Masaca's Blog 2


Intel MacでWindows (44)

2007-08-03 20:18:38 | Windows on IntelMac
Parallels Inc.から、Intel MacでWindowsをVMとして走らせるParallels Desktop for Macの最新β版の配布を開始しています。

Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac Feature Updat」Parallels Inc.
New Parallels Desktop beta starts today, and a friendly hello」The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog
Parallels Launches New Beta Test Program」The Mac Observer
New Parallels beta supports iPhone, Google phone talk reappears」AppleInsider
Parallels Desktop beta released for free」MacNN

  • Major enhancements to the look and feel of Windows programs in Coherence
  • Coherence support for Exposé and Transparent Windows
  • Support for overlapping several Windows and Mac windows in Coherence
  • Ability to silently boot into Coherence mode
  • Linux PC and virtual machine migration to your Mac using Transporter
  • Ability to change your VM’s disk format using the updated Image Tool
  • iPhone support in Windows. iTunes in Windows can connect to your iPhone



Intel MacでWindows (43)

2007-06-11 17:33:08 | Windows on IntelMac
Apple Boot Campが1.3βにバージョンアップしています。

Boot Camp」Apple

Boot Camp 1.3 beta includes:
  • Support for keyboard backlighting (MacBook Pro only)
  • Apple Remote pairing
  • Updated graphics drivers
  • Improved Boot Camp driver installer
  • Improved international keyboard support
  • Localization fixes
  • Updated Windows Help for Boot Camp
  • MacBook Proのみキーボードバックライトをサポート
  • Apple Remoteペアリング
  • グラフィック・ドライバのアップデート
  • Boot Campドライバ・インストーラーの改善
  • インターナショナル・キーボード・サポートの改善
  • ローカライズの修正
  • Boot CampのWindowsヘルプのアップデート
アップデートはいつも通り、Boot Camp Assistant softwareを更新し、新しいMac Drivers CDを作成して、Windows上にインストールされているドライバを更新します。詳しくは、Boot Camp 1.3βに含まれる取扱説明やセットアップガイドを参照しましょう。

# 本エントリーアップ時点では、日本のアップルBoot Campのページは1.2βのままですので、こちらからダウンロードされる場合にはバージョンに十分ご注意ください。

それから、CNET JapanにParallels Desktop for Mac 3.0のフォトレポートが出ています。

・「フォトレポート:絵で見る「Parallels Desktop version 3.0」」CNET Japan


・「Apple、Boot Campのβ版を1.3にバージョンアップ」ITmedia News
・「Boot Camp 1.3 beta adds new drivers, Apple remote pairing」AppleInsider

Intel MacでWindows (42)

2007-06-01 08:55:36 | Windows on IntelMac
Parallels Inc.から、Intel MacでWindowsをVMとして走らせるParallels Desktop for Macのメジャーアップデートがアナウンスされています。

Parallels Desktop for Mac 3.0」Parallels Inc.

Completely Seamless User Experience:
  • Cross OS application & file integration with Parallels SmartSelect
  • Offline access to virtual machine files with Paralles Explorer
  • Coherence 2.0, including shared folders and UI enhancements
  • Linux Tools for seamless integration betwen Mac OS X and Linux

Native Hardware Experience
  • 3D graphics support to play the hottest games and run the most popular applications
  • Expanded support for USB 2.0 devices
  • USB connection assistant quickly connects you to your OS of choice
  • Shared printers for cross OS printing
  • Significantly enhancements performance and audio quality

Protection against Mishaps
  • Hit a problem? Quickly and easily go back in time to a clean VM state
  • Bulletproof your VMs with SnapShots
  • Control the levels of integration and isolation with Security Manager
  • Make your virtual machine read-only
  • Get virus and spyware protection with a FREE 6-month Kaspersky subscription trial

