文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the feeling of them who are eager to arrange such a lie cannot help doing mysterious.

2016年04月29日 14時43分05秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The U.S. army and Shina person are cruel.

If attempting to make Japanese, the feeling of them who are eager to arrange such a lie cannot help doing mysterious.

The action of the U.S. army which was shown in the occasion of the above-mentioned Philippine colonization goes surely in the extremity of cruelty.

Their tactic makes it of Union Army general William Tecumseh Sherman at the time of the American Civil War a model.

In addition to defeating an opponent army with the war, it beats to the wife and child of the soldier who defends a home front, it was in destroying an opponent people.

This was implemented in the Native American purge strategy where there were about 10 million and 95 % of them was cut.

It selected approximately in the purpose that tens of millions of coexisting bison, too, cut off a supply line with them.

The Philippines's subjugation, too, is the same.

The independent militia following Aguinaldo general who resisted colonization in the U.S. was 18,000, but that the U.S. army killed reached 200,000 nominally, the fact equaled hundreds of thousands of persons and the much was the family of the Aguinaldo soldier man.

The cruelness of the U.S. army is overwhelming.

The cruel people whom the world admits arrange a lie, saying, no, the Japanese are more stunning, and are modest.

I don't understand it.

This article continues.


2016年04月29日 14時41分05秒 | 日記














However, even Portugal of the suzerain state isn't doing a census.

2016年04月29日 14時39分16秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, even Portugal of the suzerain state isn't doing a census.
There is no basis in the word of the halfway Australian diplomat.
If anything, the Japanese and the islander are friendly, against the invading Australian military spy, the Japanese military and the islander, "to have caught, cooperating and to have continued to let out a duff gen using their cryptography" (Yamashita Nobukazu, previous Showa Women's University professor who had been stationed as a soldier), there is even testimony.

As for the abuse in Japan that all welcomed, the Time magazines, too, it knows that Goto paper is complete figment, indeed the 2007 year version is doing to the rejection.
It described before that New York Times made it a customary epithet in half a century, Japan of the Japanese military did cruel act in the South East Asia.
Only, it only uses for a customary epithet and there is not a specific example.
After all, waiting to fabricate the story that Asahi Shimbun reporter and the chartering scholar in the Asahi seem to be it, the composition that the side of the U.S. used it rises.
Why it does there, like Shina person who exploit to the full of plunder and a rape, is drawing a Japanese image eager?

This article continues.


2016年04月29日 14時37分36秒 | 日記




この話は米タイム誌の年鑑『Time Almanac 2006』に「日本軍の占領期間に五万人の島民が死んだ」と転載された。







This story was reprinted, saying, 50,000 islanders were dead in the period of the occupation of

2016年04月29日 14時35分37秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Waseda University professor Goto Ken'ichi wrote that East Timor was a colony in neutral country Portugal and the trouble of the resident and the Japanese military was nil though Waseda University professor Goto Ken'ichi wrote that the Japanese military plundered an islander here and that they killed 50,000 in Asahi Shimbun.

As for the Asahi, it welcomed an abuse in Japan whatever lie it does.

This story was reprinted, saying, 50,000 islanders were dead in the period of the occupation of the Japanese military, by almanac "Time Almanac 2006" of the US Time magazine.

Saying Japan was still cruel.

However, the islander was doing the living of one loincloth under the tyranny in Portugal.

Possession, too, was prohibited, saying the handsaw or the sickle became the arms of the resistance.

What on earth it robbed supposing that the Japanese military spoiled them?

As for this story, composing in the history, it is finally found to be “the population of the islander is decreasing after the war" at Australian diplomat James Dun in Goto Ken'ichi.

