

俺のランニング生活 en France

2010-09-17 17:16:53 | 日誌(練習日誌)





一口に英語と言っても、世界各国から様々人が集まっているので、英語も様々です。日本と近い韓国や中国の留学生の英語はたやすく聞き取れても、フランス人の英語、インド人の英語となると聞き取るのはさらに難しくなります。 それなので、留学生同士で会話していて笑いが起きた時、何で笑ってるの?と思うことも度々あります・・・・






Bonjour (こんにちは)

Merci (ありがとう)

S'ill vous plait (お願いします)








Hello, everyone! Long time no talk!
First of all, there is something I need to say. I've been in France since 22th Aug. I'm studying abroad as exchange student. Actually, I was supposed to graduate from master course in my University in March this year, but I extended my graduation till the following year to join this exchange program. Last year, my university made an agreement with Lille Catholic University in France, so I could came to France as exchange student.
In the University where I'm studying, a lot of classes are taught in English and a lot of international students from 40 countries are studying. So a common language among international students is English. Since there are varieties of student in the University, I have to talk to students with various accents. It is easy to understand English spoken by Korean and Chinese who live near Japan, but it is difficult to understand English spoken by Indean, French etc. When my friends are laughing in our conversation, sometimes I don't understand why they are laughing.

I was looking forward to attempting my English skills that I acquired as a result of restarting to study it from when I was a college senior, but I have an acute feeling of inadequate English proficiency.

Then Japanese is only me in the University. In a way it may be good situation for study, but sometimes I become worried about not having some friends with whom I can talk in Japanese.

Then I don't know French well
Of course we have to speak French when shopping. We can live using English in the University though. That's why I face difficulty even when shopping.

I'm using bellow French words so far.....

Bonjour (Hello)

Merci (Thank you)

S'ill vous plait (Please)

and I'm trying to develop my vocabulary.

I've been undergoing hard times for 3 weeks since I arrived in France in these circumstances, but there was happy occasion today!

Actually I took TOEIC to test my English skill in July this year. The result was 695(Listening part 345, Reading part 350). For such a score, it doesn't reach a standard for study abroad except study abroad intended to study language, but I was able to come here because this chance is exchange program and nobody else was applicant. The other students cleared higher bar than mine and came here, so I can accept the fact that my English is the worst of the international students. That's why I've studied English very hard for 3 weeks in my room turning my frustration into my motivation to study. Then I took a sham exam of TOEIC which is only listening part and scored 450 today! I feel some positive results, though sometimes I still cannot understand what teacher and other international students say.

As for running, I go jogging 3~4time a week in a park. I feel that compared to the Japan, there are more runner in France. A lot of people are running! Almost all of runners I often see near Josai University are athletes doing any sports seriously such as member of ekiden team. However, everybody is running casually regardless of each status in France. I was really surprised to see this situation.