私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第六段落

2019-12-30 08:05:00 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Religion and Literature



I repeat that when I am considering religion and Literature, I speak of these things only to make clear that I am not concerned primarily with Religious and Literature. I am concerned with what should be the relation between religion and all Literature. The third type of ‘religious and literature’ may be more quickly passed over. I mean the literary works of men who are sincerely desirous of forwarding the cause of religion: that which may come under the heading of Propaganda. I am thinking, of course, of such delightful fiction as Mr. Chesterton’s Man Who Was Thursday, or his Father Brown. No one admired and enjoys these things more than I do; I would only remark that when the same effect is aimed at by zealous persons of less talent than Mr. Chesterton the effect is negative. But my point is that such writings do not enter into any serious consideration od the relation of Religion and Literature: because they are conscious operations in a world in which it is assumed that Religion and Literature are not related. It is a conscious and limited relating. What I want is a literature which should be unconsciously rather than deliberately and defiantly, Christian: because the work of Mr. Chesterton has its point from appearing in a world which is definitely not Christian.
