文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

What it should do is only the work to make the Tokyo Stock Exchange the biggest

2016年04月12日 23時32分36秒 | 日記

As for the reader, like knowing, I am subscribing to the Asahi and Nikkei still.

Nikkei is subscribing in the implication to say to be financial paper but the political tone of this newspaper will have followed the Asahi almost.

I am convinced that Nikkei had better stop a political claim.

In the part, it makes economy in Japan stronger, i.e. "the Turntable of Civilization", however, Japan being the country to be turning around as the providence of the God to be deeply impressed.

Then, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, become the advance guard to complete in the biggest market in the world which stands in line in NYSE.

There is not your existence value except it. It had better stop announcing that it is an economic newspaper if following and not being. It had better express being an economic roundsman newspaper.

Japan in actually even now 2nd of the world which is a economic superpower very much. Therefore, for example, in the contribution to the United Nations, the world is the biggest for a long time, if the U.S. takes warning by often stopping payment in their own convenience, pay many contributions very much overwhelmingly, Japan maintained an organization, the United Nations.

As well as the U.S., as the economic newspaper in the country which must head another 170 years, the world, be being disqualified completely.

Saying that it isn't possible to announce that it is Nihon Keizai Shimbun and so on, there must be be deeply impressed.

The lacking of the recognition of yours, the stupid feeble-mindedness if saying severely, the responsibility of making the world in very unstable now, rather knowing, feeling, it is sought, being pressing now with you.

What it should do is only the work to make the Tokyo Stock Exchange the biggest market in the world right now, that.

Then, it is necessary to notice that only the thing finds out the world right and that it rescues it right now.

This article continues

It continued to say to such Germany that it is possible to learn, and so on, with so-called men of

2016年04月12日 23時15分11秒 | 日記

It continued to say to such Germany that it is possible to learn, and so on, with so-called men of culture who made Kang Sang-jung the first on the list, Asahi Shimbun and so on, it is necessary to say that it was a literal quisling or a traitor no longer.

In the relation to have been recording the Masters Tournament, in the morning of Sunday, the gossip show of Tokyo Broadcasting System appeared.
I was disgusted in the moment to have seen by Kang Sang-jung, Kishii and so on are equaling the moderating of Sekigutchi Hiroshi.
The report department of TBS and so on may be the proof of being fully operated now by the government and the CIA in China and Korea.

If the country all over the world except Japan has the CIA and FBI to have about Japan, too, we should be surprisingly able to expose a spy in China and Korea which is being slipped in NHK, the Asahi, Mainichi and so on.
If it does the country where treason to the state and so on are specified in the law like various countries except Japan, Asahi Shimbun should have been discontinuance long ago.

That my supposition was completely right was as it were carried on the front page as the scoop

2016年04月12日 23時00分58秒 | 日記

Yesterday, Ninnaji's Omuro cherry tree became in full bloom and today, the weeping cherry tree in Heian-jingu became in full bloom.

In the return trip from Kyoto, the friend passed the Sankei Shimbun.

That my supposition was completely right was as it were carried on the front page as the scoop article of the Sankei Shimbun.

The more of this article, the mass media in the Asahi and so on, in how much China of the Communist Party and Korea, and so on, the government in the country the national policy of which is anti-Japanese propaganda, and it clear pointed out whether or not it was operated, supported by their CIA and so on.

It was telling for the TV news the night before last not to have been in time for the whole conference with Foreign Minister in Germany stayed by Beijing in the serviceable trouble of the fuselage and so on.

However, as for the truth, the Sankei Shimbun was reporting clear.

The text emphasis is me.

【 Beijing = Hajime Kawagoe 】

The preamble abbreviation

China opposed that the South China Sea problem was discussed about G7 Foreign Minister meeting.

Wang Yi Foreign Minister was checking Japan and the U.S., saying "it doesn't admit that the partial country causes the South China Sea a trouble from the political reason and creating tension" when talking with Steinmeier Foreign Minister in Germany which called in at Beijing before visit to Japan on the 8th.