This article continues

Actually, the girl to have witnessed this, a baby with the bayonet, story in the occasion of

2016年04月29日 14時33分46秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
Actually, the girl to have witnessed this, a baby with the bayonet, story in the occasion of the Gulf War, too, testified by the American Congress public hearing.
As expected, the Iraqi troops are a brute.
In the verification after the war, the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti diplomat in America and testimony, too, was found to be a fiction.
However, even if it knew a lie, it showed no reaction in sort of "So what?", anyone not show any reaction, the disgrace of the Iraqi troops was left just as it is.
That is, it may say a regular lie.
It says that the Japanese soldier was Murray and that he did it.
If hearing such a story, Hayashi Hiroshi hears a story about where of the corps name in corresponding Japan which it does or ethnic Chinese doesn't tell a lie first for the honor of the Japanese it is, searching a survivor and whether or not there was not a witness of Malayan which a bias isn't taken for from ethnic Chinese works tightly in the verification.
It has never met ethnic Chinese who doesn't tell a lie if saying by the personal experience, too.
However, it doesn't hear the story that he did such verification.
This article continues.

The cruel people whom the world admits arrange a lie, saying, no,

2016年04月29日 14時11分54秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The U.S. army and Shina person are cruel.

If attempting to make Japanese, the feeling of them who are eager to arrange such a lie cannot help doing mysterious.

The action of the U.S. army which was shown in the occasion of the above-mentioned Philippine colonization goes surely in the extremity of cruelty.

Their tactic makes it of Union Army general William Tecumseh Sherman at the time of the American Civil War a model.

In addition to defeating an opponent army with the war, it beats to the wife and child of the soldier who defends a home front, it was in destroying an opponent people.

This was implemented in the Native American purge strategy where there were about 10 million and 95 % of them was cut.

It selected approximately in the purpose that tens of millions of coexisting bison, too, cut off a supply line with them.

The Philippines's subjugation, too, is the same.

The independent militia following Aguinaldo general who resisted colonization in the U.S. was 18,000, but that the U.S. army killed reached 200,000 nominally, the fact equaled hundreds of thousands of persons and the much was the family of the Aguinaldo soldier man.

The cruelness of the U.S. army is overwhelming.

The cruel people whom the world admits arrange a lie, saying, no, the Japanese are more stunning, and are modest.

I don't understand it.

This article continues.


2016年04月29日 13時42分39秒 | 日記















As for the abuse in Japan that all welcomed, the Time magazines, too, it knows

2016年04月29日 13時38分38秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, even Portugal of the suzerain state isn't doing a census.
There is no basis in the word of the halfway Australian diplomat.
If anything, the Japanese and the islander are friendly, against the invading Australian military spy, the Japanese military and the islander, "to have caught, cooperating and to have continued to let out a duff gen using their cryptography" (Yamashita Nobukazu, previous Showa Women's University professor who had been stationed as a soldier), there is even testimony.

As for the abuse in Japan that all welcomed, the Time magazines, too, it knows that Goto paper is complete figment, indeed the 2007 year version is doing to the rejection.
It described before that New York Times made it a customary epithet in half a century, Japan of the Japanese military did cruel act in the South East Asia.
Only, it only uses for a customary epithet and there is not a specific example.
After all, waiting to fabricate the story that Asahi Shimbun reporter and the chartering scholar in the Asahi seem to be it, the composition that the side of the U.S. used it rises.
Why it does there, like Shina person who exploit to the full of plunder and a rape, is drawing a Japanese image eager?

This article continues.


2016年04月29日 12時24分16秒 | 日記




この話は米タイム誌の年鑑『Time Almanac 2006』に「日本軍の占領期間に五万人の島民が死んだ」と転載された。







As for the Asahi, it welcomed an abuse in Japan whatever lie it does.

2016年04月29日 12時20分10秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Waseda University professor Goto Ken'ichi wrote that East Timor was a colony in neutral country Portugal and the trouble of the resident and the Japanese military was nil though Waseda University professor Goto Ken'ichi wrote that the Japanese military plundered an islander here and that they killed 50,000 in Asahi Shimbun.

As for the Asahi, it welcomed an abuse in Japan whatever lie it does.

This story was reprinted, saying "50,000 islanders were dead in the period of the occupation of the Japanese military" by almanac "Time Almanac 2006" of the US Time magazine.

Saying Japan was still cruel.

However, the islander was doing the living of one loincloth under the tyranny in Portugal.

Possession, too, was prohibited, saying the handsaw or the sickle became the arms of the resistance.

What on earth it robbed supposing that the Japanese military spoiled them?

As for this story, composing in the history, it is finally found to be “the population of the islander is decreasing after the war" at Australian diplomat James Dun in Goto Ken'ichi.

