


2005年08月31日 | 宇宙船



これは毎日新聞平成6年9月に載った短い記事に「熱気球、民家に不時着 日本海横断飛行 強風に流され下関」の見出しに「着陸に失敗、民家の屋根に激突した韓国チームの熱気球」の説明つき5段写真。

読売は「熱気球アベック 釜山ー山口の日本海横断 着陸はトラブル 日本チーム1人けが」の5段見出しに写真2枚。
朝日は「朝鮮海峡こえてきて 熱気球着陸失敗しけが」。




◇Message from the CEOThe last few months have been truly exciting times at Space Adventures. We have had major announcments regarding our lunar, orbital, and suborbital spaceflight programs. In July we announced the opening of our Suborbital Vehicle and Spaceport Development office in Florida with Governer Jeb Bush, and also in July, Greg Olsen, Ph.D. was confirmed to the Soyuz TMA-7 crew.
Earlier this month, we announced a private voyage to the moon which we have named DSE-Alpha, and we are very pleased with the positive media attention it has received all over the world in publications like, The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/10/science/space/10private.html), BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4139212.stm), CNN, (http://www.cnn.com/2005/TRAVEL/08/10/moon.travel.ap/index.html) and The Economist (http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4269835).

In addition to these exciting milestones, we have continued to provide spaceflight training experiences to customers including, supersonic jet flights, zero gravity flights, and astronaut training programs. If you have any questions about how you can participate in one of these programs, I encourage you to contact us today.Best Regards,Eric AndersonPresident & CEOSpace Adventures LTD.
8/10/2005 - Space Adventures Offers Private Voyage to the Moon (http://www.deepspaceexpeditions.com/section5-press.html)Space Adventures announced the availability of a commercial spaceflight to the far side of the moon.
7/27/2005 - Space Adventures' Orbital Spaceflight Candidate, Greg Olsen, Confirmed to the Soyuz TMA-7 Crew (http://www.spaceadventures.com/media/releases/2005-07/273) American technology entrepreneur Gregory Olsen, Ph.D. has been confirmed to the Soyuz TMA-7 crew which is currently planned for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) on October 1 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
7/18/2005 - Governor Bush and Space Adventures Announce the Opening of a Suborbital Vehicle and Spaceport Development Office (http://www.spaceadventures.com/media/releases/2005-07/271) "Florida has proudly championed our nation's space industry from the very beginning, and we are determined to remain a vital player as we enter into this new era of space exploration," said Governor Jeb Bush.
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