*It is the talk to be declaring that white is black by the example and to be declaring that the black is white coolly but if party making a despotic decision to carry-out by the Communist Party is added to the country which isn't exaggerated even if it says that "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" and "the plausible lie" are essence, an evil is completed in the worst ever.

It continues to prove the sample of the thing now and China continues to prove in the world.

Even though, for the profit of its own country, it doesn't mind even disturbing the union of the liberal countries.

In the country, Germany, I felt saying the level of the human nature, too.

Therefore, as for the fact, no alternating current has 99% mutual, to the country which isn't exaggerated even if it says that it doesn't know the actual state of the partner country at all in other words, the reporter of Asahi Shimbun and the same one of the style, being moved as the thought of several reporters who have only intellect like a kindergartner stupidly, it is convinced that it may be the country as the national about half has anti-Japanese feeling coolly.

This article continues.

At this time, I criticized thoroughly severely.

2016年04月12日 22時32分58秒 | 日記

Merkel (that supposes it may have been a remark as the agent in China if seeing now though) put a bad luck for some reason to the policy which the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is the politician who is really outstanding recently began by seeing through deflation's being a maximum ill in Japan.

At this time, I criticized thoroughly severely.

As for sending really angrily with that it is possible to keep a quiet tongue, the being of the reader of being what small politician is done as it knows.

Merkel comes only about twice to Japan but goes to China nine times or eight times.

It excluded that the small number state like their own satellite state was supporting without the way and in the tyrannies which were begun on the South China Sea, China surrounded by enemies on all sides from the international community wanted to put only Germany to the supporter anyhow beforehand.

At the same time, it may have attempted to cut off G7, cajoling Germany.

By the way, what reward may Germany have gotten this happiness and from China?

As for me, recently, the feelings to Germany decline. I have begun to feel that the German is considerable mean. Only the moralist of the put-on is grown-up like Asahi Shimbun but the level of the intellect has begun to feel that there is a place like a kindergartner.

The night before last, casually, it was seeing news at the foreign ministers' conference of G7

2016年04月12日 22時20分01秒 | 日記

The night before last, casually, it was seeing news at the foreign ministers' conference of G7 which is held in Hiroshima.

Then the news which it is difficult to believe broke.

Foreign Minister in Germany has confinement at Beijing airport at the serviceable trouble of the fuselage or something and says that the whole conference could not be attended.

Saying in time for the meeting after the supper, it was superfluously added though.

It attends an important meeting like G7.

When Foreign Minister comes from Germany to Japan, for what purpose may China have to be gone via?

Isn't Deutsche Lufthansa establishing a direct flight in Japan and Germany?

If saying a conclusion earlier, do there with the international community, the international politics, it told things in the recognition of the kindergartner level, the moralists of the put-on in Japan, they must know to be deeply impressed.

Being that one of the main topics of the conference this time expressed strong NO to the tyrannical act in the South China Sea in China as G7 is the fact of the wisdom of the many.

I have never had a German and a conversation in the life, too. It would do so 99% of the Japanese.

It is in both countries that it so is far.

To Japan which doesn't have a feeling any evil to Germany, reading Asahi Shimbun and JAPAN TIMES, the fact that there are correspondents of the leading newspapers to be writing only the article which attacks Japan.

I knew year before last for the first time since August.

It supposes, saying such reporters may have made though, last year, it knew, I was disgusted by the opinion poll result in Germany that the German about half has anti-Japanese feeling.

This article continues


2016年04月12日 21時31分34秒 | 日記





















2016年04月12日 20時58分47秒 | 日記







2016年04月12日 20時44分09秒 | 日記











such as he it is time the gallows had its due, become a flow of, the close cooperation

2016年04月12日 12時28分24秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
The text emphasis and *-* are me.

Oe is complained of, such as he it is time the gallows had its due, become a flow of, the close cooperation between the instigator - Asahi Shimbun and Oe surfaced once more.

