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Gangster State Capitalism

2020-06-07 16:44:33 | 翻訳記事 Translation

The greedy capitalist economy that started in the US has also commodified discrimination.

If you realize that, you either think discrimination is ridiculous or you're trying to make money off of it. Do you think.

Whichever one you choose will determine whether humanity's first war will end or the continuation of war and terrorism as it has always been.

If it's the latter, then only the wealthy 1% who don't go to the battlefield will rule the world.








Gangster State Capitalism

Paul Craig Roberts


Democracy is touted, but everywhere in the Western World the traditional ethnicities feel powerless and unable to affect how they are governed. Dissent is censored by the ruling elites who have in place powerful means to control explanations and to implement agendas that the people do not support.  

Capitalism, no longer productive, has turned to looting. Privatization is the method.  First it was third world countries that were looted. Then the weaker first world countries such as Greece, which lost its municipal water companies and ports. Real estate speculators made a grab for the country’s protected islands. Now it is the public sectors of the First World countries that are being looted. Regulations that protect the environment are ignored or withdrawn so that private firms can plunder national forests and mine wildlife refuges. Valuable public assets are sold at prices below value to well-connected elites. For example, the British post office was sold to a private company at a fraction of the value of the properties it owned. France sold off its public companies. New private firms are created, the revenues of which come entirely from public budgets.  The number of private businesses today whose only revenues come from some government’s budget is stunning. 

The examples of politicians creating private businesses for politically-connected people by assigning the provision of various government services to private companies is endless. The state of Florida has contracted out to a private firm the issuance of new vehicle license tags. Will driver’s licenses be next? Soldiers no longer perform guard duty or KP.  The army is fed and guarded by private contractors. 

The claim is always made that it is less costly and saves taxpayers money to rely on the private sector, but it always costs much more. Individuals working for private military contractors, for example, earn between $9,000 and $22,500 per month. If the person is working abroad, $104,100 of his earnings are tax free under the IRS foreign earned income inclusion. A soldier earns $1,468 a month.  A captain’s pay is $4,952.

In the US traditional government functions are being turned over to newly created “private” companies that have no customers but the government.  Soon the US government will be merely a revenue collector that hands out money to private firms.

Private billionaires will have superseded the government just as in the feudal age Dukes, earls, and barons superseded the king.

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