The Official Parallels Virtualization Blogによれば、SmartSelectは、拡張子によってどのOSのどのアプリケーションで開くのかを規定出来るそうで、例えば、Mac OS X上のMail.appで受信したメールのdoc添付ファイルを開くと自動的にVM Windows上のWordで開くことが出来るそうです。3Dグラフィックスについては、OpenGLやDirectXに対応したようで、Windows専用のグラフィックバリバリのゲームも遊べるそうです
・Cross OS File & App Integration
・Assign files to any application
・Set 'on the fly' or as a default
・Bulletproof your VM
・Store the VM state and custom intervals
・Rollback when needed
3D Graphics
・OpenGL and DirectX support
・Support for graphics hardware
・Vista Aero coming soon

  • 6月6日までの予約なら、通常製品価格の半額の$39.99
  • それ以降のアップグレード価格は$49.99
  • メンテナンス・カスタマーは無償アップグレード
  • 5月1日以降の購入者も無償アップグレード

・「Parallels、「3Dゲーム」対応のMac仮想化ソフト新版を予約開始」ITmedia News
・「ついにOpenGLとDirectXに対応、「Parallels Desktop for 3.0 Mac」予約開始」マイコミジャーナル

Intel MacでWindows (41)

2007-03-29 12:52:34 | Windows on IntelMac
Apple Boot Campが1.2βにバージョンアップして、Windows Vistaに対応しています。

Boot Camp」Apple

Boot Camp 1.2 beta includes:
  • Support for Windows Vista (32-bit)
  • Updated drivers, including but not limited to trackpad, AppleTime (synch), audio, graphics, modem, iSight camera
  • Support the Apple Remote (works with iTunes and Windows Media Player)
  • A Windows system tray icon for easy access to Boot Camp information and actions
  • Improved keyboard support for Korean, Chinese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Russian, and French Canadian
  • Improved Windows driver installation experience
  • Updated documantation and Boot Camp on-line help in Windows
  • Apple Software Update (for Windows XP and Vista)
  • Windows Vista (32-bit)に対応
  • トラックパッド、AppleTime(時刻のシンク)、オーディオ、グラフィック、モデム、iSightカメラの各ドライバのアップデート
  • Windows上のiTunesやWindows Media Playerで作動するようにApple Remoteを対応
  • Boot Camp情報や動作に簡単にアクセスするためのWindowsシステムトレイ
  • 韓国語、中国語、スウェーデン語、オランダ語、ノルウェー語、フィンランド語、ロシア語、フランス語(カナダ)へのキーボードサポートの改善
  • Windowsドライバインストールの改善
  • Windows上での取扱説明やオンラインヘルプのアップデート
  • Windows XP・Vista用Appleソフトウェア・アップデート
アップデートはいつも通り、Boot Camp Assistant softwareを更新し、新しいMac Drivers CDを作成して、Windows上にインストールされているドライバを更新します。詳しくは、Boot Camp 1.2βに含まれる取扱説明やセットアップガイドを参照しましょう。

# 本エントリーアップ時点では、日本のアップルBoot Campのページは1.1.2βのままですので、こちらからダウンロードされる場合にはバージョンに十分ご注意ください。

・「Boot CampがWindows Vistaを正式サポート」ITmedia News
・「Apple Boot Camp 1.2 Beta – Mac OS X」VersionTracker
・「New Boot Camp beta adds Vista support」Think Secret
・「Apple adds Vista support with new Boot Camp release」AppleInsider
・「Apple Posts New Boot Camp Beta for Vista」The Mac Observer
・「Apple's Bootcamp 1.2 beta supports Vista」MacNN
・「Apple Releases Boot Camp 1.2 with Vista Support」Mac Rumors
・「Apple releases Vista-supporting Boot Camp 1.2.」LoopRumors
・「アップル、「Boot Camp」パブリックベータ版でVistaをサポート」CNET Japan
・「米アップル、Vistaに対応した「Boot Camp 1.2」ベータ版を公開」日経パソコンPC online

Intel MacでWindows (40)