Oe, here, put a strange subterfuge of more than when he got the Legion d'Donuru award on Asahi Shimbun.

I do not say the captain ordered the population suicide.
Saying, the Japanese military made residents fancy to suicide at last, being an actual direction.

* I have the memory which was read in the newspapers in those days in this part. Probably, to think that all persons who were subscribing to the Asahi by my classmates and so on are in the memory about.*

This, too, will be suggestion by the Asahi.
Since then, develop an excuse in Oe and in the background of the population suicide of Okinawa, this newspaper develops the tone that there is involvement of the Japanese military.
It is clear replacement.

* Recently, it wrote the reaction of me who read in the Starbucks of Kyoto Station, it was because it read here. Now, it adds so. Asahi is also really the lowest.
Because, while confessing that the military comfort woman problem was a fabrication article year before last in August to the end about this replacement, they were themselves and organized ones such as the outsider committee.
It let out as the conclusion, with the language about the wartime, the persecution of the woman and so on, it is because it is the replacement of the completely same ridiculousness.*

This article continues.


2016年04月12日 12時24分39秒 | 日記














За яахав, энэ асуудлыг

2016年04月12日 11時17分47秒 | 日記

Ноён Narabayashi цаас нэвтрүүлэх өмнө, заримдаа бичих шаардлагатай.
Асахи Shimbun салаа хүнийг дэмжиж атомын цахилгаан станц absoluteness нь oppositely үндэс болгон өсгөх том хүчин зүйл нь цөмийн хог хаягдлын тухай асуудал юм.
Энэ нь Furutachi ТВ-Асахи нь "мэдээ станц" дээр presider байгаа видео нь би анх удаа энэ өгүүллийг хараад Финлянд гэж мэдээлсэн.
За яахав, энэ асуудлыг олон улсын хамтын нийгэмлэгийн нь туйлын зөв асуудал байх юм бол энэ нь илэрхий тэд бүрэн хүчин төгөлдөр хийх юм байна.
Өмнөд Солонгосын нэг удаа том гаргах үед атомын цахилгаан станц барьж байгуулж.
Энэ нь ч бас Японы тэнгис тулгарч буй газар юм.
Хятад улс их хэмжээний нэмэлт хэд хэдэн цөмийн цахилгаан станц барьж байгуулж.
Асахи Shimbun гэх мэт, тэд хайртай НҮБ-ын нэн даруй очиж, энэ нь тэдний цөмийн эрчим хүчний станц байгуулах том нэмэгдсэн хориглох болгодог бөгөөд том кампанит ажил нь авч байх ёстой.
байх Хэрэв тийм биш бол, тэдний логик бүгдийг нь шударга ёс байхгүй.
цэг байхгүй байна.
Энэ нийтлэл нь хэвээр байна

Па, ако ова прашање е да се биде

2016年04月12日 11時16分56秒 | 日記

Пред воведување на г-дин Narabayashi хартија, понекогаш е потребно да се напише.
На голем фактор кој спротивната до фабриката апсолутноста нуклеарната енергија која Асахи Shimbun залагаше обвивка човечки суштества се подигне како основа се работи за нуклеарна ѓубре.
Тоа е видео кое Furutachi кој е претседавач на "вести станица" на ТВ-Асахи е објавена, оди во Финска дека го видов овој член, за прв пат.
Па, ако ова прашање е да се биде апсолутно точно прашање во меѓународната заедница, е очигледно дека треба да се направи во полна сила.
Јужна Кореја гради нуклеарна централа во уште една голема издавање.
Тоа, исто така, е на местото, што се соочуваат Море на Јапонија.
Кина создава дополнителни нуклеарни централи во големи размери.
Асахи Shimbun и така натаму, оди веднаш на Обединетите нации што тие сакаат, тоа го прави да ја забрани нивната нуклеарна фабрика изградба голем пораст, и треба да се преземат голема кампања.
Ако не се, нивната логика нема правда на сите.
Не постои точка.
Оваа статија продолжува

