English Collection


No bones about it

2013年12月12日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 11月号のSmart Animalsコーナーに、散歩で骨を見つけるのが好きな愛犬の話がありました。その記事からの抜粋です。
Suddenly I noticed that instead of sniffing and running all over the place as usual, she was walking at heel. In spite of my telling her she could go, she kept walking behind me. Ten minutes later, she was still at heel so I stopped and took a good look at her. That's when I found she had a bone in her mouth. She had decided that I wouldn't see it if she walked alongside me where I could just see the top of her head. "walking at heel" の表現は知りませんでしたが、"walking behind me" が後に出ているので、同じ意味だと分かります。骨を拾って口にくわえていると飼い主から取り上げられることがこれまでの経験で分かっているので、骨を見つけた後は飼い主の後ろを歩くようにした賢い犬の話でした。
ところでこの記事のタイトルは "No bones about it" となっていましたが、これはどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
"make no bones about something" と言う慣用句がある事が分かりました。その意味は:
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not to try to hide your feelings: He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to say clearly what you think or feel although you may embarrass or offend someone He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service in the hotel.: She makes no bones about wanting John to leave.
・UsingEnglish.com: If somebody make no bones about a scandal in their past, they are open and honest about it and show no shame or embarrassment.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to make no mistake (about it); no need to doubt it; absolutely. This is the greatest cake I've ever eaten. Make no bones about it.: Make no bones about it, Mary is a great singer.
RDの記事に出てきたSmart Dogがしようとした事とは反対の意味ですが、"bone" の話だったので、一種の洒落でしょう。
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