It’s nice to paint with our hands! (Grade 1)

2013年01月18日 16時00分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


In this activity we paint using liquid clay on our fingers and hands.

“It’s all wet…”

“It’s cold…”

Students said as they mixed the paint in with the liquid clay.

This activity’s name was something like “Let’s have some fun!”, but I was worried that it was only really fun for me.


As I turned and saw the students putting paint onto paper,

“It’s interesting!”

“It’s fun!”

“It’s good, it’s good!”

Excited voices said. They were having fun.

Your fingers look like this!

“It’s a little like a bandage..”

Some people tell me.


I feel the way to paint has been changed by using our hands.

People experiment in their own way.

 “Teacher, I’m getting hot..”

People started to say.

 I went to put more colour in the middle.

“Pass me that colour!”

 “Alright! Let’s swap!”

Some people’s hands were totally covered in paint.

Some people carefully used different colours and still had quite clean hands.

Someone has been using their wrist!!

And even using their elbow!!

Some people try to make a drawing.

People worked hard for an hour on their work.

