Dr. Jason's blog

IT, Engineering, Energy, Environment and Management


2005-12-26 | Environment
  2006/11/26のblog の続編.

 米国のEnvironmental Protection Agency : EPA (環境保護庁)や,Food and Drug Administration : FDA (食品医薬品管理局)は,日本で言えば,環境省や厚生労働省の厚生省部分に当たる官庁である.


 現在の EPA 長官と副長官の経歴:
 ( http://www.epa.gov/adminweb/administrator/biography.htm 等より)

 Stephen L. Johnson
 Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
 ...He received a B.A. in Biology from Taylor University in Indiana and
 an M.S. in Pathology from George Washington University, Washington, DC.

 Marcus C. Peacock
 Deputy Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
 Mr. Peacock holds a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial and systems
 engineering from the University of Southern California, and a Master of
 Public Policy degree from Harvard University.

 現在の FDA 局長の経歴:
 ( http://www.cancer.gov/directorscorner/about-the-director
  http://www.fda.gov/oc/commissioners/default.htm より)

 Andrew C. von Eschenbach
 Commisioner of Food and Drug Administration
 (Director of the National Cancer Institute )
 Dr. von Eschenbach earned a B.S. from St. Joseph's University in   
 Philadelphia in 1963 and his medical degree from Georgetown University  
 School of Medicine in 1967.


 Deputy Commissioner for Policy
 Scott Gottlieb, M.D.

 Deputy Commissioner for Operations
 Janet Woodcock, M.D.

 Deputy Commissioner for International and Special Programs
 Murray M. Lumpkin, M.D.

 歴代の FDA 局長のリストをみると,1950年代以降はそのほとんどが,医師か博士号所持者である.

 Lester M. Crawford, D.V.M., Ph.D.
 7/18/2005 - 9/23/2005

 Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D
 11/14/2002 - 3/26/2004

 Jane E. Henney, M.D.
 1/17/99 - 1/19/2001

 David A. Kessler, M.D.
 11/8/1990 - 2/28/1997

 Frank E. Young, MD, Ph.D.
 7/15/1984 - 12/17/1989

 Arthur H. Hayes, M.D.
 4/13/1981 - 9/11/1983

 Jere E. Goyan, Ph.D.
 10/21/1979 - 1/20/1981

 Donald Kennedy, Ph.D.
 4/4/1977 - 6/30/1979

 Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D.
 7/20/1973 - 11/30/1976

 Charles C. Edwards, M.D.
 12/13/1969 - 3/15/1973

 Herbert L. Ley, Jr., M.D.
 7/1/1968 - 12/12/1969

 James L. Goddard, M.D.
 1/17/1966 - 7/1/1968

 George P. Larrick
 8/12/1954 - 12/27/1965

 Charles W. Crawford
 6/1/1951 - 7/31/1954

 Paul B. Dunbar, Ph.D.
 5/6/1944 - 5/31/1951

 Walter G. Campbell 
 7/16/1921 - 6/30/1924 &
 7/1/1927 - 4/30/1944

 Charles A. Browne
 7/1/1924 - 6/30/1927

 Carl L. Alsberg, M.D.
 12/16/1912 - 7/15/1921

 Harvey W. Wiley, M.D.
 1/1/1907 - 3/15/1912
 日本でも,医師から国会議員になった人が厚生大臣をしていた例はあるが,厚生労働事務次官,審議官,医薬食品局長等の官僚の幹部が,"Dr." が当たり前という話しはあまりきかない.
 現在の厚生省の幹部をざっと調べたところ(全員を調べたわけではない),黒川達夫 審議官(医薬担当)が,薬学博士であった.

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