


2012-06-14 | 抗菌薬・関連薬剤
Voriconazole drug monitoring in the management of invasive fungal
infection in immunocompromised children: a prospective study
Pere Soler-Palacı et al
J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67: 700–706

・ボリコナゾールはアスペルギルス症のfirst choiceである。
・小児(18歳未満)の侵襲性真菌感染症をもちボリコナゾールで治療された全ての人(August 2008 and May 2010 )
・定義:definitions of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections
・投与はガイドラインに従う。follows: (i) a 50% increase in daily dose in patients with
pre-dose plasma concentrations ,1 mg/L; (ii) an interval of administration
adjustment from twice to three times a day in patients who
undergo repeated 50% increases without reaching the therapeutic
range; and (iii) discontinuation of voriconazole administration for 1 day
in patients with pre-dose plasma concentrations .5.5 mg/L or adverse
events related to voriconazole, followed by a 50% decrease in daily
dose once the plasma concentration was found to be in the therapeutic
range.8 CYP2C19 polymorphism was not assessed in this study.

・結果の定義:EORTC/MSG definitions were used.23 As noted above, only patients with
proven or probable IFI were included in the efficacy analysis. Response
to voriconazole was categorized into complete response (CR), partial response
(PR) or stable disease (SD), progression of disease (PD) and
death. Outcomes were analysed at two moments: (i) early outcome
(Outcome 1), at 6 weeks of antifungal therapy in invasive filamentous
fungal infection and at 4 weeks in invasive candidiasis; and (ii) late
outcome (Outcome 2), at 12 weeks of antifungal therapy in all types of

Study population
30名がinclude(median age 10 years, range 1 month–17 years),53%が男性で70%白人。
30人のvoriconazoleで治療を受けた患者の内、19名が確定又はIFIの疑いで、5名で好中球減少症であった。19名中15名は併用の抗真菌薬と治療されておりechinocandinsが8名、amphotericin Bが11名(何人かは重複)
主な感染巣は肺(37%), 17%で播腫性であった。

・196のvoriconazole トラフレベルが得られ、46%が静脈ボリコナゾール使用群から得られた。88(50%)は1mg/l以下であり、14(7%)は5.5mg/l以上であった。73%で量調整の必要性を認めた。ボリコナゾールの血中レベルは量と有意に相関した。

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