2007-03-27 18:40:24 | Windows on IntelMac
このシリーズの中でもちょっと特異な存在として紹介したCrossOver Macですが、ようやく日本でも販売が開始されるようです。

(株)ネットジャパンがWindows専用アプリケーションをMac OS X上でネイティブに動作させるための互換レイヤーソフトCrossOver Mac 6.0 英語版を3月26日から販売開始」NetJapan
Intel Mac上のWin互換レイヤー『CrossOver Mac 6.0」が国内で販売』MYCOMジャーナル

初めは3月26日より「CrossOver Mac 6.0 英語版」をパッケージ版は11,550円、ダウンロード版は8,400円で発売し、5月にリリース予定の「CrossOver Mac 6.1 日本語版」に無償でアップデート出来るそうです。英語版では日本語環境は保障されませんが、日本語版では「日本語環境と日本語アプリケーション、および日本語フォントがサポートされる」そうです。

# 「CrossOver Linux」と代理店が異なるというのはどうかと思うが…
# こっちは技術サポートはメーカー直だっていうし…

こちらの「CrossOver Mac」を使う利点としては、WIndows OSが不要なこと。あたかもMac OS X上でネイティブにWindowsアプリケーションが走っているかのように扱うことが出来ます。一方で、互換性が低くなるため、全てのWindowsアプリケーションが対応するわけではないようです。以前もお知らせしましたが、対応アプリケーションはこちら。ブラウズもサーチも可能です (英語ですが…)。


Mac OS X「Leopard」が10月まで発売延期のうわさ--海外メディア報道」CNET Japan


Intel MacでWindows (39)

2007-03-02 18:41:38 | Windows on IntelMac

Transporter & Coherence videos」The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog


Parallels Transporter
Parallels Coherence

# gooブログって、こういうところがWeb2.0から逆行してるんだよなぁ…

Intel MacでWindows (38)

2007-02-28 12:57:35 | Windows on IntelMac

New Parallels Desktop for Mac Lets Users Run Windows Applications Like They Are Native Mac Applications」Parallels Inc.
It's Here! Get the Parallels Desktop Update with Coherence, Transporter, USB 2.0, and more!」 The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog

基本的にはRC3版とほぼ同じです。製品版ですので、ローカル版のActivation Keyが効かないことはないはずです(未確認)。

  • コヒーレンス WindowsアプリケーションをあたかもMac上のアプリケーションであるかのように扱うことが出来ます。
  • トランスポーター PCで使っていたWindows環境をそのままVMに移行出来ます。また、VMWareやVirtual PCなどのイメージもParallels用に変換出来ます。
  • USB 2.0のプラグ&プレイ
  • 仮想CD/DVDドライブによる読み込み・書き込みサポート
  • Boot CampパーティションのWindows環境をそのまま利用可能
  • Windows-Mac OS X間の完全なドラッグ&ドロップ
  • Windows Vistaの完全サポート
その他細かいNew featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! Installation Assislant built-in tool included. Click here to learn more...
  • New! Shared Networking
  • Works on ANY Intel-Mac with ANY memory configuration with no system modification. This includes Mac Pro towers with up to 16GB of RAM, and the full line of Core 2 Duo iMacs
  • New! Compatibility with developer build of Mac OS X 10.5, code-named “Leopard”
  • New! Support for Windows Vista
  • Solaris guest OS no longer hangs after suspend/resume
  • An improved Parallels Tools package
  • Full support for OpenBSD 3.8 as a guest operating system
  • G4U hard disk cloning tool now works in virtual machines
  • Better video output improvement and acceleration
  • Added multi interface USB devices support (including Windows Mobile 2005 devices)
  • Added isochronous USB devices support (including WebCam devices)
  • Keyboard support improvement: Eject CD key support, left/right Shift/Ctrl/Alt (Option)/Windows keys difference support
  • Added virtual disk cache policy option: Mac OS X performance optimized or guest OS performance optimized
  • Image Tool fixes
  • Optimized disk cache policy for Suspend/Resume feature
  • Windows ME Suspend/Resume fix
  • Shared Folders first time access acceleration
  • Clipboard synchronization tool fixes (unreadable symbols sometimes added during copy and paste)
  • Sound playback and recording improvement

