English Collection



2012年04月20日 | 英語学習
NUDGE by R. H.Thaler and C. R. SusteinのImproving School Choiceの章を読んでいます。
When parents pick schools, status quo bias plays a big role. The neighborhood school that one knows, failing or not, may be preferable to the unknown school half an hour away. In any case, the Byzantine nature of collecting and distributing school data makes it difficult for parents to think through their options.
"the Byzantine nature" がいきなり出てきて、これは何? ビザンチン帝国・時代と何の関係があるの?
・Macmillan Dictionary: complicated and difficult to understand: the byzantine power structure of the old department
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: often not capitalized a : of, relating to, or characterized by a devious and usually surreptitious manner of operation: a Byzantine power struggle b : intricately involved : labyrinthine: rules of Byzantine complexity
・Vocabulary.com: highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious: “the Byzantine tax structure”; "Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship”
・Online Etymology: originally used of art style; later in reference to the complex, devious, and intriguing character of the royal court of Constantinople.
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