文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But it seems that there is a habit of pretending not to see displeased with things

2017年11月25日 23時06分04秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

When Kim Jong-un threatened to do the Thermonuclear weapon experiment and make Tokyo a sea of fire, Asahi Shimbun made Kazutoshi Handou say greatly.

He said ‘Abe has made the crisis.’

As Abe said bravely at the United Nations brushing the north, the north stands ready, if the hurried US drove to three aircraft carriers to a heavy bomber, Abe is also a big deal.

In general, what Hando writes is so short-sighted that in the ‘Yamamoto Isoroku’ the previous war is caused by the conflict between the Treaty and the fleet faction.

It is irrelevant to US speculation and the cunning of China.

He is doing Japanese making a lot of fuss for nothing.

Hando joined Bungeishunju Ltd and served as a ghost writer for Matsumoto Seicho.

The material extensively over the literature with the hard worker is exactly having a great number of books.

But it seems that there is a habit of pretending not to see displeased with things.

For example, ‘MacArthur and Japanese Occupation’ single - mindedly praise that American.

‘He said to American soldiers not to raise food (loot) from Japanese people.’

It alone gives a tribute complimentary saying ‘There is no instance in the past conquering army.’

With all due respect the Japanese army had nothing raped or even plunder.

‘Asahi version Second Sino-Japanese War picture7 has a picture of ‘Japanese soldiers hanging chickens bought at a farmhouse on their necks’.

On the other hand, US soldiers are raped and robbed under occupation.

This draft continues.

It is not only to conceal such a small lie.Sometimes it also presses a big lie

2017年11月25日 22時44分02秒 | 日記

My friends bought a weekly Shincho recently.

Needless to say, I want to let me read a special column of Masayuki Takayama who decorates the tail.

I was surprised really I read it.

This is because the dream I saw this morning (not to mention that the dream that Prime Minister Abe is saying next to me is the first and foremost) was too matched.

It is obvious in this article that this issue that Takayama Masayuki is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

"See the truth of things from various perspectives"

View of history by Hando

I hate the Asahi newspaper in any way.

Asahi Shimbun also seemed to be the same, and they protested this column the other day.

If it does not correct it threatens to continue exposing this fact to the Asahi Shimbun's site.

I do not want such a high-pressure place, but, above anything, its anti-Japan, so for that they write a lie with conscience.

It is also very frequently.

A lie comes in ‘every two paragraphs’ in Tensei Jingo.

The other day it wrote the hidden paddy fields of the Edo period, but in the second paragraph it was 'The wisdom of farmers who are panting with heavy taxes hid and cultivated'.

In those days it is dark in the world, farmer's hunger, woman sold ... ... It is an out-of-the-out lie that is based on a poor farming historical perspective.

Hideyoshi did the detection of the hidden paddy fields.

Next 100 years later Tsunayoshi sensed only a shogun's demesne.

Then, the hidden paddy fields of 400,000 Kokudaka were found.

It is this in Shogun's headquarters of Shogun.

It wants to inspect various lords as well.

But farmers only brought out the banner with a sign of doing.

If it becomes riot, the substitute officer is Seppuku, and the daimyo is also renewed.

Eventually, until the Meiji cadastral survey none.

The farmer gains money with the hidden paddy fields as unlimited as you like, and the samurai stave off their living in Magewappa and goldfish cultivation. In case

It is not only to conceal such a small lie.

Sometimes it also presses a big lie.

This draft continues.

Media prefers the expression 'to monitor power', but does not monitor 'foreign power' at all

2017年11月25日 22時16分59秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Media prefers the expression 'to monitor power', but does not monitor 'foreign power' at all.

The answer is clear if we consider which of the Japanese government and the Chinese government is dangerous.

So we only have to point out the lies of television and newspaper more and more.


You're right.


I think we have to fight.

This draft continues.

It is absolutely necessary to avoid that the fate of the state is influenced by the fake news

2017年11月25日 22時12分07秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


I think there are many hurdles before we realize it.

However, we must do something.

Television fake news is terrible anyhow.

This is from long ago.

In 2003 TBS announced that Governor Shintaro Ishihara said ‘I am not going to justify 100% consolidation of Japan and the ROK,’ it cut off the sound at 'I am going to justify 100% consolidation of Japan and Korea, 'they broadcast it with a telop ‘– intention’.

In addition, Nippon Television will cut it with 'Prime Minister Abe’s saying ‘They will do anything for the election, I cannot afford to lose to such irresponsible forces' in 2016 and telop they broadcast it with that sentence.

There are many such examples.