いや、マジでここまで来ると、Intel Mac買ってWindows XPかVistaを入れて、シームレスにアプリケーションを使えるようにした方が便利なんじゃないかって気になってきます。職場のMac、買い替えられないかなぁ…

・「米Parallels、「Desktop for Mac」アッグレード正式版の提供を開始」MYCOMジャーナル
・「Parallels Desktop supports Leopard, Vista」MacNN
・「Parallels Announces Update to Desktop Virtualization Software」The Mac Observer
・「Parallels Desktop - 2.5.3186.0」Version Tracker
・「Parallels、「Parallels Desktop for Mac」をアップデート--複数の新機能が追加に」CNET Japan
・「MacとVistaが同時に使えるParallels新版、正式公開」ITmedia News

Intel MacでWindows (37)

2007-02-16 08:55:06 | Windows on IntelMac

Upgrade your XP virtual machine to Vista with RC3」The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog
Parallels Desktop for Mac Release Candidate 3 (Build 3170)」Parallels Inc.

The Official Parallels Virtualization Blogによれば、今回のアップデートは二つの重要な強化点を含むそうです。
  1. You can now seamlessly upgrade a Windows XP virtual machine to Windows Vista. This was a much-requested feature, and I'm really pleased to be able to include it. For more information on which versions of Vista you're able to use in a virtual machine, read my blog post on the subject.
    このアップグレードにより、Windows XP VMをシームレスにWindows Vistaにアップグレード出来ます。これは非常に多くのリクエストのあった強化点であり、これを搭載出来たことは非常に喜ばしいことです。Windows VistaのどのバージョンがVMとして使用可能かについては、この件についてポストした以前のブログを参照して下さい。
  2. We've also added new options to drag-and-drop to make it even more secure. In RC3. When you drag-and-drop a file for the first time, you'll be prompted if you'd like to enable "local" or "global" file sharing. Here's the difference
    • Global Sharing shares the your entire Mac file system. It is important to note that Global Sharing is DISABLED by default. 「グローバル共有」は、Macファイルシステム全体を共有します。重要なのは、デフォルトでは「グローバル共有」は「不可」になっています。
    • Local Sharing shares only your Home folder 「ローカル共有」は、ホームフォルダ内のみを共有します。

ちなみに今回のRC3もUK英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、チェコ語、ポーランド語、日本語版のActivation keyが効かないそうです。もしこれらローカル版でこのRCを使用してみたい場合には、30日間トライアル版のActivation keyを取得して欲しいとのことです。トライアル版Activation keyの取得はこちら

ということで、New featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! Windows XP to Windows Vista upgrade support
  • New! USB 2.0 support - "Plug and play" popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, scanners and web cameras including iSight at full native speed.
  • New! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC
  • New! Coherence - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better! Learn more about Coherence >>
  • New! Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. RC3’s Boot Camp support includes:
    • Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions
    • Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!
    • No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments
    • New! For advanced users: configurating the layout of Boot Camp partitions by manual editing of Virtual Machine's .pvs configuration file.
    • IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.
    • VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in RC3 (build 3170).
  • New! Transporter RC3 bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines! Learn more about Transporter RC3 >>
    • IMPORTANT! Previous Beta users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Transporter in RC3. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data
  • New! Added keyboard remapping configuration
  • New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever
  • New! True "Drag and Drop" functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa. Parallels Desktop now shares the entire Mac file structure between OS X and Windows - no more worrying about which copy of the file is the most recently updated!
    • New! Global sharing is disabled by default. The enabling promt pops up on first "Drag and Drop" attempt.
  • Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac
  • Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance
  • One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine
  • Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application
  • Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size
  • Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!
  • Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying “wait 5-10 seconds” message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!
  • Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces
  • Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode
  • New! Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" ready
  • New! Several USB support fixes

・「Parallels Desktop 2.5 Build 3170.0」Version Tracker
・「Intel Mac用仮想化ソフトのリリース候補最新版が公開 -Vista対応強化」MYCOMジャーナル

Intel MacでWindows (36)

2007-02-02 13:00:27 | Windows on IntelMac

Parallels Desktop for Mac Release Candidate 2 (Build 3150)」Parallels Inc.

