English Collection



2012年04月13日 | 英語学習

今日は麻布のIrish Ambassador's Residenceで開かれたASJ 4月例会のゲストスピーカーを紹介する文にあった単語を覚えたいと思います。 但し引用する個所は演題の詩人についての記述です。
The Irish poet James Cousins (1873-1956), an important contributor to the early Irish theatre in Dublin, spent the second half of his life in India, where he and his redoubtable wife Margaret, a suffragette, played a significant role in education and the arts. At the instigation of the Japanese poet Yone Noguchi and the Indian poet Srojini Naidu, James Cousins was invited to Japan in 1919-20 as a Professor of English Literatrue at Keio Gijuku University in Tokyo.
文学特に詩と古文が大の苦手な私には余り興味のない話題で、James Cousinsの名前はもちろん全く知りませんでしたが、会場を提供して下さったアイルランド大使ですらこの詩人を知らなかったとの話だったので安心しました。
私の関心はもっぱら "redoubtable wife" の "redoubtable" の意味です。 "suffragette" ("suffrage" をサポートする婦人である事は推測できる)とあるので、優しいとか上品とは関係がない事の想像は付きます。意味を辞書で確認します。
・Collins English Dictionary: 1.to be feared; formidable 2.worthy of respect: Not only do the economies of scale erect redoubtable entry-barriers, it also gives cost leadership to key Tata companies.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: very strong, especially in character; producing respect and a little fear in others: Tonight Villiers faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.
・Vocabulary.com: Redoubtable means honorable, maybe even intimidatingly so. If your grandmother worked tirelessly to raise four kids on her own and start her own taxi cab business and to this day, keeps all of her cabbies in line, she is without a doubt redoubtable
"redoubtable wife" は "to be feared; formidable" とも "worthy of respect" とも取れるところがミソかな?

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