popolo, i media come Asahi e NHK, i governi e i media di paesi di tutto il mondo e le persone che si guadagnano da vivere alle Nazioni Unite devono leggerlo con il cuore.
Dovrebbero tutti provare una vergogna così insopportabile da voler strisciare in un buco.
L'enfasi nel testo, fatta eccezione per il titolo, è mia.
La realtà dell'ODA in Cina rivelata da Shinjiro Koizumi
L'aria in Cina è sporca.
Fuliggine e fumo, gas di scarico e il temuto PM2.5 sono tutti mescolati.
Ma la cosa sorprendente dei cinesi è che pensavano di poter usare tale sporcizia per fare soldi.
Quindi, i cinesi "hanno collaborato con un truffatore canadese, Maurice Strong", ha scritto Souki Watanabe sul Sankei Shimbun l'altro giorno.
Per prima cosa hanno diffuso la teoria secondo cui il cambiamento climatico, compreso il recente caldo inverno, è causato da "troppa C02.
È diventato così denso perché "il Giappone e altri paesi industrializzati lo emettono da molti anni" e vogliono che riduciamo le nostre emissioni.
Se non riesci a ridurre le emissioni, acquista crediti di emissione di C02 dai paesi meno sviluppati.
Tuttavia, la Cina, che attualmente emette più CO2, non è responsabile perché è un "paese arretrato.
Strong è diventato il segretario generale del Rio Earth Summit e ha diffuso la truffa in nome delle Nazioni Unite con il sostegno della Cina.
Le ONG cinesi sono diventate le sue mani e i suoi piedi.
Il Giappone, vulnerabile alle Nazioni Unite, è stato ingannato e paga alla Cina 100 miliardi di yen ogni anno in nome dei crediti di emissione.
La vera identità di Strong è stata recentemente svelata e la comunità biologica ha avvertito che se la C02 viene ulteriormente ridotta, le piante che dipendono da essa per il nutrimento si estingueranno.
Le probabilità sono contrarie; La Cina ha portato Greta Thunberg, la ragazza del cambiamento climatico. Qual è l'effetto?
*Il rapporto di NHK è stato terribile quando un'analista di nome Kuwako e Arima stavano ospitando l'orologio di NHK9.
Rabbrividisco al pensiero delle molte occasioni in cui Kuwako ha elogiato Greta in modo pseudo-moralistico senza rendermi conto che ignorava completamente la situazione.
Prima dell'annuncio del Premio Nobel per la Pace, ha commentato con uno sguardo di speranza sul volto di Arima che l'avrebbe ottenuto.
In altre parole, stavano assolutamente lavorando come pedine della Cina.
Lo stesso deve valere per i mass media mondiali.
Takayama, l'unico giornalista nel mondo del dopoguerra, ha anche dimostrato come Trump, che sapeva chi fosse Greta in quel momento, avesse le giuste intuizioni.
Perché il mondo, i mass media mondiali e le cosiddette persone culturali che li seguono sono così sciocchi?
Come ho detto molte volte, è perché sono intrappolati nello pseudo-moralismo e nel politically correct.
La Cina ha sfruttato questo a proprio vantaggio per conquistarti.*
C'è stata un'altra truffa internazionale di questo tipo negli anni '90.
La truffatrice era Clare Short, direttrice generale dell'Agenzia britannica per lo sviluppo internazionale.
La vittima era anche in Giappone.
Si è svolto in un paese subsahariano dove in quel momento imperversava l'HIV.
I pazienti sono venuti in ex paesi sovrani come Gran Bretagna e Francia, alla ricerca di cure mediche adeguate.
Il costo dell'assistenza sociale e medica in Gran Bretagna e Francia era schiacciante.
Vogliono sbarazzarsi dei rifugiati HIV, ma questo li farebbe sembrare ingrati.
Claire ci ha pensato.
E se i paesi industrializzati dovessero perdonare i paesi subsahariani per le loro richieste di aiuti pagati?
I paesi in via di sviluppo potrebbero usare i soldi per costruire ospedali locali.
Non ci sono più viaggi nel Regno Unito
È una bella storia, ma l'importo degli aiuti dal Regno Unito è zero.
Il più grande donatore è stato il Giappone, che ha donato un trilione di dollari.
Se avessimo condonato il debito, si sarebbe inchinata al Giappone, ma ha detto il contrario: 'Il Giappone è un aiuto vincolato. Ha detto, 'sono dinosauri spietati che depredano i paesi più poveri.
A merito del Giappone, gli aiuti vincolati rappresentano solo il 10% circa del totale in settori specializzati come la medicina.
Era solo un'accusa, ma la ONG sostenuta dal Regno Unito, Jubilee 2000, l'ha diffusa.
In Giappone, la Chiesa cattolica di Tokyo e l'Asahi Shimbun hanno diffuso le bugie di Clare, dicendo cose come "appoggiati ai deboli.
Alla fine, il Giappone ha abbandonato un totale di 6 trilioni di yen in aiuti pagati e altri aiuti che sarebbero scaduti tra 10 anni a partire dal 2003 e, allo stesso tempo, ha deciso di abolire i cosiddetti aiuti vincolati.
D'altra parte, il Regno Unito ha utilizzato il debito condonato del Giappone per costruire ospedali nella regione, interpretando un'ex nazione sovrana vicina ai deboli ed prevenire i rifugiati sanitari.
A proposito di essere vicino ai deboli, il Giappone ha Shinjiro Koizumi.
Non appena è diventato ministro dell'ambiente, si è opposto ai pescatori di Fukushima e ha detto: "Non rilasceremo trizio anche se è innocuo.
I pescatori ottengono i loro diritti di pesca gratuitamente dal governo.
C'è un modo per eliminarli o comprarli.
Ma non fa nulla che possa causare problemi.
Inoltre, alla COP25, le ONG sui cambiamenti climatici ci hanno insultato con premi fossili.
Non avrebbe potuto dire che la Cina, il loro datore di lavoro, se lo meritava di più?
L'altro giorno, Shinjiro, che non può fare niente, si è lamentato in modo insolitamente rumoroso degli aiuti al Vietnam per la costruzione di centrali termiche.
Era solo un bravo ragazzo, dicendo che non avrebbe permesso l'esportazione di centrali termiche che emettono C02, ma poi ha posto una semplice domanda: "Perché tutti gli ordini per la costruzione di queste centrali vengono dalla Cina?
Dopo che il Giappone ha smesso di fornire aiuti legati, quasi 1 trilione di yen di APS è stato assegnato alla Cina ogni anno.
Abbiamo donato yen trilioni di APS alla Cina e abbiamo anche acquistato crediti di emissione di C02.
Inoltre, i cinesi stavano usando i soldi giapponesi per andare all'estero e fornire aiuti.
La prosperità della Cina è sbocciata sulla stupidità del Giappone.
Ne ho abbastanza della Cina.
Se impariamo ad accettare i fatti che Shinjiro ha portato alla luce, a ripristinare gli aiuti di Tied e a far rivivere le centrali nucleari che non emettono C02, nessuno potrà più chiamarci stupidi.
(edizione del 20 febbraio 2020)

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