English Collection



2013年02月18日 | 英語学習
内村鑑三のRepresentative Men of Japanを読んでいます。西郷隆盛についての記述から引用します。
Thus we see that the Japanese Revolution of 1868, like all healthful and permanent revolutions, had its origin in righteousness and God-made necessity. The land that had been obstinately closed against greed, opened itself freely toward justice and equity. Self-sacrifice of the rarest kind, based upon a voice from the innermost depth of soul, did fling open its doors to the world. They therefore sin against the height of the heavens who seek self-aggrandizement in this nation, as do they also who mistake its high-calling, and allow it to be trampled by the mammon of this world.
最後に出てきた "mammon" は知らない単語なので調べます。
・Collins Dictionary:
1.riches or wealth regarded as a source of evil and corruption
2.avarice or greed
3. (New Testament) the personification of riches and greed in the form of a false god: The `dismal science "taught only materialism, the gospel of mammon.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: material wealth or possessions especially as having a debasing influence: you cannot serve God and mammon ? Matthew 6:24
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