Що ж, якщо це питання має

2016年04月12日 11時16分13秒 | 日記

Перед введенням пан Narabayashi папір, іноді доводиться писати.
Великий фактор, який протилежно АЕС абсолютності, який Асахі сімбун виступав сайдинг людей підняти в якості основи про ядерне сміттям.
Це відео, яке Furutachi який є предстоятель на "прес-станції" ТВ-Asahi повідомила, збирається до Фінляндії, що я бачив цю статтю в перший раз.
Що ж, якщо це питання має бути абсолютно правильним питанням в міжнародному співтоваристві, то очевидно, що вони повинні бути зроблені в повну силу.
Південна Корея будує атомну електростанцію відразу великий емісії.
Це теж, в тому місці, яке стикається Японське море.
Китай будує додаткові більше атомних електростанцій у великому масштабі.
Asahi Shimbun і так далі, йдуть безпосередньо в Організації Об'єднаних Націй, які вони люблять, це робить їх заборонити атомну будівництво заводу велике зростання, а велика кампанія повинні бути прийняті.
Якщо не бути, їх логіка не справедливість взагалі.
Існує не крапка.
Ця стаття продовжує

Nu, ja šis jautājums ir absolūti pareizs

2016年04月12日 11時15分29秒 | 日記

Pirms ieviest Mr. Narabayashi papīrs, dažreiz ir nepieciešams, lai rakstītu.
Liels faktors, ko oppositely pie atomelektrostacijas absoluteness kas Asahi Shimbun atbalstītā apšuvums cilvēkus paaugstināt par pamatu ir par kodolenerģijas atkritumu.
Tas ir video, kas Furutachi kurš ir presider pie "ziņu stacijas" TV-Asahi ziņots, dodas uz Somiju, ka es redzēju šo rakstu pirmo reizi.
Nu, ja šis jautājums ir absolūti pareizs jautājums starptautiskajā sabiedrībā, tas ir skaidrs, tie ir jādara ar pilnu spēku.
Dienvidkoreja konstruē atomelektrostacijas uzreiz liels izsniegšanu.
Tas arī ir vietā, kurā saskaras jūru no Japānas.
Ķīna būvē papildu vairāk atomelektrostaciju plašā mērogā.
Asahi Shimbun un tā tālāk, iet tieši uz Apvienoto Nāciju ko viņi mīl, tas padara to aizliegt to atomelektrostacijas būvniecības ievērojami pieaudzis, un liels kampaņa jāveic.
Ja ne to, to loģika nav taisnīgumu vispār.
Tur nav punkts.
Šis raksts turpinās

Eh bien, si cette question est d'être question

2016年04月12日 11時13分47秒 | 日記

Avant l'introduction du papier M. Narabayashi, il est parfois nécessaire d'écrire.
Le facteur important dont le sens opposé à l'absoluité de la centrale nucléaire qui Asahi Shimbun a préconisé des êtres humains de parement soulèvent comme base est sur les déchets nucléaires.
Il est la vidéo qui Furutachi qui est un officiant à "la station de nouvelles" de la TV-Asahi a rapporté, en allant à la Finlande que j'ai vu cet article pour la première fois.
Eh bien, si cette question est d'être question absolument correcte dans la communauté internationale, il est évident qu'ils sont à faire en pleine force.
Corée du Sud construit une centrale nucléaire à la fois une grande délivrance.
Elle aussi, est à la place qui fait face à la mer du Japon.
Chine construit d'autres usines plus d'énergie nucléaire à grande échelle.
Asahi Shimbun et ainsi de suite, se rendre immédiatement à l'Organisation des Nations Unies qu'ils aiment, il rend interdit leur grande augmentation de la construction de la centrale nucléaire, et la grande campagne doivent être prises.
Si ne pas être, leur logique n'a pas de justice du tout.
Il n'y a pas un point.
Cet article continue