This article continues

However, it doesn't hear the story that he did such verification.

2016年04月29日 12時03分45秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
Actually, the girl to have witnessed this, a baby with the bayonet, story in the occasion of the Gulf War, too, testified by the American Congress public hearing.
As expected, the Iraqi troops are a brute.
In the verification after the war, the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti diplomat in America and testimony, too, was found to be a fiction.
However, even if it knew a lie, it showed no reaction in sort of "So what?", anyone not show any reaction, the disgrace of the Iraqi troops was left just as it is.
That is, it may say a regular lie.
It says that the Japanese soldier was Murray and that he did it.
If hearing such a story, Hayashi Hiroshi hears a story about where of the corps name in corresponding Japan which it does or ethnic Chinese doesn't tell a lie first for the honor of the Japanese it is, searching a survivor and whether or not there was not a witness of Malayan which a bias isn't taken for from ethnic Chinese works tightly in the verification.
It has never met ethnic Chinese who doesn't tell a lie if saying by the personal experience, too.
However, it doesn't hear the story that he did such verification.
This article continues.

Parfois, il est exposé plus clairement dans le court annulation

2016年04月29日 11時55分46秒 | 日記

Parfois, il est exposé plus clairement dans le court Révocation et ainsi de suite personne réelle intension.

Pensant qu'il voulait essayer de voir le sport dans un coin, même si elle était sur ce programme hier soir, où le baseball professionnel a commencé, il se tourna vers le canal "canal de nouvelles" TV Asahi de NHK.

Il a tourné la chaîne dans le but de voir le rapport du programme, mais il était venu à la fin, qui est faite pour voir un comme une association des anciens de l'annonceur annonceur Furutachi qui est celui qui préside.

Bien que Furutachiha bien une personne ne remarque pas le plein, par exemple, il est pas exagéré même si elle dit qu'il est seulement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, M.

Masayuki Takayama, qui est un véritable journaliste, s'il était de voir l'état de la dernière nuit, qu'est-ce qu'il a dit?

Bien sûr, même pas d'importance, qui reconnaît qu'une telle personne est un journaliste et ainsi de suite, il semble que il admet seulement qu'il est ex-animateur d'un homme ordinaire est la lutte professionnelle.

La nuit dernière, je pensais que la reconnaissance du droit de Takayama également au sérieux.

Sinon, il était un début, mais il est un commentateur nuit dernière a été Monta Mino comme ils le dégoûtaient, mais exigeant un commentaire sur le terrorisme en Belgique, l'un Mino fait le contenu de la réponse ... si le Japon était OK, ou de la taille de la garde de sécurité plus strictes, système de contrôle, qui est possible de se sentir libre.

Il est alors.

Furutachi dit cela.

Il est ce si sûr, mais il va là-bas, ce que vous si (je suis concerné, même lorsque l'appareil est fortement complet.)

Man parce qu'il dit presque rien sur l'état maintenant en Chine. Le Japon devrait renforcer la garde plus, alors, que ce soit, et aussi ce que l'annonceur a juste dit à moi-même grandi dans l'opinion, en souscrivant à l'Asahi Shimbun souligne qu'il est absolument tous les moyens. Il a commenté sur l'utilisation de la vague électrique public.

Comme cette scène, surtout, a également dit à l'homme qui a grandi, en souscrivant à l'Asahi Shimbun, dit-on que le faux moralisme est ce que ce ou Furutachi est devenu un faux moraliste par rapport à la base de l'os pour nous à coup sûr.

Il dit chercher à remarquer une telle chose comme des yeux inquiets.

Talvolta è esposto più chiaramente nel breve

2016年04月29日 11時55分03秒 | 日記

A volte è esposto più chiaramente nel breve Revoca e così via persona reale intensione.

Pensando che voleva cercare di vedere lo sport in un angolo, anche se era su questo programma la notte scorsa, dove ha iniziato il baseball professionale, si è rivolta a canale "canale di notizie" TV Asahi da NHK.

Si è scoperto il canale con l'obiettivo di vedere la relazione del programma, ma era giunto alla fine, che è fatto per vedere uno come associazione ex allievi del presentatore presentatore Furutachi che è la presiede.