今回のRC2もUK英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、チェコ語、ポーランド語、日本語版のActivation keyが効かないそうです。もしこれらローカル版でこのRCを使用してみたい場合には、30日間トライアル版のActivation keyを取得して欲しいとのことです。トライアル版Activation keyの取得はこちら

New featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! USB 2.0 support - "Plug and play" popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, scanners and web cameras including iSight at full native speed.
  • New! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC
  • New! Coherence - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better! Learn more about Coherence >>
  • New! Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. RC2’s Boot Camp support includes:
    • Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions
    • Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!
    • No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments
    • New! For advanced users: configurating the layout of Boot Camp partitions by manual editing of Virtual Machine's .pvs configuration file.
    • IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.
    • VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in RC2 (build 3150).
  • New! Transporter RC2 bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines! Learn more about Transporter RC2 >>
    • IMPORTANT! Previous Beta users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Transporter in RC2. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data
  • New! Added keyboard remapping configuration
  • New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever
  • New! True “Drag and Drop” functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa. Parallels Desktop now shares the entire Mac file structure between OS X and Windows - no more worrying about which copy of the file is the most recently updated!
  • Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac
  • Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance
  • One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine
  • Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application
  • Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size
  • Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!
  • Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying “wait 5-10 seconds” message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!
    <il>Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces
  • Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode
  • New! Lots of various fixes

Intel MacでWindows (35)

2007-02-01 20:14:14 | Windows on IntelMac
巷では、真夜中に店頭に並んでまで買おうとするよく分からない輩まで出たWindows Vistaが一版販売開始されて、PCを売る家電メーカーもここぞとばかりに新機種を売り出してVista特需に乗っかろうとはしたものの、妙に出足が鈍くて焦り気味になっているようですが、どなたか買われました?Windows Vista…

で、以前にも取り上げたことがあるのですが、Windows VistaをゲストOS、つまり仮想マシン(VM)として使用する場合、ライセンス的にはBusiness EditionかUltimate Editionしか許されておりません。Home EditionをVMとして使用することはライセンス違反となります。これについて、Parallels Inc.の公式ブログでも触れています。

Vista is here. So what does it mean for virtualization?」 The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog

一応現状では、Parallels Desktop for Macを使用してWindows VistaをVMとして使用する場合、Business EditionかUltimate Editionをインストールしましょう。Boot Campの場合にはこの限りではありません。なぜなら、Boot Campで使用すればホストOSとして起動するからです。


Intel MacでWindows (34)

2007-01-11 18:16:59 | Windows on IntelMac

Parallels Desktop for Mac Release Candidate (Build 3120)」Parallels Inc.

但し、今回のRCはUK英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、チェコ語、ポーランド語、日本語版のActivation keyが効かないそうです。もしこれらローカル版でこのRCを使用してみたい場合には、30日間トライアル版のActivation keyを取得して欲しいとのことです。トライアル版Activation keyの取得はこちら

New featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! USB 2.0 support - "Plug and play" popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, scanners and USB 2.0 web cameras, and use them at full native speed.
    • NOTE! Current Build 3120 doesn’t support iSight and some other web cameras
  • New! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC
  • New! Coherence - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better! Learn more about Coherence >>
  • NEW! Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. RC’s Boot Camp support includes:
    • Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions
    • Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!
    • No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments
    • IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.
    • VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in RC (build 3120).
  • NEW! Transporter RC bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines! Learn more about Transporter RC >>
    • IMPORTANT! Beta1 users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Transporter in RC. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data
  • NEW! Added keyboard remapping configuration
  • New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever
  • NEW! True “Drag and Drop” functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa. Parallels Desktop now shares the entire Mac file structure between OS X and Windows - no more worrying about which copy of the file is the most recently updated!
  • Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac
  • Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance
  • One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine
  • Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application
  • Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size
  • Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!
  • Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying “wait 5-10 seconds” message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!
  • Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces
  • Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode
  • NEW! Lots of various fixes

