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Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?

2024-05-18 07:31:05 | 翻訳記事 Translation


Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?




She is the only candidate who has pledged not to go to war, but since no media outlet will report it, I will put it here.





Slovak Prime Minister Shot Tried to Investigate Organ Trafficking by West  

 COVID-19 fiasco, including declaring he would block arms transfers to the Ukrainian government, opposing the "COVID-19 (2019 - coronavirus infection) vaccine" and strengthening the powers of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the cozy relationship between European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer It is not surprising that a man who is preparing to investigate the money behind the COVID-19 scandal, including the cozy relationship between European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer, would be viewed as an enemy by those who run the U.S.-centered ruling system. It is no wonder that Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizzo is viewed as a danger by the Western ruling class, and that his life is in danger.

 Moves to overthrow the Ukrainian regime and incorporate it into the U.S. "turf" began shortly before the Soviet Union's demise in December 1991. Such moves led to the coup d'état of November 2013-February 2014, engineered by the Barack Obama administration. Even before that, the U.S. Department of Defense had been conducting research and development of biological weapons in Ukraine, but this was spurred after the coup and the country became a money laundering hub; after Russia struck back in February 2022, human trafficking and organ trafficking with Western clients became hot topics in Ukraine.

 After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the West moved to dismantle the former Soviet bloc, and when the U.S. Secretary of State was replaced by Madeline Albright from Warren Christopher in 1997, it began moving toward a military invasion of Yugoslavia. Hillary Clinton, who was close to Albright, had persuaded her husband, President Bill Clinton, to attack Yugoslavia.

 Albright announced her support for bombing Yugoslavia in the fall of 1998, and from March to June 1999, NATO forces bombed Yugoslavia, including Slobodan Milosevic's home in April and the Chinese embassy in May. Of course, many civilians were killed and buildings destroyed in these attacks. It was nothing more than a war of aggression. Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic announced plans to withdraw from Kosovo at the end of October 1998, trying to avoid war, but to no avail.

 The KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), which the U.S. had installed as the protagonist of "Kosovo independence," was also said to be a drug dealer, but Carla Del Ponte, a prosecutor at the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, wrote her own book (Chuck Sudetic, Carla Del Ponte, "La caccia: Io e i criminali di guerra," Feltrinelli, 2008), mentions organ trafficking by the KLA. It is reported that Israel was the destination for the organs being sold. At the time of the ongoing fighting in Kosovo, KLA leaders were removing and selling organs from about 300 Serbian prisoners of war in "fresh" condition, that is, from living human beings.

 The story is recounted in a 2010 report to the EU by Swiss investigator Dick Marty, a member of the Council of Europe's PACE (Parliamentary Assembly Council), that KLA leaders were kidnapping Serbs and selling their organs on the black market. The report states that the KLA was involved in the It is also alleged that they were removing the kidneys of prisoners of war and selling them through Albania in an organ transplant network. It is also reported that these Kosovo traders entered Ukraine and began doing business there.


 Earlier, in 2006, an aircraft heading from Kosovo to Slovakia crashed. On board the plane were 40 Slovaks who had completed their NATO peacekeeping duties and were also carrying evidence of suspected organ trafficking that had been unearthed in a mass grave in Kosovo where Serbs were buried. Many of the victims are believed to have had their organs removed and taken by Albanian traffickers. The Slovak team had given the evidence to NATO, but in case it was kept in the dark, they tried to bring back another set. The witnesses and evidence disappeared when the plane crashed.

 As evidence emerged that the crash was caused by an explosion from an explosive device planted on board the plane, the Slovak parliament launched an investigation into the crash, which Prime Minister Fitzo said he supported.

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