English Collection


life of Riley

2009年08月03日 | 英語学習
リーダーズダイジェスト6月号に 'Where did the expression "Life of Riley" come from?' なる読者からの質問がありました。
"Life of Riley" の語源より、この表現自体も初耳なので直ぐに辞書を見ました。
Dictionary.com: a carefree, comfortable, and thoroughly enjoyable way of living: Since winning the lottery, he's led the life of Riley.
Wiktionary: An ideal life of carefree prosperity and contentment.
American Herritage Dictionary: Also, life of Reilly. An easy life, as in Peter had enough money to take off the rest of the year and live the life of Riley. This phrase originated in a popular song of the 1880s, "Is That Mr. Reilly?" by Pat Rooney, which described what its hero would do if he suddenly came into a fortune.
たしかにあこがれる生活ですね。 理想的な生活かどうかは別としても。
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