English Collection


give a little start

2023年05月22日 | 英単語
W. Somerset Maughamの "The Moon and Sixpence" を読んでいます。 'XXVII' の章から引用します。

He gave a little start, and then smiled, but his smile was rueful.
'Shall I get rid of Strickland for you?' I asked.
He gave a little start, and his shinning face grew very red.
'No, You'd better not do anything.'

"gave a little start" の意味を "give a start" で辞書に載っているか調べました。

・TheFree Dictionary: To startle or frighten one.: That loud noise sure gave us all a start.
・Macmillan Dictionary: a sudden movement that you make because you are surprised or afraid: She gave a nervous start as the door suddenly opened.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to move suddenly and quickly from surprise or fright : to jump: She gave a start when he tapped her on the shoulder.


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