・「Parallels Desktop 2.5 Build 3120.0」Version Tracker
・「Parallels Desktop Update RC available」MacNN

Intel MacでWindows (33)

2007-01-04 17:13:20 | Windows on IntelMac

Parallels Desktop for Mac Update Beta3 (Build 3106)」Parallels Inc.

New featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! USB 2.0 support - "Plug and play” popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, and scanners, and use them at full native speed.
    • NOTE! Current Build 3106 doesn’t support isochronous devices such as web cameras, microphones, etc.
  • New! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC
  • New! Improved Coherence mode - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better! Learn more about Coherence >>
  • New! Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. Beta3’s Boot Camp support includes:
    • Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions
    • Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!
    • No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments
    • IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.
    • VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in Beta3 (build 3106).
  • New! Transporter Beta3 bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines! Learn more about Transporter Beta3 >>
    • IMPORTANT! Beta1 users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Transporter in Beta3. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data
  • NEW! Added keyboard remapping configuration
  • New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever
  • True "Drag and Drop" functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa
  • Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac
  • Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance
  • One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine
  • Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application
  • Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size
  • Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!
  • Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying "wait 5-10 seconds" message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!
  • Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces
  • Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode
  • NEW! Lots of various fixes

Intel MacでWindows (32)

2006-12-22 19:36:52 | Windows on IntelMac
しばらくの間、忘れておりましたが、Parallels Desktop for Macのβ2が出ているそうです。

Parallels Desktop for Mac Update Beta2 (Build 3094)」Parallels Inc.

New featuresは以下の通り。
  • New! USB 2.0 support - "Plug and play" popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, and scanners, and use them at full native speed.
    • NOTE! Current Build 3094 doesn’t support isochronous devices such as web cameras, microphones, etc.
  • New! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC
  • New! Improved Coherence mode - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better! Now you can:
    • Place Windows applications on your Mac desktop or in your application dock. Just click to launch them directly from OS X!
    • Use Command+tab to cycle through Windows and Mac applications simultaneously, and “hide and show” Windows applications just like you would with Mac applications
    • View the Windows Command Console in Coherence mode
    • Use Coherence in Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP and Windows Vista!
  • Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. Beta2's Boot Camp support includes:
    • Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions
    • Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!
    • No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments
    • IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.
    • VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in Beta2 (build 3094).
  • New! Parallels Transporter Beta2 bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines! Learn more about Parallels Transporter Beta2 >>
    • IMPORTANT! Beta1 users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Parallels Transporter in Beta2. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data
  • New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever
  • True "Drag and Drop" functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa
  • Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac
  • Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance
  • One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine
  • Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application
  • Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size
  • Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!
  • Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying “wait 5-10 seconds” message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!
  • Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces
  • Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode
なんだか知らないうちにBoot Campとの相性が向上しているみたいですね。Boot CampでもParallels Desktopでも同じバーチャルマシンを使えれば、非常に使い勝手がよくなると思います

# 「思います」ってのはつまり、未だにIntel Macに移行していないので試すことさえ出来ていないということ…


Intel MacでWindows (31)

2006-11-21 12:58:04 | Windows on IntelMac
Parallels Desktop for Mac上のWindowsバーチャルマシンで印刷したいのにどうにもプリンターに繋がらなくてお困りのあなたへ、The Official Parallels Virtualization Blogから朗報です。

Using Bonjour to print in a Windows VM」The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog

ま、要はWindows用のBonjourを使え!ってことなのですが、きちんとインストラクションまで掲載してありますので、Windows VM空の印刷でお困りの皆様、是非ご覧ください。

