私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第七段落

2020-01-01 11:37:08 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Religion and literature




I am convinced that we fail to realize how completely, and yet how irrationally, we separate our literary from our religious judgement. If there could be a complete separation, perhaps it might not matter: but the separation is not, and never can be, complete. If we exemplify literature by novel-for the novel is he form in which literature affects the greatest number―we may remark this gradual secularization of literature during at least the last three hundred years: Bunyan, and to some extent Defoe, had moral purpose: the former is beyond suspicion, the latter may be suspect. But since Defoe the secularization of the novel has been continuous. There have been three chief phases. In the first, the novel took the Faith, in its contemporary version, for granted, and omitted it from its picture of life. Fielding, Dickens and Thackeray belong to this phase. In the second, it doubted, worried about, contested the Faith. To this phase belong George Elliot, George Meredith and Thomas Hardy. The third phase, in which we are living, belong nearly all contemporary novelist except Mr. James Joyce. It is the phase of those who have never heard the Christian Faith spoken of as anything but an anachronism.