Apart from China and North Korea, Japanese television is the most terrible in the world!

That's why we have to change it.

It is absolutely necessary to avoid that the fate of the state is influenced by the fake news.

This draft continues.

The television station now monopolizes limited radio waves, which are public property of

2017年11月25日 22時00分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Expectation to ‘radio auction’ to cut into radio interest


There was also a report that the Abe government is considering ‘radio auction’.

The Sankei Shimbun on September 12, 2017 reports as follows.

I think this is an attractive system.

The television station now monopolizes limited radio waves, which are public property of the people, only paying cheap money every year.

One company 400 - 500 million yen in commercial broadcasting key station, NHK also paid only about 2 billion yen electricity usage fee.

That's why the broadcast industry as a whole is doing the business of a scale of several trillion yen, surprisingly huge vested rights are left unattended.

If this is opened to the public in the auction, the TV station will be a bit more adopt a more serious attitude.

Continue this draft

If I click on it, it is said that in the following chapter, it was 33rd out of the best 100.

2017年11月25日 21時48分46秒 | 日記

After opening the ameba, I ranked in the official hash tag! It was stated.

If I click on it, it is said that in the following chapter, it was 33rd out of the best 100.

I offer my hearty congratulations on it.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In the Moritomo issue, suspicious behavior of Tsujimoto Kiyomi appears during allegation.

At Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki who got money from the Veterinary Society that lobbies the rock regulation questioned the allegations and said that you are a criminal. In case

But the Asahi Shimbun has no doubt.

Because anything is OK, they fill in the paper with suspicion.

When I saw the figure that they believe that Abe can be cursed, I remember the People's Temple case.

The guru is Jim Jones.

An emerging religion similar to Aum Shinrikyo is confronted with Guyana South America and conflicts with families trying to bring back believers.

Last year, he killed US House of Representatives who came to arbitration, 914 people under the guru died suicide by taking Potassium cyanide.

It was analyzed as a result of repeating the same information repeatedly put a believer in the space where other information was cut off to who was able to manipulate believers.

It was also said to be group hypnosis.

Asahi certainly has past track record of collective hypnosis that pushes the Democratic administration like that scrap to voters.

I think that it is Jim Jones of the journalism world. In case

However, that is not the power of Asahi alone.

There are collaborators.

If I click on it, it is said that in the following chapter, it was 33rd out of the best 100.

2017年11月25日 21時41分50秒 | 日記

After opening the ameba, I ranked in the official hash tag! It was stated.

If I click on it, it is said that in the following chapter, it was 33rd out of the best 100.

I offer my hearty congratulations on it.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In the Moritomo issue, suspicious behavior of Tsujimoto Kiyomi appears during allegation.

At Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki who got money from the Veterinary Society that lobbies the rock regulation questioned the allegations and said that you are a criminal. In case

But the Asahi Shimbun has no doubt.

Because anything is OK, they fill in the paper with suspicion.

When I saw the figure that they believe that Abe can be cursed, I remember the People's Temple case.

The guru is Jim Jones.

An emerging religion similar to Aum Shinrikyo is confronted with Guyana South America and conflicts with families trying to bring back believers.

Last year, he killed US House of Representatives who came to arbitration, 914 people under the guru died suicide by taking Potassium cyanide.

It was analyzed as a result of repeating the same information repeatedly put a believer in the space where other information was cut off to who was able to manipulate believers.

It was also said to be group hypnosis.

Asahi certainly has past track record of collective hypnosis that pushes the Democratic administration like that scrap to voters.

I think that it is Jim Jones of the journalism world. In case

However, that is not the power of Asahi alone.

There are collaborators.

Because the first impression is most strongly memorable in humans, those who are liable to

2017年11月25日 21時31分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


I agree.

There are many strange people even if I look at foreigners.

And such a person is getting anti - Japanese opinion on TV.

Because the first impression is most strongly memorable in humans, those who are liable to be brainwashed believe in the story that they first heard, and tend not to introduce new information after that.

That's why it's difficult to solve brainwashing.

Therefore, especially in a news program, it is necessary to introduce multiple representative opinions at the same time.

Also, it is important to adequately provide education so that it will not be brainwashed by the media, but unfortunately education is just as terrible as the media.

So it is necessary to improve educational institutions and media with a set.


When that is possible, the situation changes completely.

It is the media that made Japan so bad after the war.

Conversely, if we normalize the media, Japan has good beyond recognition.

This draft continues.

