私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第十一段落

2020-01-09 10:43:53 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature



 *バルザック〔Honore de Balzac/1799-1850〕

It is simply not true that works of fiction, prose or verse, that is to say works depicting the actions, thoughts and words and passions of imaginary human beings, directly extend our knowledge of life. Direct knowledge of life is directly in relation to ourselves, it is our knowledge of how people behave in general, of what they are like in general, in so far as that part of life in which we ourselves have participated gives us material for generalization. Knowledge of life obtained through fiction id only possible by another stage of self-consciousness. That is to say, it can only be a knowledge of other people’s knowledge of life, not of life itself. So far as we are taken up with the happenings in any novel in the same way in which we are taken up with what happens under our eyes, we are acquiring at least as much falsehood as truth. But when we are developed enough to say ‘This is the view of life of a person who was good observer within his limits, Dickens, or Thackeray, or George Elliot, or Balzac; but he looked at it in a different way from me, because he was different man; he even selected rather different things to look at, or the same things in a different order of importance, because he was a different man; so what I as looking at is the world as seen by a particular mind’-then we are in a position to gain something from reading fiction. We are learning something about life from these authors direct, just as we learn something from the reading of history direct; but these authors are only really helping us when we can see, and allow for, their differences from ourselves.
