私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第十二段落

2020-01-10 22:12:41 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature



 *エマーソン〔Ralph Waldo Emerson/1803-1882〕アメリカの詩人・思想家。『自然論』『エッセーズ』
*カーライル〔Thomas Carlyle/1795-1881〕イギリスの評論家・歴史家。『衣裳哲学』『フランス革命史』

Now what we get, as we gradually grow up and read more and more, and read a greater diversity of authors, is a variety of views of life. But what people commonly assume, I suspect, is that we gain this experience of other men’s views of life only by ‘improving reading’. This, it is supposed, is a reward we get by applying ourselves to Shakespeare, and Dante, and Goethe, and Emerson, and Carlyle, and dozens of other respectable writers. The rest of our reading for amusement is merely killing time. But I incline to come to the alarming conclusion that it is just the literature that we read for ‘amusement’, or ‘purely for pleasure’ that may have the greatest and least suspected influence upon us. It is the literature which we read with the least effort that can have the easiest and most insidious influence upon us. Hence it is that the influence of popular novelists, and of popular plays of contemporary life, requires to be scrutinized most closely. And it is chiefly contemporary literature that the majority of people ever read in this attitude of ‘purely for pleasure’, of pure passivity.