1. Mac上でシステム環境設定を開き、「共有」をクリックして「プリンタ共有」のチェックボックスにチェックを入れてプリンタ共有を開始します。
2. Windows用Bonjourをここからダウンロード(14.2 MB)します。Mac OS Xでダウンロードして、「Parallels Shared Folder utility」でMac OS XとWIndows間のファイルを共有するか、「Shared Networking」をオンにしてWindows上で直接ダウンロードします。
3. Windows XPバーチャルマシンにWindows用Bonjourをインストールします。
4. 利用可能なデバイスリストから共有したいプリンタを選択します。
5. デバイスのドロップ・ダウン・リストから、このデバイスを設定するようにBonjourからいわれます。たいていは「generic postscript」でうまくいきますが、そのプリンタの設定ファイルを選ぶことも出来ます。
6. 書類を開いてプリントしてみてください。ドロップ・ダウン・リストに設定したプリンタが現れるはずです。

なお、これで出来ない場合には、本ブログではなく、Parallels Inc.の方へ直接お問い合わせください。こちらは代理店でもなんでもございませんのであしからず

Intel MacでWindows (30)

2006-11-02 08:55:09 | Windows on IntelMac
Parallels Inc.のオフィシャルブログに面白いことが…

Installing Windows on a Mac is now Easier than Installing Windows on a PC!」 The Official Parallels Virtualization Blog

なんでも、通常のPCにインストールするよりもParallels Desktop for MacでWindowsをインストールする方が簡単なんだとか。ブログによれば、その手順は以下の通り。
  1. Click the "Install OS" button on the main configuration screen and select "Express Windows Installation".
    メイン環境設定画面で「Install OS」ボタンをクリックし、「Express Windows Installation」を選択する。
  2. Select which version of Windows - XP or Vista - you'd like to install.
    インストールしたいWindowsのバージョン -XPかVistaか- を選択する。
  3. Enter your personal information and Windows Product Key and click "Finish".
    個人情報とWindows Product Keyを入力し、「Finish」をクリックする。

未だにPPC G5な私には試す術さえありませんが、ちょうど昨日、職場のPCセットアップをしていて、プレインストールのWindowsでも1時間以上も時間を取られたのを思い出しました。ま、かなりの時間をアップデートに取られたんですけどね…


Parallels Makes Installing Windows on a Mac Easier than Installing Windows on a PC, Simplifies Connecting Virtual Machines to the Internet」Parallels Inc.
Parallels、「Windows一発インストール機能」をMac版仮想化ソフトで提供」ITmedia News

  • New! Installation Assislant built-in tool included. Click here to learn more...
  • New! Shared Networking
  • Works on ANY Intel-Mac with ANY memory configuration with no system modification. This includes Mac Pro towers with up to 16GB of RAM, and the full line of Core 2 Duo iMacs
  • New! Compatibility with developer build of Mac OS X 10.5, code-named “Leopard”
  • New! Support for Windows Vista
  • Solaris guest OS no longer hangs after suspend/resume
  • An improved Parallels Tools package
  • Full support for OpenBSD 3.8 as a guest operating system
  • G4U hard disk cloning tool now works in virtual machines
  • Better video output improvement and acceleration
  • Added multi interface USB devices support (including Windows Mobile 2005 devices)
  • Added isochronous USB devices support (including WebCam devices)
  • Keyboard support improvement: Eject CD key support, left/right Shift/Ctrl/Alt (Option)/Windows keys difference support
  • Added virtual disk cache policy option: Mac OS X performance optimized or guest OS performance optimized
  • Image Tool fixes
  • Optimized disk cache policy for Suspend/Resume feature
  • Windows ME Suspend/Resume fix
  • Shared Folders first time access acceleration
  • Clipboard synchronization tool fixes (unreadable symbols sometimes added during copy and paste)
  • Sound playback and recording improvement


Download Parallels Desktop for Mac」Parallels Inc.