Anche se Furutachiha bene una persona non si accorge il pieno, per esempio, non è esagerato, anche se si dice che è solo dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, il signor

Masayuki Takayama, che è un vero e proprio giornalista, se lui era di vedere lo Stato come l'ultima notte, che diavolo ti ha detto?

Naturalmente, non importa nemmeno, che riconosce che una tale persona è un giornalista e così via, sembra che ammette solo che è l'ex presentatore di un uomo normale è wrestling.

La notte scorsa, ho pensato anche seriamente il riconoscimento del diritto di Takayama.

In caso contrario, è stato un inizio, ma è un commentatore ieri sera è stato Monta Mino mentre lo disgustava, ma chiedendo un commento sul terrorismo in Belgio, uno dei Mino ha fatto il contenuto della risposta ... se il Giappone non era male, o delle dimensioni di guardia di sicurezza più severi, il sistema di controllo, che è possibile sentire aperto.

È allora.

Furutachi detto questo.

E 'ciò che così sicuro, ma va là, quello che anche se (mi riguarda, anche quando l'alimentazione è fortemente completa.)

L'uomo, perché difficilmente dice nulla sullo stato ora in Cina. Giappone dovrebbe rafforzare la guardia più, allora, che questo è, e anche ciò che il presentatore ha appena detto a me stesso cresciuto a giudizio, sottoscrivendo il Asahi Shimbun sottolinea che è assolutamente tutti i mezzi. Esso commentato l'uso di onda elettrica pubblica.

Come questa scena, prima di tutto, ha detto anche l'uomo che cresceva, sottoscrivendo il Asahi Shimbun ha detto di essere che il falso moralismo è ciò che questo o Furutachi diventato un falso moralista rispetto al nucleo dell'osso per noi di sicuro.

Dice guardare a notare una cosa del genere ad essere gli occhi ansiosi.

A veces se expone más claramente en el corto anulación

2016年04月29日 11時54分24秒 | 日記

A veces se expone con mayor claridad en el corto Revocación y así sucesivamente persona intensión real.

Pensando que quería probar para ver el deporte en una esquina, a pesar de que fue en este programa de anoche, donde se inició el béisbol profesional, se convirtió al canal "canal de noticias" TV Asahi de NHK.

Resultó el canal con el objetivo de ver el informe del programa, pero había llegado a su fin, que se hace ver a uno como una asociación de alumnos del locutor locutor Furutachi que es el que preside.

Aunque Furutachiha bien una persona no se da cuenta de la completa, por ejemplo, no es exagerado, incluso si dice que es sólo después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el Sr.

Masayuki Takayama, que es un periodista auténtico, si iba a ver el estado como la última noche, lo que en la tierra fue lo que dijo?

Por supuesto, ni siquiera importa, que reconoce que tal persona es un periodista y así sucesivamente, parece que sólo admite que se trata de ex-presentador de un hombre común es la lucha libre profesional.

Ayer por la noche, pensé que el reconocimiento del derecho de Takayama también en serio.

De lo contrario, era un comienzo, pero es un comentarista de anoche fue Monta Mino, ya que le disgustaba, pero exigiendo un comentario sobre el terrorismo en Bélgica, uno Mino hicieron el contenido de la respuesta ... si Japón estaba bien, o del tamaño de la más estricta guardia de seguridad, sistema de control, es decir posible sentir abierta.

Es entonces.

Furutachi dijo esto.

Es lo que tan seguro, pero va más allá, lo que, aunque (a mí se refiere, aun cuando la alimentación es muy completa.)

El hombre, ya que casi no dice nada sobre el estado ahora en China. Japón debe fortalecer el guardia más, entonces, que se trata, y también lo que el locutor acaba de decir a mí mismo creció en la opinión, mediante la suscripción de Asahi Shimbun señala que es absolutamente todos los medios. Se comentó sobre el uso de la onda eléctrica pública.

Como esta escena, por encima de todo, también le dijo al hombre que creció, mediante la suscripción de Asahi Shimbun dice que es que el falso moralismo es lo que tal o Furutachi se convirtió en un moralista falsa con respecto al núcleo del hueso para nosotros con seguridad.

Se dice que mira a notar que tal cosa sea ojos ansiosos.