Only the person of the opinion which is negative about Abe administration is appearing

2017年11月25日 21時23分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Broadcasting law was enacted with the goal of disciplining broadcasting to conform to the public welfare and enforcing its sound development, but in Article 4, paragraph 2, it is <political fairness>, in paragraph 4 <About the problem where opinions are conflicting, we are stating that we should clarify the issue from as many angles as possible>.

However, not only in North Korea's nuclear development issue but also on the report on the peace and security legislation established in 2015 and the preliminary crimes such as terrorism established in 2017, it is said that television stations are observing the broadcasting law I do not think.

Only the person of the opinion which is negative about Abe administration is appearing.


Even if it sees from me, the Japanese, is not it possible to say a thing, too, thinking that they are really terrible but being disgusted from American Kent?

This draft continues.

It's a strange story, but the commentator on Japanese television is just such a person who

2017年11月25日 21時19分00秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


It's a strange story, but the commentator on Japanese television is just such a person who says that opinion.

Commentators who defend Japan's position or criticize China, North Korea, and South Korea openly and squarely cannot be shown on the program.

It is the press code itself.


As I presented before, they will not complain about North Korea launching missiles, complaining to the Japanese government 'to wake up from the morning' against J alerts.

All such people are dignified on television.

Peaceful blur, here is extremely rare.

This draft continues.

Moreover, Mr. Terry Ito is saying as if Japan had planted fear in North Korea, but first

2017年11月25日 21時12分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


It is completely incomprehensible.

Also, Mr. Terry Ito defended North Korea as ‘Miyaneya’ (Yomiuri Television) as follows.

'It is the U.S. and South Korea that is provoking when thinking from the view point of North Korea.'

‘There is a fear of being North Korea. Other countries do not know, fear of losing your own country, losing fear is the most in the world.This is indeed 1930 In fact (it is actually 1910), in this fear that it has been ruled by Japan for 35 years, is it again, is not it unified, is that unnecessarily Japan It is not a position to fuel it.’


It is a strange remark.



Moreover, Mr. Terry Ito is saying as if Japan had planted fear in North Korea, but first there was no country such as North Korea in Japan's era of Japanese rule.

Basic facts recognition is wrong.

This draft continues.

Only Japan and America of two not being north Korea were criticizing.

2017年11月25日 20時54分35秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Commercial broadcasting is also terrible!

They are excluding people who can explain Japan's position properly


NHK is not the only TV in Japan that is terrible.

Commercial broadcasting is pretty awful!


While watching TV programs, commentators from Koreans in Japan are dignified criticizing Japan.

I think that this is very special even if it is seen worldwide.


I think that it does not matter itself.

The problem is not to let people who have the opposite opinion from Koreans in Japan appear.

Foreigners may come out or people who criticize Japan may come out.

However, it is not fair not to give people who explain the position of Japan, people who firmly criticize China and Korea.

One morning, when I was watching TV Asahi’s Hatori Shinichi Morning Show, a journalist Aoki Osamu and Toru Tamagawa, commentator of the TV Asahi Bureau commentator room, were talking about North Korea's nuclear development.

Only Japan and America of two not being north Korea were criticizing.

This draft continues.

In Japan, the source of information is extremely limited, so right to know of citizens is not

2017年11月25日 20時40分42秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


NHK is like a financial group.

So, after the war, I would like you to dismantle the NHK as if you dismantled the financial group.

Commercial broadcasting as well as the newspaper, radio, terrestrial, BS, CS, together are the same as the financial group, so I would like to separate the capital relationship between the newspaper and the broadcasting station.

In the same media market, it is extremely rare in foreign countries that a newspaper company has a television station.


Media is integrated.


The information source of the printing and broadcasting media will be increased by separating it.

In Japan, the source of information is extremely limited, so right to know of citizens is not adhered adequately.

In the case of NHK, NHK all-around, E TELE, NHK WORLD will be organized separately, for example, the comprehensive license fee system will cease and E Tele will operate with donation.

America's NPR (National Public Radio) is mainly managed by donation.

Ideally it is a little left, but there are many interesting programs.

If all the subsidiaries are separated, NHK should also be decent.

This draft continues.

NHK creates a program that collects license fees from citizens and declines Japan and broadcasts it

2017年11月25日 20時30分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

NHK is no longer dismantled


There are many other problems of NHK, are not there?

‘World news’ is also troubled.

This is a news program broadcasting overseas, but we can not see it in Japan.

When listening to the person who actually watched overseas, it says that they are broadcasting quite anti-Japanese news.

NHK creates a program that collects license fees from citizens and declines Japan and broadcasts it abroad.

This is a big problem.

This draft continues.