English Collection


eidetic imagery

2014年08月28日 | 英語学習

Reader's Digestの7月号がそろそろ借りれる頃なのですが、まだなのでUnderstand Psychologyを読んでいます。また興味のある単語が出てきました。
Children tend to use iconic imagery a great deal. They remember what things looked like, very cleary and, sometimes, even photographically. About one in ten children have eidetic imagery - visual memories that are so clear that they are almost photographic. But this usuary disappear with puberty, and the number of adults with eidetic memory is estimated to be less than one in 10,000.
"eidetic" は visualとかphotographicと関係があるようですが、辞書の説明を見ます。 ・Oxford English Dictionary: Relating to or denoting mental images having unusual vividness and detail, as if actually visible.: ‘Many of those exceptional individuals who retained the ‘photographic’ or eidetic memory that is common in children but rare in adults, have had their lives blighted by their inability to forget unimportant details.’

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